Strawberry Picking! {Spring 2019 First Edition}


A very happy Tuesday to you my friends! I had the best morning picking strawberries with @dksart, so couldn't wait to share with you all. I think I shouted it from the rooftops to everyone who would listen because this really is one of my favorite Spring traditions! We were blessed with the absolute perfect day here to get outside, as well. I don't think I even broke a sweat while crouching down and loading up our buckets with these juicy gems.


We went to the same farm as we have been going to for the past few years. Southern Belle Farm is only about an hour away from us, so it's not too challenging to make it down there. Especially when you are lucky enough to go during the day when Atlanta traffic isn't too daunting.


The farm grows other berries and peaches, in addition to some vegetables that they sell in their market during the summer. You can see some of the peach trees in the picture above. Yep, I shared a post about peach-picking last year, too. What can I say, I love fruit!


Though the parking lot was packed, most of the fields were quiet and peaceful. Most of the cars and buses were there with field trips. While we were picking the tractors kept coming around loaded up with kids learning about the farm!


I love seeing all of the pretty little blossoms. With as many berries as were already ready, there are tons more waiting to come along! The ones we got today are not super sweet since it is still early in the season, but I think they are delicious. Nothing beats picking them straight from the plant and putting a sun-warmed strawberry right in your mouth!


No shame in testing the merchandise before you buy it, right? 😉 Picking gets you a pretty good little workout, too, so no need to hit the gym today....


We picked 4 gallon-sized buckets for this first visit, so now it's time to figure out what I want to make! Luckily all my favorite foodies like @lenasveganliving, @proanima, @birdsinparadise, @lizelle, @puravidaville, @thekitchenfairy and so many others have great ideas for me! Wish I could share with you ladies!


Don't worry, I'll be going back again before the season is out. I am ruined for store-bought strawberries now, so I like to load up the freezer while I can. Besides the delicious berries, it is just a wonderful way to spend a day--getting dirty, actually working for your food, and spending time in nature! Doesn't get a whole lot better than that!


And though @old-guy-photos isn't a stickler, here's an extra tree for #treetuesday!


Banners by @zord189, @woman-onthe-wing, @dksart and @bearone for @steemusa


While we're sleeping here on the other side of the world, you're out Strawberry picking, what beauties, and your photos are gorgeous too!
Thank you for tagging me, that cashew cream of @ lenasveganliving sounds so delicious, I would make a Strawberry Trifle with that! I did make a Strawberry Salsa last season of Cookwithus, and it was really refreshing!
Wish I could have smelt that jam you're cooking up, enjoy the Strawberries!

Oooh, strawberry salsa sounds good. I made strawberry BBQ sauce last year for one of the cookwithus rounds, so I'll definitely be making some of that again, too. Lena is a master with that cashew cream, so you might be on to something for Easter dessert...😊

Well that really is a berry nice post :) I love the look of those berries! They even look sweet! Glad you posted to the tag.

Well thank you! It's easy snapping nice shots when you have such lovely subjects, right? I'm happy to share some of these lovely Georgia trees and other greenery. Now I suppose I'm going to have to keep @dswigle from being jealous and jump back in #marketfriday one of these weeks, too...😉

Yes!!! Although, I harbor no jealousy. I know how busy you are! ;)

I was just teasing! I don't think you have a jealous bone in you!

Pffft you just better get a Market Friday up and not test her hahaha! Oh and don't forget to drop the link on her page or she will give you the lecture lol @dswigle

Haha, I will do my best! I have a post in my head ready to go, it's just getting it down in writing that's the challenge...

Oh, you know I love when you talk #MarketFriday talk! ;) @plantstoplanks

Haha, well I think I might not get to see my little niece tomorrow (don't worry, I'll see her on Easter), so don't get your hopes up but there's a small chance I might make an appearance...

