Growing Old Is A Privilege!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #quote7 years ago (edited)

This image touched me deeply when it popped up in one of my social platform feeds this morning and I feel to share such important message with you in a short post.

This quote is a very powerful statement, especially the last line and we all should remember!


Image source from Pinterest

Nearly everyday, I have to tell these strong words to my mother, soon to be 93 . Sometimes she gets so frustrated, not being able to move so well.

Love, respect and understand your elders !


“Inside, we are ageless and when we talk to ourselves, it’s the same age of the person we were talking to when we were little. It’s the body that is changing around that ageless centre."

Follow @mammasitta

100% Power Up!

Post with @esteemapp


I love eastern cultures much better. This quote is not needed in Bali where I lived for many years.

My very young friend struggles with breast cancer and she posts her story. Our lives are so precious!

That's indeed a very powerful statement! It gives a nice positive swing to becoming older. I like that!

I face the problems with age every day looking at my mothers eyes but I am learning to accept it as the circle of life

it certainly is.. thanks for the reminder

Don't we need those reminders once in a while ? ❤️

I wish people could still live more years like before. I always wonder why people stopped growing older and is limited to a more or less 100 years old. Unlike Methuselah in the Bible who lived for 969 years. I think it's awesome if we can live a thousand years.

We might :) Our souls do for sure :)

“Inside, we are ageless and when we talk to ourselves, it’s the same age of the person we were talking to when we were little. It’s the body that is changing around that ageless center."

Yes. I'll remember @mammasitta! Thank you!

I dont regred geting older :)

It's a bit strange when you realize those numbers are getting a bit high 😜

I remeber the time my mom was at my age now :)

I bet she was and is still beautiful

For me will always be , its MY mom :)

I have the same feeling about mine. I always see her with the same eyes when she was young and strong, not so helpless as she is now.

This has been my mantra over the last couple weeks. I turn 40 this coming Sunday and for a while now, I've been mourning my youth. Now the meditation that I hold in my heart is that this life is such an incredible blessing and yes, indeed it's honor and a privilege to be here and to have lived this long and I hope that I'll be here for 40 more!

Nice to meet and follow you now. I wish you a wonderful 40's awesome years birthday. My Mom is 92 and she recently told me : "Silvie, You are 58 now and that means that life just started" She made me laugh! She also might be right :)

Awesome, thanks so much and I appreciate the follow! I'm new here and am just starting to be more active. I'm looking forward to getting to know people around here! Big love to you Mamacita!
Oh..and you may appreciate that back in the day, I had the nickname, Mariposa!

Mariposa like dead or alive, the butterfly 🦋That's a sweet spanish word.
I wish you lots of fun here and especially lots of patience! I look out for your articles

Growing old is physically painful but I love the larger window I've built for my world view!

Where and what is your pain?

My hormonal system started changing at 45 years old, my menses stopped at 55 years, I'm 57 this last January. I've noticed my body completely changes regarding its needs every ten years or so....the allopathic industry treats this as an illness, the fatigue, cognitive changes, joint and muscle pain, easy weight gain, bone density, anxiety graying of hair, eyesight changes, hearing and smell changed as well. My Dr wanted to give me pills that treat my symptoms rather than address the causes. Which I found out through research, trial and error, all my symptoms are related to lack of proper nutrients and chemicals in my environment that jack my endocrine system. My digestive system changed as well as my nutritional needs.

Probiotics like live culture fermented organic foods, iodine supplemts and selenium, mineral rich foods, cut out table sugar, caffeine, refined foods, upped natural fat content, sleep regularly with the help of 2 miles of daily walking, used my meditation techniques I've practiced for years to help me gain insight regarding the changes I'm going through and help keep me grounded seem to do the trick for making it through my 1st couple years were extremely painful because my gallbladder and pancrease get inflamed if I eat too much empty carbs, no wine either, that made me so sad, no eating anything after 5pm because I'll get migraines...the migraines were the worst! Hot flashes completely disapeared after cutting out table sugar, alcohol, and caffeine. I'm living like a freaking Saint now but my aches and pains have been reduced by 85%, I'm sleeping well, and I lost 50lbs! Oh my graying hair coming in darker now and my hair is really thick, my skin is not so thin and age spots are fading.

very interesting! We are pretty much in the same boat as well as many other women, especially after menopause which was a bitch for me ar 53, my body changed drasically as well and i still look like a 5 months pregnant. I faced all and finally feel stronger to deal with it. its a new experience preparing for my 60's in one more year. the gym is on every 2 days and it feels a bit better. hard damn work 😊🙀to stay healthy these days. ❤️your way sister !

It reall sucks, my body is high maintenance now, but changing my diet and exercise have saved me so much money, I'd be one sick grandma if I hadn't listened to my body. My moto is keep it I know why we can communicate so easily (hugs).

Sugar jacks the endocrine system. My belly fat dissolved really fast cutting out all refined sugars, from June to October of 2015, I reduced my calorie intake to an 8 hour window, I do well at 1600 calories as well. I don't measure or weigh my food but I know how much energy is in my servings, I eat Whole Foods and use little dishes....hehehe...

I also try to let go of sugar producing demons I like the most. I have issues my whole life to be disciplined, so it's hard but regular schedule for excerise starts paying off a little bit, my recent colonoskopy cleaned my colons it seems.
All overall I am dealing well with my age without Botox. I rather go for more tattoos 😊

I kind of like getting older in a weird way...

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