Have People Stopped Prepping?

in #prepping6 years ago

I watched a video last week by a ministry that I’ve been listening to lately. I really wanted to share the video, but wasn’t too sure how to do it. I originally wanted to touch on the generational curses he discusses, but the words just weren’t coming together.

Then tonight, I checked out Patriot Nurse’s YouTube channel. I watched a lot of her videos a while back, and she is part of the reason I got into prepping. Like, “I need to get all prepped, right now!” type of prepping. But now I’ve slowed down, and I too, have noticed that a lot of others have as well. I haven’t given up on it, I just settled down on the upmost urgency part of it. Anyways, her most recent video is about why she believes people have stopped prepping. Here is the video.

One thing she mentions is that “people are spent emotionally and it’s like everyone got to sleep sometime.” I agree on that. I don’t know how some people can keep their eyes on the news day after day after day. I get tired after just a couple days and say forget it. At this point, I’ve just assumed it’s all the same and/or getting worse.

One thing I think plays a role in the change with preppers, is that some people are tired of always living in fear. Now, I know there is a difference between rational and irrational fear, but if you are constanly prepping, which fear is driving you? Here is the video I mentioned earlier that I wanted to share.

Cole briefly touches on the prepping mindset in this video. For anyone with kids, this is a great video to watch! I’d love to say more about the video, but I simply think you should just watch it for yourself. There’s another video of his that I’d really like to (hopefully soon) share.

You can find more of Cole’s videos at OnThatDay.org or his On That Day Ministries YouTube channel.

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I never was at the “I need to get all prepped, right now!” level but still keeping an eye out and still learning what I can!

You didn’t get sucked into all the hype Simms?? That’s probably for the better. Slow and steady wins the race, right?

Keeping an eye on things but did not go too crazy all at once!

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

As I see it, yes

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I still prep but not on the level I did before and learning skills is why.
MSM was turned off here at my house because of their left leaning hype and I unplugged it 20+ years ago and I understand it has just gotten worse.

Patriot Nurse mentioned that as well, focus on developing your skills vs only accumulating stuff. I think that’s the stage we’re at now, learning to work with what we have. I look at the news only once in awhile just to keep up to date, but it’s all the same but progressively getting worse.

We are the same way. We were full on prep about a year ago and now have slowed down. Thank you for sharing the videos. We will check them out

You’re welcome! I hope you enjoy!

Thank you for sharing @hebrewhousewife. Will check these both out tomorrow. Here in South Africa things are suddenly getting very bad (which we expected) not only are the murders of farmers and landgrabs on the increase but they're now setting fires everywhere. On that tragic note.... SHABBAT SHALOM!

That’s awful @buckaroo! Are you in any danger as of yet? Shabbat shalom indeed!!

It is really fast become a genocide of black on white, with the support of the government. There are some countries that are opening their borders to the fleeing white South African farmers. I'm going to post about it sometime because not many know the extent of the danger. Our homestead is in one of the few safe places in the country. But we don't know how long that will remain the case. Trust ABBA for daily protection

Thank Yah you are still safe and praying for your protection! Hearing all this news is such a reminder of how blessed we are!

If they're like me they ran up the credit card a bit to much over the last 6 years and now they are trying to pay it off. Also there's only so much room you have in your house for such things like guns, ammo, food storage, solar panels, generators, etc before people start calling you a horder :)

Oh my goodness! Did you buy all that? When all my purchases started showing up at our house, the Big Man asked me, “Why are you spending all my money?” Lol but he likes to buy guns, so I’d say it was an even trade. Plus, he’s gotten on board with preparing to some degree.

The guns, ammo and food yes. the rest not so much. Like I said that stuff takes up a lot of room :)

Your post is featured in my Monday Prepprs' Curation Day- Weekly Edition 16 post!!!

The three featured authors will receive the proceeds/earnings from the post.

Wow! Did not expect that, thank you!!

What's that video about generational curses? i'd be interested to see that.. Oh it's the second one right?

That’s correct! Worth the watch in my opinion.

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