Investments advices, Im since 2012 in blockchain industry and want to share some experience.

in #portfolio7 years ago (edited)

first of all.
there is a lot of shitcoins out there, beware.
for instance:mooncoin dogecoin and others without any real idea behind.

my portfolio is going like this and i will explain the reasons why im doing it:

  1. bitconnect , i know that everyone are agaisnt it but i saw autobots that works very well and do match match beyond than a persent per day of course im not saying that bitconnect is going to stay for ever as a trading bot platform, they want to make visa card which let you pay with bitconnect where ever you are , the volitility software is just a tiny thing there, also it's a hybrid coin which give bcc very good scaleability ,they may not have a white paper but the road map is very clear and they met all their goals yet since march 2016 till now . this month should be published thier visa/mastercard

2.EOS the most altcoin which worth out there i assume that the price right now is a joke and if you don't' buy eos on this price(under 1$) even if you think that it's going to be lower till blockchain one will work you are a jorke...
eos realy going to give the solution of many things that blockchain does not give , for example , and scaleability of 8000 transactions per sec is equal to visa! , i belive that all the projects that are based on ethereum right now like BAT is going to crash because delegation proof of stake is going to be the mainstream , you should not transfer altocoins to your browser ,eos will delegate you altcoins that you can start the runaway without any deposits.

  1. kyber network - i mean there is a lot of projects that want to do this idea of decentralized exchanges but vitalik is an advisor there and it makes all the different

4.omg - also im a big fan of vitalik projects and i think that currency is going to completely change the economy of the east..

5.neo , i think neo is going to be the btc of the chinese peoples , also very good technology they have a google facebook ebay of themselves , why not cryptocurrency??

6.CDX (ico) which was over two days ago, there are very responsable team and i very liked the idea of adverstating blogs and small companies , i mean that is the whole idea of the blockchain, give the peoples the power and neutralize the power factors that control advertising and more ..

7.of course bitcoin, and not because of it's technology, the tech is the worst yet.. but many peoples are using it and this is the first blockchain ever so... it's clear i guess lol

8.steem ofcourse i should not explain, this is an amazing if not the biggest invention on the category of social media industry .

  1. ethereum, i don't have a special reason, im just mining it, im not holding a lot,it's mainly for icos that i want to be part of.

10.xmr monero ,zcash,dash, if peoples want or not, this decentrelized coins of anonymous will be.. and thier technology and ideas are great, so... i think it's great

11.pivx, very good community and blockchain , they are planing to make a payment method which let peoples pay with fiat direct from pivx altcoin, also i heard that they have the best community in bitcoin
i have more but the main is here.. i hope i helped. love you guys
that's it for now i think, i put 50% on btc and 50% on altcoins.


Thank you for the post. I would like to read more from you. I'm going to follow you.


Awesome article, great tips, I will definitely invest in some of mentioned icos. Thank you very much for sharing your investing strategy :)


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Thank you for sharing your experience @amiramnoam, it is always useful to receive some information from those who are more experienced.


thanks dude

I like where your head is at with a few coins. My biggest coin right now is QTUM which you didnt mention. I think it will compete with NEO down the road. I am also a huge fan of EOS. A few years from now I think EOS will have a 50 billion dollar market cap. Steem is good, but we need improvements on the steemit platform. Dont know too much about the other coins you mentioned, but will will into them. Good post

you right the interface of steem is suck now, but the technology of steem is very powerful, making better interface should take some month or years, i mean facebook interface were very lame at the beginning and it's still beta version here.. so i am a big beliver on steem which is actually the one of few altcoins that power something -social media, maybe few more like ethereum and BAT and melon but this curreny has product behind and very good one with shitty interface compare to other social media of course(instegram whatsapp and more)... :)

I totally agree, that when users can help each other and reward each other for their work instead of a big company getting the money, that is a great thing. If people keep working together on steemit it will become a prosperous place for us all. Since you mentioned BAT you should check out Adex, they are similar, I think they have a big announcement coming out this month too

great article. I will resteem and follow you.

In the past days I stumbled over a "future24coin" which sounds to me very, very shady. Do you know about it and would you say it is trustworthy?

don't know anything about it buddy :)

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