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RE: Society's Abusive Relationship With Power

in #power6 years ago

So many people are so heavily invested in their party that it blinds them to what is going on around them. I see this a lot on my VOP posts. I have one person who comes around periodically and keeps saying its bullshit and mentioning it is merely a vehicle to attack the Clinton's. Ironically, I don't mention the Clinton's in my coverage, they are the one always bringing them up.

People need to wake up and ask if their party was so great why are things always going downhill, no matter which party is running things. Both parties are coming apart though, as evidenced by the fact that an outsider won the republican ticket, and if not for the actual proven collusion on the left the other outsider probably would have been the one running against him in the election.

I picture them like the WWF. Behind closed doors they get paid by the same power brokers, laughing at how stupid the public is before they come out and smack their hands on the podium saying of only the other side didn't want to destroy everything, but we can fix this if the next election goes well for our team.

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