Society's Abusive Relationship With Power

in #power6 years ago (edited)

Many people in the Western world believe in a socially engineered fantasy about their societies. We think our economy is a free market governed by principles and the rule of law, and where merit is rewarded. We think our civil liberties, like those in the Bill of Rights, are enshrined in our way of life, upheld and protected by a just an righteous legal system.

We believe the military defends and keeps our freedoms and rights alive against various threats from the world. We believe we're fighting for democracy and human rights. We think we hold the power to govern our lives, where our voices and votes matter. But is this really the case?

There is a power differential that separates us. We, the people, are more of a nuisance to the power players in our local societies and in the world. The movers and shakers make use of our consumerism, as we help them climb to riches and power. When some of us start to think more for ourselves, and we question what's going on and how things really work, that's where we become a problem to the way of life they've suckered us into accepting.

Source Unknown

We've been ignorant indulgers and accomplices to the current condition that is before us. We have helped to create our own bondage through our lack of knowledge of what is really happening, while those in the know use that to grow in power. Money and thus power became concentrated into fewer hands that rendered them the shot-callers of society, practically immune to repercussions of wrong-actions they engage in. We've seen how it plays out in the past 10 years with the economic crisis, as many who failed to act responsibly, have become "too big to fail", while the rest of us pay for their misdeeds and they retain the money and power.

These types of chaotic eventualities are what can get some people to wake up from the fantasy they are living in as they begin to face reality. Something isn't right, and most people can sense it, despite not looking deeper to examine and understand what it is in it's encompassing complexity. The false narrative keeps spinning as political divides keep things going in circles and broken.

Many are too enamored by the symptoms and get caught up in the effects, as they fail to see the root causes that manifested them. We need to take a step back from to see what's broken by looking at a bigger picture, not stuck in the political attachments that keep us blinded. Too many are trapped in an abusive relationship with power, and the result is that we swing from side to side and round and round in political stupification.

People are stuck in the false dichotomous alliance to two political parties. They both support the abusive relationship with power, keeping people believing in a dream and fantasy of self-governance and freedom as they continue to vote for one or the other and perpetuate the same cycle of bondage. Politicians are empowered, and many become rich afterwards as they become lobbyists or sit on boards of industry. Alliance to the two parties is to focus on how one can do things better than the other, while none actually make it happen, keeping the symptoms going as the root causes are never acknowledged.

People are getting fed up with the shit show, but they are still playing the game that empowers government an systemic corruption. Self-government is not being actualized no matter what party is chosen. We are the servants to the masters who rule our lives in government, no matter the party.

Source Unknown

The powerful political players or money masters have become above the law in many cases, beyond accountability for the wrongs they perpetuate. And we let it all continue by being suckers in their clever game. to divide us and keep us distracted. Liars and supporters of injustice face no consequences, and some even rise higher in power as we watch on.

The media doesn't hold them accountable, and even invites them on as constructors of the narrative to mold the social mindset about all matters. Bankers killed the economy, politicians started wars on lies, and agencies illegally spied on those seen as a threat to the power structure.

Bankers control the economic forces of nations, and the planet. They aren't even elected, yet exercise incredible amounts of power over our lives. They can hijack nations and the planet, influencing economic outcomes and plundering the "free people" while they get away with it, thanks to the government and politicians that keeps them afloat. Their power has us all on our knees. Number money-magic and financial gambling ruins lives as economies crash.

This is not a free market, with principles and laws ruling our society. Merit is not what is most rewarded. It's a rigged system that most people think is operating through freedom and justice. We are living in an illusion, as mega-criminals have so much power that their untouchable and most people can see it directly, despite possibly feeling something is amiss. If we want to be more free, and free from our abusive relationship with power, we need to get away from the centralized structures that keep us bonded to them. Decisions need to be made as close to the individual level as possible, and organized group decisions based on principles that are maintained, not fractured when convenient.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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peace to you as well but i fear that if this system will be overthrown it will not go peacefully. Those in power will do everything they can to hold on to it. Systems like blockchain and the adoption are part of the growing mistrust in banks, government and the like.
And these systems will wear down the old world like the sea does with sandcastles on the beach

Indeed, those who hold onto power will desperately try to keep it ;) Same on Steem, many in power want to hold onto it.

Hey, @krnel.

Well said. The parties are basically different sides of the same coin, with similar goals, just a few different ways of going about it, and speeds. They rail against one another in the spotlight, then carouse with another in the darkness and cut backroom deals. The last one to be represented, if at all ever, is We, the People.

