Subjectivity is Essential For Our Success

in #psychology8 years ago


 SUBJECTIVITY , This one word carries an entire goldmine of meaning. The idea that nothing truly is good or bad, and that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

The mere concept behind the word could be applied to anything and everything. Its influence is of a global scale. Insects, for example. Almost viewed by everyone as perpetual nuisances, but can we really deem their existence worthless and repugnant when they in fact play a vital role in the food chain ?

 Let me provide a more personal example, back in my school days , I was a diehard perfectionist . everything I did , I attempted to do with the utmost effort and perseverance. I was your textbook straight –A student. 

And I viewed my constant strive towards success an unparalleled gift. As I got older though, as studies got more and more cumbersome, the stress started to weigh on me like a ton of bricks. The grades I got for my first semester  at high school was comparatively sloppy compared to previous ones.

 I was so distraught, even though there were several people who were much worse off than me , I felt like the biggest loser among my peers. One day, one of my teacher noticed my pitiful state of self deprecation and told me “Everyone has their own poison”  It took a while for me to get what she meant , but when I figured it out , I felt considerably uplifted. 

I realized my perfectionism was my poison. The fact that I was caught up on achieving everything and reaching to the very top was the source of all my stress. After this experience, I still stuck to my principles somewhat, but I allowed room for more SELF relief. I began focusing on other activities to relieve my stress. Who cares if it shaved off a few minutes of my study time ?

 It was worth it. 

What I am trying to say , is that no matter how highly you hold yourself on a pedestal , no matter how much you think of your principles as the most righteous means to an end , they will always lead to sorrow if you stand by them too firmly. So, I strongly encourage people to have an open mind and accept different means and principles to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. 


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This is my favorite post of yours. It seems like a paradox, but there's something very powerful about vulnerability.

For me, life got a lot easier once I realized that failure is a teacher, not an executioner. It's up to me to either feel bad or learn and move on. 😄

"There are as many subjective opinions as there are atoms in the universe." my old Professor once said....Mmmmm....sounds tricky!

No straight A student here but a bit of a perfectionist myself then I change. I think a few things altogether. I went to business school and did an MBA where I learn to answer question with "It depends". Did some bit of support work in IT and learned that I cannot wait for the perfect solution all the time, so come de-escalation of a workaround. 6 years ago, I started doing taiji (taichi) and learn to relax more. I think it's a bit of normal phase of life for most people and at the end of the day, does it matter?
I heard on radio, some guy said:
When we are 18, we worry about what everyone think of us.
When we are 48, we don't care what people think of us.
When we are 60, nobody think of us.
So, I guess we have to learn chill.

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