Are smart PHONES destroying smart COMMUNICATION?

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)
This is not going to be a rant against technology, this is going to be a rant against people. The technology is smart, we as people are sometimes really stupid with the use of it. There is so much potential here, such a big learning opportunity and what do we do? We play with it.

There is something sad about walking into a bar and seeing people sitting around a table, each person on their phone with no eye contact and no talking to each other. Only staring at the screens...

When I was younger and started going out and socializing, there were no cell phones. We would get together over coffee and talk to each other. We would look at each other while we were talking. Now and then, there would always be that one person who would grab a newspaper and start reading them.

This was, and always will be,
rude and impolite.

If you agreed to meet with me, I presume you wanted to enjoy my company, why aren't you? Maybe the news is more interesting than me? I am sure it is more interesting than you but you do not see me ignoring you in that horrible way, do you? This is because I have my manners, you obviously do not. Do you?

“Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners” Laurence Sterne

Call me crazy, but when my phone rings, I still say excume me before answering it while I am surrounded with other people. I do not even answer it always, I just put it on silence or block the call. If I am with you, then my attention should be on you.

Do you ignore people
and pay attention only to your screen?

I know there is a lot of stuff on your phone, maybe your entire life (which is a different kind of sad but we'll leave it be for now), and you get a new notification every minute from those 1000000 apps you have instaled on there, but... Have some common decency and look at me while I'm talking. Thank you.

Benefits of having a smartphone
are enormous.

There are a lot of benefits for you to use from smartphones. Modern technology is not bad, people are. I love my phone and I love all the things I can do with it. There is a huge learning and multitasking potential in that small device.

I like to read and often I read books and articles online. I like to learn so I take classes, and quizzes and learn languages on my phone. When I cook, I listen to audio books, and while I walk or exercise, I listen to music. I have an app for my period cycle, a scanner for documents, maps, alarms, an app for paying my bills, discord app, documents to go, workout trainer, MayMyFitness app, various messengers, an app for music, and an app for movies. My mail is on my phone and my google disk app is there, Iand can take great pictures with my phone too.

I am not against the use of smartphones.
I encourage the SMART use of SMARTphones.

Tell me about yourself. Are you one of those people that is always on the phone and ignoring the people around you or do you get irritated when someone else does it? What apps do you have and what benefits are there for you on the phone that you find important? Let me know in the comments below.

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I have to agree with you that the two sides to this "convenience" are more apparent every day. Back when I was single, I often went to the grocery store late at night. Our stores here were open 24 hours a day. It was cool at night. I enjoyed the drive. I could shop when the stores weren't noisy and crowded. I'm a night-person anyway ... and it was a great way to run my life. Not just less stress but actual enjoyment of the experience. The fact that I had a cell phone I could use "in emergencies" made life great. If I had a flat tire or some weirdo started following me, I at least had the illusion I could call for help. I was not at the mercy of Fate.

But I finally ended a friendship with a woman who could not have dinner with me for less than an hour without answering her cell phone three or four times during the meal. Our conversation ground to a halt whenever her cell phone rang ... and finally I decided enough was enough.

No drama. No blow-up. No resentful confrontation. It was just clear to me where her priorities were ... so I was always, "Sorry, I'm busy that night, I'll get back to you" when she would call and suggest dinner. After a couple of those, we never spoke again. No problem.

That is how I ended most of my relationships with people too, no drama, never with drama. And I have one ex-friend that was just like yours and I ended it just like you :)

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This is a post for me right now. Trying to work on myself though.
Social media especially which is supposed to bring people together is destroying primitive human relations. It gives you the feeling of being close to someone, but then you realize you never get to spend any time together but online.

I am glad this post made you think about yourself, that is always good. I wish you all the strength and luck in your work on yourself 💚

When we go out I am a hawk of a family, so no time for any redundant internet activities. My smartphone is buried so deep in my bag that we need a magical compass to find it.

hihihihi, I think that is a very good thing, not bad at all :)

Mislim da je telefon dobar sluga al los gospodar. :)

Odlično rečeno! 💚

Same with you. I get irritated when people outrightly ignore me and just dwell in his handphone or worse still just playing games ALL the time, while I am trying to gst his or her attention. To me is..."then what for we eat together?"

I do hope there will be more smart people using smart phone. My no.1 app that i used frequently is my notebook. Because I have so many things to do yet my brain is limited, I jot down practically everything.

Alarm of course.

And calender and calculator. haha.

notebook can be very useful, I know what you mean :)


I don't take out my phone when I am face to face with anybody. I had a special ring for my mother and since she's gone I just don't answer. Don't take it personal, it'll wait.

I do love my phone. I have a bird id and plant id app and a 'night sky' app that I probably use most often.

I occasionally go out with my brother. When he's meeting a group he has a rule. The first half hour you can use your phone to text people that aren't there. Then the next person that brings out a phone buys the next round. Works pretty good in my opinion.

Thanks for a great question. I appreciate it.

That is a very funny and smart rule!

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I completely agree with what you are saying, we had some guests come to see us, one of the younger ones sat on his phone playing a game while we were talking, had he of been 8 or 9 I would understand but he was 21. Playing a game and then his grandad hit him across the head and told him to put his phone away. Good to see those old fashioned morals come into play.

Hahahaha, got to love grandfathers :D

hahahahahahaha 21!!!! LOL Grandpa had the right idea LOL

Each time I take the metro I am sad to see that everyone is looking at their phones, as if they are plugged into a different reality. People got addicted to this gadget!

Yeah, people get addicted fast if they are not careful

The smart use of smart phones!

But - i admit - I get sucked into it sooooooo quickly! My middle son doesn't care about his phone... so he is usually sitting there without a distraction and it makes me very conscious of my phone! So he's my encouragment to put it away! hehehehehe (usually the mom reminding the son.... but in this case - flipped)

your bitmojis are always so perfectly chosen! LOOLOL

You have such a great encouragement, he is a smart boy 💚 I am glad you like my bitmojis like I do hihihi

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