Attrition and Intuition: Gaslighting and Other Psychological Warfare/Mischief

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)


I have found myself thinking a lot of power dynamics lately. I am not referring to the oppressive kinds of power we see within large corporate structures or national governments (although arguably they could also apply to this discussion) but more so, our own individual sense of power and how that plays out within our social relationships. More concretely this inquiry, in its simplest form, looks something like this: the way others attempt (intentionally or unintentionally) to rob us of our personal power and erode our sense of autonomy and well-being.

The word attrition comes to mind as I think about some past experiences and conflicts that I have been trying to work my way though, resolve and most importantly forgive. Attrition is defined as a gradual weakening of someone or something through continued attacks or pressure. What do we do when these situations, to spite our best efforts and intentions, persist? I am pointing to and alluding to a problem called gaslighting.

Gaslighting is a manipulation technique used to deny a person’s reality in order to make them doubt their own perception or mistrust their own mind and intuition. I didn’t realize this was an actual thing until I experienced it over and over again for myself. It is a rather insidious and highly disorientating tactic as it makes the person being manipulated doubt their own intuition, their own mind and perception of events. The thing that often happens with gaslighting is that it is commingled with positive reinforcement so it becomes confusing to separate the harm from the appearance of support. Somehow in these exchanges and situations everything ends up being reduced to your own inadequacies: overthinking, sensitivity and a lack of understanding. Needless to say, the deflection of constant blame makes you start to feel a little crazy and herein lies the damage to the self and your own individual intuition. (See the provided links below to learn more about gaslighting).

I am still working my way through all the confusion and mistrust that occurred. It has taken me a lot of time to see this situation objectively and I have placed enormous boundaries up because of it. I guess I am sharing this so others become aware of this and don’t beat themselves up needlessly trying to improve and get along in a situation that most likely can and never will be, adequately resolved. The more you know and the better equipped you are to handle situations directly affects your quality of life so I hope others ( that might be experiencing this) can get some perspective and start on a path of healing. Additionally, I hope others can learn to adjust and be better with their personal boundaries as to mediate the harm with relationships that are ongoing and ones that cannot be terminated for whatever reasons or circumstances. Keep smiling and steeming!


It is really tough @kobiespriggs to go through an experience of gaslighting and have our self trust and intuition impaired. Allow me to suggest an article that I wrote that goes in this direction 11 TIPS TO SPOT A NARCISSIST
This might help you from future problems. Take care.

@awakedev Thank you for the article. My experiences have made me much more conscious of the things you wrote about in your article. I also have an new interest in psychopathy. Thankfully this was a friendship and not a romantic relationship as those tend to be even harder on us.

You're welcome @kobiespriggs Yes glad for you it was a friendship as romantic relationships are much more complicated, when that happens. If you are interested in psychology feel free to give a look at some other posts on my feed.

I actually don't enjoy Teal Swan at all. She is my version of your Alan Watts. I find her dead eyed and her videos are brain entrainment.

Excellent news. I also agree with you. This material was sent out to test your philosophical brain - TEST PASSED :)) 10/10! Ha ha!

I think she falls under my spiritual narcissism blog.

I think so too ... there are just too many spiritual narcissism gurus with nothing new to say :(

Thanks for this @kobiespriggs. I had never heard the team gaslighting before. I hope you are healing well. It sounds like you have gone through a great deal. A very informative post. Thanks again.

I am doing great. Talking about and through things is always helpful. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Have a great day!

Yeah.... Gaslighting is a particularly invasive and yet subtle form of manipulation. Been on the (attempted) receiving end a few times; as a result it has become somewhat interesting to me to understand who seems more likely to become the victims in the equation. Seems like a poorly defined sense of self when you are in your formative years (at least this held true for me) makes you a likely "target." If you don't think much of yourself, someone's "kind" words (however inauthentic) can be an easy hook...

Simple awareness is an important part of the road to healing.

@denmarkguy Honestly, I think for me it was just an naive inability to imagine that someone would do this. I consider myself to be somewhat self aware and not above fault so I considered that some failures in communications could and probably were my fault but the pattern and inability of the other person to admit any wrongdoing ever gave rise to a suspicion that something was not and is not right. So, I talked with a psychologist friend for an objective opinion and got some helpful advice. The rest, well as they say, is history. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

Interesting... I guess part of my own downfall also was the result of not being able to accept(?) that some people "are simply mean." And I say that, standing apart from any hurts and wounds they may have... simply referring to how they are in life, in this moment. I was in a dumbfounded "Why would anyone want to DO that???" state.

Glad you've found some healing! These experiences can be hard to shed... and trusting people again a tricky proposition.

That is the catch....trusting! But the rewards of being around good people is worth the risk!

Gaslighting can make our hearts retract more, but a lot of life is counter-intuitive, so we must put our hearts straight back on the chopping block again (with our new wisdom) no matter what. There are only 2 real emotions in life: love and fear. Choose wisely or live a half lived life.<3

I intend to! That is certainly the plan!

<3 ... heart to block ... heart to Steemit! .... <3

Courage is a heart word. The root of the word courage is cor - the Latin word for heart. In one of its earliest forms, the word courage meant "To speak one's mind by telling all one's heart." Over time, this definition has changed, and today, we typically associate courage with heroic and brave deeds. But in my opinion, this definition fails to recognize the inner strength and level of commitment required for us to actually speak honestly and openly about who we are and about our experiences -- good and bad. Speaking from our hearts is what I think of as "ordinary courage.” ~Brené Brown, I Thought It Was Just Me: Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shame

Cor as in (Cor)onary artery too ... Yes! Very few wear their hearts on their sleeves and live lesser lives because of it. Do you think I could've travelled the world with a closed heart?? Never! We must embrace our dark selves from our past and integrate them into the present. What we resist persists. We are a mixture of this light/dark yin/yang balance, and we should be proud of - NOT ashamed of :))

A Philosophical Spriggs + Spiritual Hunter = a holistic approach to the absurdities of life :))

Interesting information. Especially gaslighting. I guess it is very easy to manipulate a person who is unstable emotionally. Usually smart people create a very comfortable situation for a victim and then hit it hard. Like in mafia world. Keep up, Kobie! :)

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