Saturday Night Sweets! | Not your Granny’s Peanut Butter Cookies!

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Oh what a wonderful Saturday we have had my friends! We visited the local Botanical Garden today, and it was absolutely more than I could have imagined! I plan to share more about the garden later this week!

Okay... for those of you who can't wait, here’s a little sneak preview.

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And another peek…

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Beautiful right? We took a picnic and a couple of hours into our adventure we headed out of the gardens for a brief lunch break. I made Peanut Butter cookies especially for this little jaunt. You would have loved them! I know my friends @enchantedspirit and @catweasel would have gobbled these guys up in a heartbeat!

Now that I’ve peaked your interest, I guess I should share the Peanut Butter detailsl!


Not your Granny’s Peanut Butter Cookies!

All the stuff!

  • Peanut Butter (1 cup)
  • Coconut Palm Sugar (1/2 cup)
  • Fresh Egg (1)
  • Vanilla (1 tsp)


I know! Only 4 ingredients! You’re saying….now wait a minute Bird, you’ve been in the sun too long today! You have to have flour! Nope, that’s the great part! You don’t! Trust me! Toss everything into a medium bowl!

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Mix, mix…

with your little spoon. So simple! I promise this works! Now. Spoon the mixture onto a parchment lined baking sheet and with a damp fork, crisscross the tops of the dough. Flatten down a bit. You know, just like Granny’s cookies! Into the oven at 350 degrees for 11 minutes or until golden brown.
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Believe …

me yet? Look at these golden little goodies! Let them cool for about 10 minutes, yes let them cool!
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We ate these little guys sitting on the grass inside the Botanical Garden, it was pretty nice!

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Now it’s your turn! Grab a cold glass of milk, and Happy Saturday my friends!

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Such a wonderful day spent with our daughter, @mountainjewel! We’re definitely tired Birds! Time to kick up the feet and settle in for a quiet Saturday night! I hope you’ll try these little treats, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised! I would love to hear what you think!

Thanks for stopping in!
*And as always, blessings to you all)



The STEEM Engine


You’re saying….now wait a minute Bird, you’ve been in the sun too long today! You have to have flour! Nope, that’s the great part! You don’t! Trust me!

Oh, I definitely think sunstroke is a possibility. So ... why have we been putting flour in peanut butter cookies all these years? (Did you discover this one day when you ran out of flour and decided, "Oh, to heck with it. I'll just stick 'em in the oven anyway and hope for the best?") And don't they mostly taste like ... well, you know ... dried out peanut butter?

Texture, woman!! What happened to the texture???

lol, these puppies had lots of texture and they were moist and fluffy! We had out of town guests, he had issues with restless leg syndrome and finds eating less gluten helps. I made these and offered to send them home with them and he said to his wife..."you take those cookies with us"! So I guess they must have been good. The egg my friend, the egg. You play around in the kitchen enough, fail enough, research enough you have fun surprises. This was one of them! :) Don't worry, I wore a hat all stroke but the back, oh my. Perhaps you'll try them.. no weird ingredients, you might just like them hehe

First of all, the flowers look gorgeous and the second you are the master of simple and delicious. lol I don't think it can get simpler than this when it comes to cooking and I do love simple cooking. Sometimes people overcomplicate cooking.

Thank you for sharing another amazing and delicious recipe with us, have a blessed day. :)

aww, you are always so kind @awakentolife. I have to say, the flowers and trees at this place were awesome. I'll share more later, but I'm so glad you liked the cookies. I hope you'll try the, and hey, you don't even need to worry about buying flour right? You and your friends will gobble them right up (an after game celebration sweet, lol) Thank you for your kind words my friend! Blessings to you! Have a great Sunday :)

Yes, no need to worry about the flower. Gluten-free, gluten... Who needs that in his life all the time. :P

I honestly think I would not be able to eat one before my teammates destroy the whole batch.. :P

Simplest cookie recipe I have ever seen... Have to convince someone with an oven to try it out for me because obviously I can't do that with a microwave oven 😂 they also taste pretty nice in my imagination with intensely thick peanut butter taste, is that true?

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Very nice taste I must say! They didn't last too long, not too intense and my daughter said they were well balanced :) I hope you'll get to try them and let me know what you think! Thanks for stopping by!

I did not expect to see flowers! Oh my goodness! They look absolutely heavenly my Dear. We have botanical gardens here too,, but I never managed to go and visit one. I better put it on the list of things to do when my sister comes for visit in May 🌺😍🌺

What a day Lena! This place was outstanding, the colors and thousands of flowers, plants and trees, many of which I had never seen or heard of! You must go with your sister and take you camera!! Some people had huge professional cameras with them. I took just my phone so the pictures won't be as nice as I would like. Thank you my friend, so glad to see you!

Always a pleasure my Dear Troy. I just bough a new camera, although nothing major, but better than what i had before. I am still learning how to use it. But I will definitely take it with me 😊

What the heck mrs Bird, another idea for a Keto treat, I have unsweetened peanut butter and will sweeten with xylitol, these look just like old fashioned peanut butter cookies!

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I think you'll be pleasantly surprised although I have not worked with xylitol. Do you like that as a sugar substitute? I would love to use it if it tastes good! Let me know! These were really tasty! I am experimenting with other natural sugars, this one is the best so far! :) Thank you my sweet friend :)

These are Amazing and so so simple! I love the minimal ingredients that come together to make magic 😘❤️

That's what I liked best! 4 ingredients, reminds me of your first cookie recipe creation...hmmm bananas and what was that? flour? hehe love your, and glad you enjoyed these xoxox

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Mmmm, hmmmm, it’s always a good time for peanut butter cookies. The flowers are pretty impressive too. The pattern on that lily is incredible.

I know you make your own pb, pretty impressive my friend! I've been a bit too lazy about that, I'll have to change that. You use raw peanuts right? I have to say, the flowers and plants at this place were out of this world. (in fact some looked pretty alien!) Thanks my friend

I will use whatever I can get my hands on. Right now I have roasted and salted peanuts and I make peanut butter from that. I just add a touch of coconut oil and cinnamon. With almond butter I use raw almonds that I roast myself. It’s all a little time consuming but worth every bite. Peanut butter cookies taste good from any source though. I can’t wait to see your write up of all the bazaar flowers. Odd plants are so interesting.

Looking forward to seeing more from the botanic gardens and those cookies look and sound so good

The garden was awesome @tattoodjay, so much to see it was information overload, lol! The colors...oh my! Can't wait to share! I think you enjoy. Glad you enjoyed the cookies my friend!

Sounds great I have not been to a botanic gardens for ages I must try to visit one or two this year

Gosh, o gosh, those cookies look absolutely beautiful * ___ * I love peanut butter and this is like a dream for me!! O GOSH~ I need to try to get my friend to make this for me!!!! Looks very tasty~ !!!

And those flowers are gorgeous!!! I await your post about your trip to the botanical garden, for sure <3

Yay, you have to try them! They're so easy to make, it's almost funny :) Didn't last long around here, off to make another batch! I shall share the Garden soooooooon! thanks my friend!

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