You only know because you get the lecture every week, lately. LOL @old-guy-photos


Yes but you know I only do it to keep you sharp. You know kind of like a fine race horse, you cant just keep him in a stall, you got to get him out and run him a bit...I cant have you getting rusty now :p ;D



Pffft! Old man, you don't even KNOW how to tip! behave. A horse? Oh, my... tell me more. This is about to get interesting. @old-guy-photos

Wait!!! Ummmm... Check out this one! I'm pretty sure it might be! ;)

Wonderful :) I am so looking forward to the strawberry-season!

It's a wonderful time of year! I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. :)

The strawberries look so cute🤣

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Some of them were huge! But still cute, haha. 😜

Wow, what a beautiful harvest! Yes, you are definitely a long way south; makes me wax nostalgic for my years of living in Texas where you could also start harvesting things in spring. Here in the Great Northwest we'll be looking at mid- to late June before the strawberries are close to fully red and ripe.

Aren't they just so lovely? I love being able to get out there so early in the season when everything is so fresh and vibrant! By the end of May or beginning of June these beauties will be on their way out as the summer heat hits with full force.

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This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Manually curated by @veryspider.

Mmm, I bet strawberry cake would be delicious...Thanks @helpiecake and @veryspider!

I thought it was too early for strawberries when I saw your post and then I read that they are not yet very sweet. I can imagine that :) BUT it looks like it was very hot that day - at least judging based on your outfit :) I wish it was this warm here.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you're going to make with them. I'm sure that you will do your magic and create something super delicious :)

Now I can't wait for the strawberry season here :) Just a couple of weeks...

Have a lovely day!

Yep, not too sweet yet but still utterly delicious! They are nice and firm this early, too, so easier to work with in some ways. We will definitely be going back for the really sweet ones soon, though. The sun was really warm, but the air was still slightly cool so I was perfectly comfortable in shorts and a tank top. Especially getting down in the dirt and earning my berries. ;)

Glad you've finished your exam so hopefully now you can get out and enjoy the season more!

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Many thanks my most fantastic social media power house!

This is unbelievable Katie, wow! Thanks for tagging me; I just realized that you mentioned it in your email, but I forgot to respond because I was so focused on FAVM.

Anyway, I also looked at the map to see how far south you are from Toronto and now I understand how it is possible for you to go strawberry picking so soon, while we don't even have a sign of first flowers. Except in a supermarket, lol. You took beautiful photos and the strawberries look absolutely heavenly. And if you need suggestions for recipes, than I would say, some tall parfaits with cashew cream, chocolate and granola, also crapes or pancakes and of course nice cream, lol 🍓😍🍓

Yep, I'm a good long way South! Definitely one of the perks is early berries. All of your suggestions sound delicious! I think I need to go back through your recipes for that cashew cream...😋

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I have lots of cashew cream recipes, however, non is just single recipe for it. But I can write it for you. It is very simple. All you need is 1 cup of cashews, soaked for at least 4 hours and rinsed; 1/4 cup fat canned coconut milk; 1tsp pure vanilla extract and maple syrup to taste. Blend in a blender util smooth. You can even add cacao powder if you like. It may get thicker, so add some more milk. Enjoy your strawberries my Dear, I wish I could teleport myself, lol. 🍓😍🍓

Ooh yum, thank you for that! Might have to do something sweet for Easter with the family. I wish you could teleport, too! I got plenty to share. 😉

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I know, that would be's my pleasure. Make sure you take pictures of all your goodies. Happy Easter 😉


hahaha earlier when i saw on your IG, i hurriedly message a farm I know. but of course, way too early for us up north hahahah she said JULY lol

and i was like whaaaa....Katie is so lucky lololol

what kind of question is this...for sure strawberry PIE :P come on now :P

or jam :P

Sorry to get you so excited! 😂 If it makes you feel any better the season will be long gone here by July. At least we'll have peaches then, though.

Already got chia jam going and a batch of muffins in the oven!

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