Nicaragua in Crisis – The Compound

in #preppers6 years ago


Just a brief up date on what is happening in our little compound. So far no-one is leaving, not even for fishing. Nights have become to dangerous to venture out. We hear gunfire behind the compound almost every night. On the nights we don’t it is mortar fire.

Daniel has almost fully recovered from his meet up with the boat propeller. We removed the stitches last week and the infection is gone. He just needs some exercises to strengthen the muscles now. He has no excuse not to work in the garden now.

Our little mama is still hanging in there. It looked like the baby was all gungho to be born and then...nothing. Obviously, this baby will be born when it is good and ready. Her original due date is June 30th, so maybe she will have the baby on Friday. Time will tell. Can’t rush these things…At least she will be having it here and not at one of the blockades!

We lost one of our guard dogs, Caesar the Rotwieller, last Thursday. He will be sorely missed as he was our Alpha. We still have four large dogs and it looks as if our Great Dane has taken over as Alpha. I wasn’t expecting this be, who am I to argue?

As expected, our food supplies are running low. With 21 mouths to feed we went through most of the supplies, even rationing the adults. So this means we will have to make a supply run, probably tomorrow. My son, Will and I will leave in the early hours. Part of our treck will have to be on foot because of the blockades.

Granted, we will not be able to carry the full amount that we will require, but the plan is to scout out what is available and the logistics of getting there and back. When we return we will have a better idea who to send out and what they will be able to bring back.

As food supplies become more scarce, our compound will become a target as it is common knowledge that we have gardens and fruit trees. Last night we heard noises against the back wall. Our guys put up a ladder to see what was going on and a homemade wooden ladder was propped up against the wall. They saw people running away when they looked over, so tonight we will be doubling the guards.

We do have a milk goat now, so the children have milk. I think we will have to see about getting a few more chickens as well. We have some about to hatch but they won’t be producing eggs for a long while. Lets hope the conflict doesn’t last that long.

The children aren’t aware of what is happening outside the walls and life for them has been pretty normal except they don’t go to regular school. We have set up homeschooling instead and have enough to keep the occupied.

I don’t know about anyone else in the compound, but by the end of the day, this granny is pretty tuckered out!


Omg ... :'( I wish you ease and safety tomorrow on your supply run...I'm so sorry that your homestead is being targeted by thieves now, I have shared all 3 articles Ceci. Bless you guys for continuing to stay together and help each other, I hope the extra guards deter them!

I would have thought the 30-foot walls would be a deterrent, but I guess not. We will be extra careful on the run. Thank you for sharing the articles. We still need to get the news out there. The UN and EU don't seem to be too effective...


My goodness. That is definitely a start of a defense.

My husband was ex-military. He wanted to be sure his family was secure before he passed on. He planned most of it and saw the start before he passed on...

Best of luck and happy ending for you.

It really sounds like a living nightmare

And we have it good compared to some parts of the country...

Be safe when you travel on the food and supply run!
What a surreal experience you are all living.

Happy to hear Daniel is on the mend and that the mama and baby are hanging in there.

Sending you all prayers!

The food and supply run went fine but tiring. Took us about 9 hours in total. We managed to get almost everything but we will be okay as the gardens are starting to produce and we have lots of fruit on the trees now. And the goat is producing milk for the children. So we are good for at least another month. Baby will be arriving shortly...

Please be safe heading out! If you wouldn't mind messaging me at some point tomorrow, I would really appreciate it! That way I'll know you're safe.

Thanks for the update. ❤

I will let you know if everything goes well.

I hope they leave you all alone, its a nightmare for you all. Stay safe

Thank you, Karen. It is a nightmare. We will stay as safe as we can. That is all we can do.

When I had read your story, I was even tired, how should it not be for you!
It is a very difficult life for you now, and I can only hope and pray that it will soon get better. I wish you and everyone at your compound the best and I hope you let us know about the birth of the baby!

I will make a post when the baby arrives including photos when mama is up for it! We are all looking forward to this happy event during these hard times.

My lord Ceci, I can imagine tuckered out is the understatement of the year most likely.

Disturbing it is to see that the compound is now acknowledged as a place with resources by other. I know this from after our hurricane. The hotel I was in for weeks as a temporary home was also one of the only places with loads of food storage, this made us take guard shift in the nights with manchetes. That was the first time in my life that I had actually considered using a manchete on a human, and I was not proud of that thought.

those blockades seem like a nightmare, are you guys going to be okay with your trip out there?

And again the question. Is there anything we can do as outsiders accept from prayers and spreading the awareness?

I really wish that you could help, but right now there is really nothing you can do. Perhaps as things begin to settle (when?) you may be able to help out in some way. Right now prayers (especially for tomorrow's food run) and spreading the awareness is all I can wish for.

Now that my story is done - and i'm being less focused on ... :-/
I'm catching up on people and wow... this is what I read.

I don't even have any words! I can't believe this is your reality right now - praying for safety over your food run!

Thank you, @dreemsteem! Life right now is like a bad novel and I can't wait for it to end.

((( xox love and prayers xox )))

hey oh man..well everyone else has said their comments better than I but I just wanted to show my support. You guys have 30 ft walls? that's some BIG walls!
And are you still waiting for your son to arrive so you can all leave together?

I am still waiting for him to come but our chances of leaving now are slim to none. We have discussed this and we feel he and his family will be safer here when they can leave Managua, but we will hang in here as our home is here now, the same as it is for our friends and neighbours and we are a motley crew of ex-pats from diferent countries and Nicas.

oh I understand @cecicastor thank you.

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