Evolving the #posh initiative [help needed]

in #posh5 years ago

Instead of asking around I figured I'd just write a post and see if someone in the community or someone following me might know more about this since I'm not a developer myself. If it's not too difficult it would be great to be able to fund it and get it up and working to improve the #posh initiative.

Basically the idea is a bit similar to how 3speak curates based on views and performance of the video.

We'd have a bot that would check the #posh link to twitter either at the end of the post (as some users like to edit it in into the post instead of writing a separate comment under the post for it) or through the comment 1-3 days late and it would check the engagement it got on twitter. I believe this would primarily be likes as I don't think impressions are public unless you are the owner of the account.

The bot would then either reply with a comment with the stats of the link share (this step would not be necessary if it is too much extra work) but the important part would be that it would auto-vote the post with an account based on the performance. The auto-votes would also need to be adjusted based on active #posh participants, say count the average last week and adjust how much voting power it will spend that next week similar to bitcoin's proof of work difficulty as to maintain a healthy high voting power. This step would also not be too important for starters though as long as it adjusts the votes it gives accordingly maybe another account could follow it through steemauto and adjust the % it follows it with depending on it's usage.


Although we love seeing how many users have started sharing their links onto twitter at some point we have to ask ourselves if their shares are gaining any traction and if those users are attempting to connect and engage with other steemians or nonsteemians on twitter to get these shares some views and impressions. Many have been doing well with growing their twitter accounts and connecting with fellow Steemians to increase the engagement their tweets get and at the same time get the steem posts more visibility, likes and all those stuff that matter on Twitter. This would encourage them to do more of that knowing the incentive is bigger curation based on that performance.

We're already voting late with the @ocdb account on posts shared in our community, sacrificing curation rewards in most cases so following a bot that curates based on the #posh link performance would not change that too much. Having said that we'd have some manual oversight to make sure some users are not faking their engagements/likes but won't disclose too much about how that is judged as to not help them cheat better.

Twitter is right now our main sharing platform but in the near future it would be nice to include more centralized platforms such as Reddit and Facebook.

Anyway, if you're a dev that knows how this can be done or know someone who can and would be interested please let us know here in the comments or DM me on discord: Acidyo #8038.

Feel free to also let us know your thoughts on this and if you have any more ideas on what to add to the idea or other improvements, we'd appreciate it.

post rewards going to steem.dao


I have mentioned it several times before that it would be good if some of the Steem front-ends (like Steempeak, eSteem and Busy) would build in the ability to auto-share new posts to Twitter with the capability to add predefined hashtags and shorten the links before posting to Twitter.

I did not think of it until reading this post but if a (perhaps Steem based) link shortening service was used then a bunch of analytical data could be gathered via it alone.

Anyway, just an idea that I thought worth sharing,

It would also be awesome if they added a widget to show which social networks a post was streamed too, how many likes or whatever were given, too. So people who are interested could find out an Author or Resteemer's true reach (If they get signups for Steem even better).
Hell, one doesn't even need a front end to do that, one could just make a dapp. I'm sure someone wanting to make such a dapp would be able to get Dao Funding.

That's a great idea actually, it's annoying when the steem links take up so much space usually and the analytics behind it would be really interesting to be covered this way. You should write a post about it and I'll try sharing it to see if we get some interested folks. :)

I will consider doing a post about it.

I think that I requested the feature on eSteem's Github sometime back but never saw a reply about it. The reason I focused on them is because they have native RSS feeds.

Perhaps if I spell out what I am picturing and submit it to all the front-ends someone might notice.

Let me know when you do!

Maybe not only twitter but also pinterest. From what I read among folks in marketing, pinterest generates quite traffic too.

Ideally all the various social platforms would definitely be nice to auto-share to but I am not sure just how easy the integration is for doing so with them.

Twitter makes it pretty easy for developers to do what I am talking about doing so I just focus on it.

Couldn't agree more on how twitter is easier than other platforms.

as Twitter is known for shadow banning, I wonder how #posh tag is performing on that platform. Do you know any steemit post that explains their analytics performance after sharing their steemit post on Twitter?

the #posh tag is not that important on twitter + it also has another meaning in the british world, it's all about getting the #steem tag more traction. We've also removed the need to tag #posh on Steem now with posts being curated in our community instead. Hoping that we'll be able to share posts within more communities in the near future.

