My Meditation journey has started. Thinking positive

in #positivity8 years ago (edited)

Talking to my Dr about Mindfulness Meditation helping me with my problems is something new for me. Instead of being given a prescription for more drugs I was told to use my mind. That's the last thing I thought I would hear.

I asked Steemit for advise knowing the members on here would give good sound advice. Plus wanting to get started as quick as I could I knew I would be put on the right path.

I received videos to watch from @phoenixmaid with good sound advice as usual I also received great advice and instructions from @icu45, @thecryptofiend and @walternz plus a different method from @mindhunter. THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU FOR HELPING ME

If you would like to read the advice I received here's the link to that post.

I started my journey yesterday, 1st day following the advice I received plus reading bits from the Internet.

I won't bore you with a daily post

I lay on my bed and got my self comfortable. It's the only place I can get comfortable and support my knee. I lay back placed my hand on my stomach so I could feel my breathing. Inhaling slowly then exhaling slowly. I took a few breaths which helped me relax, I then closed my eyes still concentrating on my breathing trying not to focus on the thoughts that entered my head, boy there where a few, my mind kept wandering but I kept pulling myself back to my breathing trying to centre myself and not to stick on one thought.
This is hard

My mind keeps wandering to different things, my body keeps stiffening up as I think about each thought my neck hurts as I am trying to hard. I gave it another few tries but still couldn't get where I wanted to be. Relaxed.

I know it's going to take me a lot more tries before I get this right, reading how it has herlped my friends on here has made me eager to keep going. There's other ways I can do this instead of lying down so I'll give other positions a go and see what works best for me. I am also going to try Candle meditation just hope I don't burn myself.


Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter

Glad to see you are giving it a go, it might help to use guided meditations at first there are lots ove on youtube.

Word of caution! Don't choose a motivational one of an evening. there is no way you are sleeping afterwards.

It is difficult at first but after a while you will be able to do it anywhere, I practise when i'm washing the dishes, painting even hovering is an oppertunity to just focus.

I will def try then once I get the hang of it. I'm not giving up . Going to keep trying until I get v this right :)

I posted on relaxing today, too. Wishing you luck on your journey! I know you'll get there. :)

We will both get there I am sure , thank you :)

Amazing Karen. Mindfulness is a great way to look into. It's all about living in the present moment and dealing with things from a different perspective. I really hope you take to this! I'm loving watching your growth here :)

I am giving it a good go. Onto my 3rd day today, I am positive it will work. Thank you:)

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