Everything Depends On The Leader (Featuring new author @omfedor !)

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)
I am so glad that I can feature some of @omfedor' s posts. I have been following him for quite some time and he sent me a post to feature this morning.

@omfedor is an excellent writer ! He is also arranging a Steemit meetup in Russia tomorow 13th August https://steemit.com/meetup/@omfedor/first-steem-meetup-in-russia-novosibirsk-13th-of-august-2016 Please attend if you are from this area!

Please read his introduceyourself post https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@omfedor/hi-steemit-here-i-am-the-siberia-steemer-and-this-is-my-story !
Here is his latest story!

Everything Depends On The Leader (Featuring new author @omfedor !)

This article is a kind of question. Although here I do a lot of affirmative sentences. However, in essence it's the question.

Steemit is a wonderful experiment. Unique. It tries to solve the social problems that arise because leaders care less about people. Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in particular give the opportunity many of the features of corrupt leaders to trust the impartial computer. And this solution would seem to put an end to many social problems, but is it really?

One good doctor and ten bad.

Imagine the situation. One good doctor, and ten bad. The good doctor can really cure patients. But these ten can only hurt. Can we replace this one good doctor ten bad doctors? They will not be able to cure the patient, even if they treated all together, right?

The monarchy is bad only if the monarch is bad. If the monarch is good - in a monarchy there is no problem. Democracy is only good if the parliament is good. If the parliament consists of bad people, democracy will not give anything good.

One doctor, if he is a good doctor, is able to cure the patient. 10 bad doctors not able to cure the patient. Even 100 bad doctors are not able to do it. It is important not the quantity but the quality.

And whom you entrust your health - one good doctor, or a council of ten bad doctors?

There was one person who wholeheartedly wanted to help people. He was eager to save people. To save humanity. So he went to medical school to get education. And at some point he dropped out of school. But the desire to treat people remained. However, he did not know how to treat. He could not even cure himself. Nevertheless he spent days and nights treating other.

But his patients didn't get better, they regularly died. His treatment did not help, it killed. Because he didn't know how to actually cure them. At some point the police arrived and arrested him for fraud. On the court, he said, "I wanted to help people. I wanted to save them! I had good intentions, why are you punishing me?" To which the judge replied: "But you have not received proper medical education. You couldn't treat, you just wanted to do it. Therefore, you only hurt people, not save them."

Want to help and know how to help are two different things.

We want to help because we want to love. We need to love someone. It is our eternal need and we strive to unlock the potential of love hidden in our souls. However, if we have no knowledge, our so-called help only kills. Ignorant love injures. Ignorant help kills. If you can't heal, you just hurt.

The true cause of social and personal problems is envy, living in our hearts.

"Success makes so many people hate you. I wish it wasn't that way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing envy in the eyes of those around you." — Marilyn Monroe

Envy means that I'm furious when I see someone is enjoying. When someone is happy, it makes me angry. Such is envy. The other person is enjoying something rightfully, he deserved it. He didn't sleep at nights, studied, endured, worked hard, was up and down. And here he succeeded. He received the award for his work and began to enjoy this reward. But in me, anger arises. Fire, heat, fury. I feel hatred towards this successful person who's now enjoying.

Why do I hate?

Why do I hate him? What has he done wrong? He rightfully enjoys it. Why do I not recognize his right to this enjoyment? That what envy is. I feel bad when I see someone feel good. And vice versa. I feel good when I see someone feel bad.

Can a community of people in whose hearts there is envy, to prosper and live peacefully? No. It's impossible. And no social reforms, no political or economic system or any IT-technology just can't save people from envy. But the cure for envy is necessary. Without this medication prosperity is impossible. Because envious people will never be able to live peacefully.

That's why society needs those who are free from envy. The true leaders.

There was one country who had problems. Enemies constantly attacked it. And the people suffered greatly. They were tired of those wars and ruin. And then they built the wall. But the enemies repeatedly destroyed the wall.

And then people went to the sage to ask him for help in overcoming their trouble. So they asked the sage: "How do we build a wall that cannot be broken?" And the sage answered: "it is necessary to found a man who agrees to be buried under this wall. Then it will be impossible to destroy such wall".

They were stunned by his answer. But suddenly one young man came forward and said, "I'm ready. I am ready to sacrifice myself." And they began to bury him. And that's when they almost buried him under the ground, the sage suddenly stopped them: "Wait! Dig him up! And make him your king!" They followed the instruction of the sage - dug up this young man and made him the king of their country.

This young man became a great king, a great leader. He was able to govern perfectly. And his army was invincible. Enemies stopped attacking his country and life has become peaceful and happy.

Perfect leader.

So, my statement is that true answer to personal and social problems lies not in the invention of any political-economic system. The true answer is, how to find or how to raise a perfect leader. Him, in whose heart there will no envy. Someone who is ready to suffer for the sake of others. This is the real solution.

Modern education does not cultivate virtuous character. And modern science simply does not know how to do it. We know how to create iPhone, iPan, how to run a space ship how to make a cake using electromagnectic waves of short length, how to print a vase on a 3D printer and so on. But is it really capable of solving our personal and social problems?

Healthy society.

A healthy society is a society that can foster a virtuous people. People who are free from envy. If society creates such people, it will flourish, it will be happy. If the society is more and more envious, vicious, depraved, there will be war and chaos. Because the main flaw is envy. And envy breeds aggression, which in turn turns into a war.