Can't find a good tool to check tag analytics on twitter though, most require you to sign up and stuff and the free versions are limited, as in they literally cap the stats they show you.

I do not but perhaps @acidyo knows.

I haven't used the tag prior today. I am trying it and see how it performs :) but my follower base is very small!

I do think those analytics would be very, very interesting. I have a suspicion that in my case, the traction I might generate through my limited Twitter following would be limited. It might, however, be a "penny" helping the "pounds" if one uses the "right" hashtags. That said, I do think that the points have been made regarding sorting, linking to other social media platforms and the user interface, in general are important.

I sometimes wonder why I hung around because Steemit is so hostile to someone who has no technical background and even less inclination. On reflection, it was because of other interfaces, and now, it's because of @steempress. This brings me to the matter of communities. Personally, I have an eclectic range of interests, not all of which I write about, but which I might read and/or follow. Being pigeonholed into one or other community is a distraction and confusing. I admit that I've mostly ignored/avoided beta.steemit.com for this reason.

Tuppence worth from someone who's outside the typical Steemit demographic, but who's heading towards the three year mark on the platform.

3 years? Damn, I'm a noob by comparison lol


Think it's my 2 years coming up in a month or so.

But you're right about front ends being the key to Steem really. People shouldn't have to know how blockchain tech works but rather the front end they use should be a doddle. This is why I really like SteemPeak and travelfeed as they do that.

I think mobile apps are also important so if there is a way to relate all the usage of front ends back to dapps and "viewing figures" that could be useful too.

I'm not sure if it was Asher or arcange or pablopenguin (or someone else) but I remembered seeing an infographic/pie chart which had some cool info like that on it about what posts were done from where... It may have been from tags though rather than viewing figures... 🤔

Two years, huh? Seem longer ;)

I do like SteemPeak - it has some great features. I did like Partiko but since the most recent HF, it's not worked well. I did also like Share2Steem, but I think that apps like that are open to spamming and abuse. On that score, that's another beef of mine: app developers can just abandon their apps and leave users in the lurch. That's a worry because if it's a really good app, it's disappearance may well take users with it. Especially if they've been on-boarded through that interface and can't face (ha!) learning another.

I think those stats - about the source of posts - would be very useful. Again, speaking from my limited knowledge, I also think that @frederikaa and @howo are on to something with @steempress because of the huge reach that WordPress has, not to mention the features that allow one to organise, categorise and sort one's own material.


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Yea I think Partiko and Share2steem are basically empty shells now, left as they were by the developers pre HF 21 so I wouldn't use them anymore and like you said, the users that were engaging via Partiko would probably be drifting aimlessly if they aren't aware of other ways to interact. I thought Partiko was spot on and exactly what STEEM needed but I guess the bear market stopped a few projects.

I use SteemPeak via mobile and actually find it great to use. Quite happily use this on top of the desktop/laptop and if they are making an app, which sounds like they might, then I'll happily download it.

Steempress is pretty epic, made my website actually look like it had comments on, whereas before, it was about as deserted as Partiko's Dev team heyoooo


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I like the line of thinking here. Trying to reward posts more closely based on how many people actually view/read them is a great step in the right direction.

Awesome! Off to make a bunch of twitter accounts, vote my tweets and farm some ocdb votes...

See how this would be an issue? Hehe.

Yeah, maybe instead of just likes it would also add amount of followers into the equation. With some manual oversight on abuse I think it could still become better than having to now check each tweet, follow count, etc manually.

I think this is a really good idea! Hopefully somebody can help to get it done. The more eyeballs on our posts the better.
Let's spread the Steem ecosystem to the masses.
Steem on!

This seems like a great idea. To be perfectly honest, I don't think my Tweets or My Facebook Posts with my Steem posts and Steemit links get a lot of attention. That said, I'm not posting and spamming junk to bots either.

I used to game my Facebook and it got maxed at 5000 people, but most of them are people's alts at best and completely fake at worse. I did the same with Twitter, but that got my fist account banned at some point (maybe I spammed a bad ICO).

Don't let the BS discourage you from setting this up though. There are people who are good at catching those who aren't all that impressionable.

Frankly, I suck at Mainstream Social Networking, which is why I strongly support people who are good at it, or discussion on the subject.

I've seen (and used) Wordpress widgets which will show how many likes and retweets a post got on various SNS, so it is easily extractable. It would also be easy for a front end to add it in so we can evaluate reach on other platforms.