I have not been a member of any party for a couple of decades now. I used to vote for either major party political candidate, but I've stopped doing that as of this last election. I live in a very liberal leaning state, thanks mainly to three main urban areas, even though many of the people in the rural areas lean more conservatively. We haven't had anything but a Democrat governor for over 30 years.

One way or another, we need to get this ship turned around. How? Good question. It's going to take a lot more people who are like minded than what I've currently seen with a sustained effort until things change. Do we have the wherewithal to do such a thing? Not based on what I see. If not, then STATE will just simply run us over.

Yeah, Ron Paul was a good shot and making real change happen, but that never went anywhere either in the debates to have him nominated as he tried to run for the two party system. People are too wrapped up inteh false dichotomy to break out of the mind warp.

It's probably going to take someone with the money and personality like Trump, and the agenda of Ron Paul to run a third party candidacy, where he can actually get the media to come pay attention, and get a grass roots campaign up and running. When the media controls the coverage and the debate criteria (and then the Republicans run 17 candidates when the Democrats put up two or three), it's hard to fight through of all of that. You basically have to do this through social media (before they shut you down).

We need to take back a lot of things—media, entertainment, education, and then maybe try to change something in the government.

Great post, I think that we are in a difficult situation for sure. We do however have a lot of people who are changing their views on the situation as a whole. I have been having more and more conversations with people and these topics come up. They understand the corruption and how deeply rooted it is in our society and governments around the world. The one aspect that doesn't change much unfortunately is their willingness to vote; I tell them that I no longer bother voting and will most likely not vote again and they decry that action stating that it is against my best interests to do so. I usually end the conversation soon after that because if they are unwilling to see that notion than they still have room to grow and they need to do that on their own, I just plant the seeds.

Yeah, the voting public doesn't get that they just perpetuate the shit by supporting it. The most laughable statement is when they say "you dont have a right to complain when you dont vote", but those who vote are the ones who have less of a right to complain because they support the outcome that they complain against.

Yea man that’s the thing, people are all fed up with the lies and control, but just block it out and continue. That’s sort of the problem is brainwashed to not allow people to care, and having us all so controlled we don’t want to do anything. I don’t know... it sucks how we’re being controlled and obviously ran by evil criminals. I’m always waiting on Q updates recently I hope the Q movement takes off, more people listen and we see a change coming

Yup, get annoyed at it, but dont want to invest the time to figure out whats what and maybe figure out how it can change... too much work to do to learn and care for truth... easier to just go on living and having fun in between the work and daily grind

Your words are like ambrosia to those thirsting for an end to the entire corrupt edifice of our illusory sociopolitical order built on a foundation of economic extortion and lies. I sense on the horizon an awakening on the part of the population at large and pray that it come to pass sooner rather than later, for the hour is dire and the final links in the technocratic chains of eternal slavery are being forged as we speak. Thank you for writing this, it is always good to know one isn't alone. I tried to strike at the root of this great ill in my new post The Faceless Leviathan, I think you might like it.

Some day we hope ppl awaken to see the sham that reality is :/

So many people are so heavily invested in their party that it blinds them to what is going on around them. I see this a lot on my VOP posts. I have one person who comes around periodically and keeps saying its bullshit and mentioning it is merely a vehicle to attack the Clinton's. Ironically, I don't mention the Clinton's in my coverage, they are the one always bringing them up.

People need to wake up and ask if their party was so great why are things always going downhill, no matter which party is running things. Both parties are coming apart though, as evidenced by the fact that an outsider won the republican ticket, and if not for the actual proven collusion on the left the other outsider probably would have been the one running against him in the election.

I picture them like the WWF. Behind closed doors they get paid by the same power brokers, laughing at how stupid the public is before they come out and smack their hands on the podium saying of only the other side didn't want to destroy everything, but we can fix this if the next election goes well for our team.

" Decisions need to be made as close to the individual level as possible, and organized group decisions based on principles that are maintained, not fractured when convenient."

Right on!

Decentralized > centralized ;)

Wow @krnel so much truth in one post! Thanks - resteemed...

Hehe, thanks for the support ;)

spot on. and i only have one thing to say:

Thank you @daznez this really made my day!

Nicely said. I like the bit about bankers exercising so much power over us yet we never elect them

The shareholders of the banks elect them.

Indeed, we don't. Thanks.

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