So much are now talking about the progress and development. "We're developing", "We're progressing", "Scientific-technical progress". But what kind of development are we talking about if human's character becomes more and more vicious? If there are no good families, there are no good children. If there are no good children, how good leaders arise? If there are no good leaders, how can the society flourish?


Anarchy, monarchy, republic, democracy, socialism, communism, capitalism. It's just words. The laws of nature are simple and obvious. People always go after the leader no matter how the social system is named. Social problems arises because it cannot educate perfect leaders.

Everything I said here are my thoughts out loud. I'm just trying to put the right question. Every question has an answer. So the main thing is to correctly frame the question. That's what I'm trying to do here.

Will be happy to discuss it with you. Dan and Ned are pretty open guys. And any of our ideas can greatly help them in the development of Steemit.

All the best, guys! Catch the wave! ;)

Please follow me on my blog @jacor if you enjoy my topics and content.
@jacor features authors to promote a diversity of content and new authors. All STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author.
If you are looking to be featured as an author, please contact me via email [email protected]


Human emotion is very complex, others think that they understand that kind of people but their understanding were based only to what they see from the person. Real feelings are hidden and even the person who owns that feeling don't understand themselves.

Yes, there are selfless and there're selfish. Why give the power to those who are selfish? Isn't it better to allow selfless to rule?

The problem is that now we have no good criteria by which we can separate the selfless from the selfish. For example, if a person has great IQ, will he be a good ruler? What are the qualities of a good leader whom we can trust to make important decisions? That is the question.

That's why I tell in this post the story about how people chose the right leader.

Excellent post @omfedor. Insightful as always. Steem on!

Thank you for support, @naomi-louise! :) I appreciate it!

Envy is without a doubt one of the most destructive forces in our society, as it leads directly to hate. Ironically those we envy are often the most miserable people. We envy their possessions, while they are struggling under mountains of debt. We envy their partners, friends, children while not being privy to the complex dysfunctional forces that they are subjected to. We need to replace our automatic reactions of envy. Media has reinforced this gut reaction by constantly promoting/brainwashing us to aspire to the kind of lifestyle that will continue to leave us unenlightened and malleable.

The most important lesson that I have taken away from my yoga practice is non-attachment. If you are present in the moment, not attached to possessions, people and most importantly, outcomes, you can begin to bypass the automatic envy reaction.

I understand that this is slightly off the topic. Do we need that one leader who is wise and just? It would help of course. BUT we will still be left with "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely".

I don't have any answers about how a better society could be created. It never will be, unless we as humans change fundamentally. And is this even possible?

That's great comment, @onetree.

It never will be, unless we as humans change fundamentally.

Totally agree.

Decentralization is the distribution of power among many people. We do this in the hope to weaken the power of the vicious leaders. But if those people among whom we distribute power, are also flawed, the problem will remain.

Once in the world was under the monarchy. The kings were sole rulers. However, when the kings lost their quality and depraved, people decided not to entrust power to one person. But does it solve the problem? Is it true that when authority is distributed among 10 people, these people come to virtuous decisions?

In a sense, a system in which power is distributed among 10 people, are more stable than when power is concentrated in the hands of one person. However, good quality does not occur simply when people are in groups. And hence the decisions these groups take will not be good simply because of the fact that they joined the group.

I want to point out this logical error. The mistake of thinking that 10 people will act as a virtuous and wise ruler. This is mistake.

Well, it is possible to weaken the depravity of the leaders using blockchain technologies, however, if the new good leaders are not created, the problem of social injustice will remain.

Steemit: learn where others have failed. Revolutionary and visionary.

Thanks for your comment, @akaninyene-etuk! ;)

Super Interesting!

However, I have a questions, name one perfect leader?(Outside or Religion).

I spent a lot time think about this post and previous world leaders. This sort of reminds of Plato's world of forms, the problem is the World of forms is an extra physical concept not a reality. Of course if @omfedor didn't truly mean to use "perfect" as a superlative then that changes my response. The other problem is power corrupts so even if you could raise a "perfect leader" Aren't all men corruptible?

@omfedor also supposed: "..human's character becomes more and more vicious?" I personal don't believe this, I think individual human character hasn't changed much in recorded history especially in the case of envy. I think average historian would either agree with me or wager on the side that society is becoming less vicious. Think Aztecs, cannibals, Roman Society all much more viscous to name a few.

Thanks for your thoughts, @melek!

The other problem is power corrupts so even if you could raise a "perfect leader" Aren't all men corruptible?

OK, when I say "perfect leader", I just mean someone, which it is impossible to corrupt by power and money. Not that everyone is corruptible. That's not true. You can educate a man who does not sell his soul. This is the "perfect leader."

I personal don't believe this, I think individual human character hasn't changed much

As for degradation, it is necessary to first understand, based on what symptoms we define a good or bad character. I claim that the main symptom is envy. Envy is what breeds greed and aggression.

Don't people have become more greedy than they were at the beginning of the 20th century? Don't people become more dependent on material comforts? Don't people become more aggressive and irritable? It was not before, for example, shooting in schools. Isn't it? Or does not become more divorces and abortions? All these are signs of degradation, I think.

And again, if the character is not degraded, then why people abandoned the kings and the monarchy?

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