The Stream Network

in #psyop-contest7 years ago (edited)

It had started off a throwaway idea, a joke intended to get a few laughs from the others in the room and laugh they did. But quickly, the laughter died into quiet contemplation. What if?

The small room was filled with some of the most intelligent minds and they had worked together for a long, long time. They made up a think tank for all manner of things that played in the shadows, undercurrents that pushed from beneath to steer the flows of society, persuade them to act, or not, depending on the requirements.

Free to roam, free to act independently, free to chase their own endeavours of any kind as long as it didn't encroach on the big picture plays. This was rarely a problem though, as working with the current afforded much more return and bandwidth than fighting against it. The resources and opportunities at their disposal were near unlimited and together, they made up the 'Stream Network'

An innocuous name for an elegant solution that had manipulated markets, overthrown governments, installed dictators and destroyed countries. Every piece of life as we know it had been touched by their collective in some way although they themselves would never be visible. The SN was undetectable and even those in the highest reaches, did not know of their existence as a whole. Anyone that needed to know anything, only learned a fragment of what was and even that was too much to carry for many.

They had been tasked with a recent problem, a pet that had escaped its chains and now roamed free in the yard, aggressive and all consuming, strong like nothing had been before. The banks. They had now outstayed their welcome, they had overreached and bit the hand that feeds them, it was time for them to be put back in the kennel or put down as the case unfolded.

The concern was the reach they had, the global control at their fingertips that would react mercilessly if threatened. They knew this as they had used them many times before to pressure change or quash uprising. Money facilitates power and the banks were the treasury.

The attack would have to be subtle, undetectable until too late. They would have to have the institutions on their side until the final moment, one that would throw turmoil into the system and not only bring them to their knees to beg forgiveness but one that would reset the system and return balance.

It would be a Trojan horse infected with worms and they would take it in to their folds, take advantage of it and ride it through their compounds while spreading the disease that would consume them from the inside out. Not only that, they would willingly accept delivery and think it was their idea, that they were in control.

They would buy-in hook, line and sinker for in their power-drunk state and blinded by their insatiable greed, they would not see it possible. The arrogant are often also the ignorant and human nature was predictable, mathematical and they were trained to follow the numbers. They would think they had control.

But, like any mass movement it needed humble beginnings a genesis point where a protagonist would pit himself against their might and be dismissed as insignificant, worthless and useless. David vs Goliath, and the monster would turn his back and the stone block would come crashing down upon his head.

3 ...2 ...1 The block was laid. The Genesis block.

From this point it would spiral outwards, gathering momentum through back channels, fringe members of society, anarchists, dissenters, criminals, enemies of the state. It would continue its trajectory, gathering interest, building speed, getting mentioned wider and wider.

It would make the news, inspire new thinking and threaten the old. It would be heralded a saviour through its decentralisation, it would begin to represent freedom and attract an ever widening pool of people looking for autonomy and of course, anonymity.

It would promise a new world order to those tired and hungry after the beast had taken their meals, locked them into debt cycles and slavery enforced by their desire to have what is seen in the advertising the corporations drove down throats.

It would fragment and split, new forms would rise and fall, new currencies would come and go and without regulation, fear, uncertainty and doubt would keep the average person out, the waves of volatility would be too high to ride.

Once the trap was set and the ball in motion, the stream of underground societies would do the rest until the banks begin to take notice, begin to take an interest in the movement. They aren't one to let a trend lay untapped, they are the milkers, the collectors, the patient hodlers. And they will stack and stack until they control the table and people must beg them again for scraps.

They would invest wide, pump and dump small while slowly buying in the dips to buy-in to the large players, the investment coins. The ones that despite their lack of practical usage, keep getting pushed higher and higher into the stratosphere, new moon after moon in a near endless cycle of investment and divestment. one thousand, ten thousand, 100,000 a million....

There will be billionaires made in the process, many more will lose but it will ramp up and up until near the end, the banks hold it all, control it all, hoard it all. And then, the final adjustment will come.

3 ...2 ...1 The fire will start.

They will release the worms they had embedded, they will flood the market that they had controlled from the start. Pushing and pulling, inspiring and quashing, forking and scamming until all coins were theirs and all were carriers.

The burn would begin from that little room, the Stream Network, SN, Satoshi Nakamoto will start a blaze like no other. A financial meltdown never before seen, one that would tear it apart, strike a match and raze it to the ground.

And from the ashes, something new will rise. A new stream will begin.

[ a Steemit original ]

This is written for @v4vapid's competition. It is the first writing competition I have ever entered and only did so because it is an interesting topic to play around with. Of course, this is nothing more than a work of fiction to entertain the mind and perhaps give rise to some new ideas.

The contest link is here.


Great read mate.
I think some of our theories put forward in this contest may end up being closer to the truth than many would ever believe.
This one may be one of them.

Thanks :)
The truth is stranger than fiction as they say.

I really enjoyed this... seemed real at first..i have read many of you posts and it started with a similar feel...then kinda got surreal and i needed to question..wait, what is this...
open ended food for thought...easy to digest... when you take it in and start imagining some of the places it leads...makes you wonder whats gonna come out the other side.... kinda like a tasty burrito with lots of hot sauce.

I am glad you enjoyed it.

It is interesting for me to get out of comfort zones and explore areas I don't usually. When it comes to this particular topic, I am trying to ride waves and keep my head above the water at the same time as are many others. Many seem very confident in what will eventuate, I am on the fence.

Well worth the read as usual tarazkp. Really enjoyed this one, layers upon layers.

Well done, @tarazkp!

A very interesting, plausible story. I can only hope you're wrong... ;)



well, if they only burn Bitcoin, I wouldn't mind :D

Agreed! I think Bitcoin is overhyped, seeing as it is basically just a proof of concept, and there are so many more useful coins out there!

The burn may not happen like this, it may be an electrical fire at this rate instead ;)

You have me questioning my position sizing! Cheers!

stay away from the FUD ;)

Interesting and dark story. Good job, looking for more :)

great entry ! thoroughly enjoyed your story

This was a great short story. I'm going to have to resteem this one. I liked how it was shadowy and laid bare enough information to want me to know more about this group. Well done.

Wonderfull post i like it thanks for sharing.

Thanks, my friend, we always enjoyed your great articles

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