Hi, Steemit! My name is Fedor and this is my story.

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

My name is Fedor Chishchin aka omfedor. Just yesterday my friend told me about this project. And now I am very happy to be among you! So this's a story about me, my family, my ideas, goals and values! Let's get acquainted!

Just now.

16:05 on my watch. I'm sitting in a small room in Novosibirsk (Russia), my wife just got back with my son home. I'm 32, my wife is 25. And our son of 2 years. We called him Svetozar, this is an ancient Slavic name that means "shining".

The mission of life and my spiritual quest

I want to be honest with you, and therefore I explain why I'm writing all this. As I see it, the world is now growing tensions and chaos. And every reasonable and responsible person wants to be useful to the world, wants to do something important and necessary, something of value to the world. I'm talking about the life mission. Probably, almost everybody asked himself at least once in life a question about his mission, about the meaning of his life. Everyone at some point is trying to find the meaning of his life, trying to find his mission. And I am no exception.

It so happened that on a spiritual quest I spent more than 15 years of my life, so that is actually the half of my life. And I feel I found something of value that would benefit others.

Briefly about me.

I was born in 1984 in USSR. At the age of 6 I was seriously sick. And that was my first experience with alternative medicine. Since there were no medications and the doctors could not help me. That is how I first became acquainted with the spiritual and esoteric side of life, which was very practical and effective. Since then I began my search in trying to understand the world and myself.

Now I have a blog in Russian language (http://www.chishchin.ru), and account on popular Russian social network VK (https://www.vk.com/chishchin). You can also find my account in Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/chishchin). I am open for communication.

If you asked me to briefly tell about myself, I would say the following. 

Independent consultant, Vedic astrologer, musician, philosopher, psychologist, writer. The founder of the school of Jyotish "Ashvini". According to my life philosophy, which is based on the Vedic philosophy of "Bhagavad-gītā" and "Srīmad-bhāgavatam", human life is primarily meant to experience the joy of a relationship with God and the world. The deeper the man revealed his true nature, the more happy, satisfied and prosperous he becomes.

I'm not a preacher.

Although I talk a lot on spiritual topics, I do not belong to any spiritual or religious organization. Unfortunately, most of them today are useless. At least that is my experience. But still I believe that every person needs spiritual food, especially in difficult situations. As a child I was captivated by the book of Richard Bach "Jonathan Livingston Seagull". It tells about the seagull that tried to discover his deeper nature. So this book is about an unusual seagull. And this image was very close to me. Perhaps that is why in 13 years, I wanted to go to Tibet to find myself. But this did not happen because my parents wanted me to have higher education. "Will graduate, then go wherever you want."

How I met my beautiful half.

My future wife I met in 2011. I participated in one show-project as a musician and my future wife was on the dance team. This project was known as "The Siberian Tour". It was a touring project. We traveled to cities in Siberia and performed on stage.

At some point, when the bus was going to the next town, I looked at her and suddenly the voice in my head said: "This is your future wife". It may sound unusually, but it really was so. And after a while she sat down next to me, struck up a conversation and we got acquainted. She was from another city, from Omsk. And the rest the way, we were fooling around playing different loud games. 

When our tour on cities of Siberia ended, we went home. I returned to Novosibirsk and she came to Omsk. One day we corresponded via the Internet, but then at some point I had started the car and race to Omsk, to surprise her. For her, it was a big and pleasant surprise. So in August 2012 we got married.

How I became an obstetrician for my wife.

In the spring of 2014 our son was born, whom we named Svetozar. My wife really wanted a home birth with a midwife. However, when it all began, the midwife unexpectedly was in Thailand, and I had to deliver a baby. I knew nothing about it, so I began to call every midwive I new in Russia with hope to get instructions about what I should do. It was a tough challenge, but 5 hours later, our newborn son was shouting to the whole room. It was one of the most happiest, challenging and memorable moment of my life.

Family relationships.