That leads me to my main point

(sorry for the lack of TL:DR.. ahem I mean too long didn't read).

Why would you limit it to post authors? I think you should somehow to find a way to reward curators. Sure authors can curate their own stuff but we all have our strengths.

I do like engaging my readers and favourite authors, but personally, I prefer writing and posting to sharing and social networking.

If someone wants to use my blog to attract attention on other social media or even resteeming it, surely they deserve a fair portion of that reward (much like if I post a youtube video I didn't make on Steem). The easiest way to do this would be to just have them comment and upvote that, but voting comments above a few cents can attract the wrong kind of attention from people who don't understand.

Ultimately something like a dao proposal to just give the best influencers SBD would be awesome. Or I could work out my own thing with influencers who want to promote my stuff (it would be an awesome dapp), or I could set said person as a beneficiary. It's getting too complicated though.

Cool thing, worth exploring, just remember it seems like there are several things all must be good at and some of the best influencers have separate social media managers.

I have been tweeting all my posts and many others manually with #steem #steemit and #posh hashtags … It is getting us on the list of Most Tweeted Cryptos. Now at # 6 … It is working https://steemit.com/steem/@offgridlife/steem-the-6-most-tweeted-crypto-on-twitter-right-now

While it’s great many have joined Twitter due to posh. If that is there only reason for sharing content outside of Steem they are not really doing themselves any favors in the long run. It also would not take much for them to simply trade like 4 like, use an army of alts, or simply join communities that require members to support each other to boost numbers. I’m also sure since people buy Instagram accounts all the time the same happens on Twitter.

Twitter and elsewhere for a content creator is a marketing tool. People should have a game plan and a reason why they choose to spend their time doing something. Along with how they are trying to add value to those that follow them.

Quite a few months back I wrote a post called Why You Should Follow Me On Twitter. While I have changed up some things I do or don’t do any more over there. Along with whom I support and assist. I regardless have a plan for being over there.

While not all of it is clear of why i'm doing so since that post is more about how i try and add value to my followers there. It's quite clear i have a reason for investing my time over there. While votes are nice in the short term i'm after something much bigger. As we all should be.

I just wonder if there's a way (like what happens with Fb Pixel) that you can somehow track the shared post from steem to twitter/FB.

From memory, you grab a line of code from FB for business when you want to advertise something and direct someone to a landing page. This line of code then tells you how successful that advert was as it tracks interactions vs click through etc.

In our case with steem, I'm not sure how possible it is to somehow embed some kind of tracking code to see how successful sharing on social media from the platform is. Then there are some who just copy and paste the link to a steem blog on a tweet so tracking that would be good.

Another idea - if that bot you mentioned searches specifically for #posh AND #steem AND the shared link in that tweet is to a blog on steem, then it can perhaps track stats?

Not sure if any of those ideas make sense or are even feasible with the current tech on steem but this place feels like an "anything is possible" platform 😀

I appreciate that you are working on improving the #posh initiative but all we're gonna have is another bot, and who loves bots that much...
@lordbutterfly already found a solution to trick the bot in milking the curation and he's not gonna be the only one. I'd rather keep things organic and look more into what is shared on twitter, besides the likes and engagement that one post sees on twitter.

Let's say that I have five friends, and post daily all sort of low quality photography posts, and my friends are liking and commenting on my tweets generating attention towards my tweets. I will according to the new criteria get upvoted form @ocd, but other twitter users unfamiliar with Steem, when looking at this type of posts might get the wrong impression about the platform and what types of users we really are.

Other case might be that a pretty decent blogger, who really puts efforts in creating quality content, won't get that much attention on a daily basis on his twitter account, but once in a while some other twitter users that might be interested in blogging will get to his tweet, read the post and decide that the platform can be a good choice for starting blogging.

Which one has brought a true exposure through #posh? The one shit posting and getting appreciated by a bunch of friends, or bot accounts, or someone that shared decent blog posts and got the attention from decent bloggers that can generate quality traffic on Steem by joining it.

My bet is on the second category and that's why I would avoid creating such a bot. It can be tricked and we get back to the spamming and abusing era while true believers and good content creators slip under the radar and might as well leave the platform disappointed.

My two cents on your proposal. The whole #posh idea is great by the way and all of my posts get to twitter ever since I found about this way of promoting Steem. I was doing it occasionally before also, but not tagging it in any way and really not interacting with other Steemians through such shares.

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