You know, the family is not easy. We all tend to make mistakes, nobody is perfect. And this is the difficulty. Conflicts between the husband and wife require patience and faith. Faith in God and each other. And it is also a big topic about which I would like to write here. Now in Russia, most families do not survive a year. People get divorced at the first difficulties. But if there's no healthy family, what will happen to civilization? The family is the basis of civilization. Therefore, I would like to share with you my experience, discoveries and thoughts on how to build a harmonious and healthy family. After all, it is important for everyone, 'cause we all come from families. And we all need family.

My dream.

If you want to understand the person, find out what he dreams about. In the dreams hidden, inner world of a man reflects, and you can see his essence. And I'll tell you about my dream. I dream to create a worldwide network of educational centers, where each person would be able to obtain satisfactory answers to the eternal questions regarding the spiritual component of our lives. No, I don't want to create a religion or some sect. I just want to give a chance to those  intelligent people who are looking for the answers. And really, people don't need information, they don't need a theory. People need practice, they need a living example of a healthy and harmonious life. And I fully understand that. Many are now talking about the spiritual, they philosophizing, but very few people can actually show an example of a perfect life. I dream to turn into practice the ideals which we can get from the Scriptures and from all true representatives of God, prophets and saints. After all, they teach us to love God and this world. They teach us to love each other and everything. Can there be a happy man, unless his heart is filled with love? And if the person really knows how to love, how can he be miserable? Happiness without love is impossible, I think you will not argue with this statement. But love is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. Love is a science. Love is an art. Love is a mystery that each of us knowingly or unknowingly wish to discover.

The financial education.

The next key theme is money. Money is very important for each of us. It is also an indisputable fact. Time is money, and money is time. How much money you have - so many free time. And free time is true freedom. If you have to work from morning to evening to support yourself and your family, you can hardly say that you live in harmony. Unfortunately, in the present, financial illiteracy leads to disaster more and more people. And it's also a topic that is extremely interesting to me. To improve my own financial literacy and to share my findings with others - this is another reason why I here. This topic is of concern of every responsible person. And this topic is really huge. If one understands what money is and knows how to manage them, it's half of success in his life. In my opinion, two types of education are the most important now, there are spiritual and financial educations. At some point, Robert Kiyosaki inspired me to deal with the topic of money. For which I am very grateful to him and highly recommend his books and games. Achieve financial freedom is to have the opportunity to help people around you. A rich person has something to give to others, in contrast to the poor. Therefore, wealth is an important component of a harmonious life.

My hopes.

I hope to meet here like-minded people. I hope that you will support my ideas, my message and my dream. I would like to communicate with those who strive to become better and help others become better. And I believe that Steemit is able to help us in this. 

Peace and prosperity to you and your family! Thank you for having read this post! And thanks for the upvotes!

#introduceyourself #life #family #personal #thoughts


Glad to have you here. Pretty amazing that "Robert Kiyosaki inspired [you] to deal with the topic of money. " But you tackle everything with an ownership. I could never be my wife's doctor, for instance. Pretty awesome. "My beautiful half" is a wonderful expressions -- I don't think I've seen it before. I will use it with my wife.

Great introduction post @omfedor. Inspired me to make mine, seeing your format helps a lot.

Glad to be useful, @ballinconscious! ;)
Good luck!

Interesting story and point of view. Waiting to read more from you.

Hi omfedor.
Signing onto Steemit was a great first step in helping you achieve the things you want in life and I look forward to your posts!

Welcome to Steemit!

P.S. If you do a photo time-stamp verification, you'll probably get more upvotes and money if you can prove you're the person in those pictures.

I worried about money all the time. A few years back I realized that it was making me extremely unhappy and probably affecting my health. I made a choice to stop this behavior because It wasn't making me any richer.

I need money to live but you can't let it control you.

Steem ahead!

Very good presentation. A very profound life goals and a very pleasant experience.I will closely follow your posts.I hope our communication will be mutually beneficial.Good luck!

Greetings! I think you'll like it here.

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