When You Do Not Understand Personal Responsibility and The Other Guy Wins.

in #politics8 years ago

 When you lose, and people all over the Nation are attempting to "use their words" and explain why they voted the way they did. 

However, you feel you already know, so you just yell and picket and decide you know already, so you just insult them, by screaming slurs at them.

The wiki links are there, but you don't want to look at them, because you care more about where they came from than whether or not there is truth in them.  When you don't care how the Clinton Foundation was run or how they get their money, but you want everyone else to reject the "other person", regardless of how bad your candidate is received.  When you are so arrogant that you continue to assume that anyone who holds a different view, must be inferior and hateful.

When the new healthcare system is causing the middle-class hardship, but you just keep ignoring them, and telling them it works and it is better.  When there are real problems you won't acknowledge or try to fix. When you keep saying the economy is better and the middle class is taking punch after punch.  (Hey, but the stock market is up, that must prove everything is okay)  When people have just had enough of being told what is happening is working, when they know full well it isn't.

When your unlikable candidate who had more money, more celebrities, plus she had the President and the first lady campaigning with her.  Yet, she didn't inspire many of your own voters to come out and vote. 

When you take to Facebook and the streets to spread your fear, hate and nasty words.  All the while telling yourself your Nation is flawed and overrun with racists,.. and hatefulness. (add other insults here)

I didn't vote for Trump, and I am unsure how it will all turn out, but if you aren't understanding what happened in the election.  People have been saying for several years, I will never vote for Hillary, but you didn't want to hear it.   Stop blaming and assigning your judgment and start listening. Or not.

When people who abhor war have given up on the Democratic Party to find peace. So, they just look anywhere.

I am very sorry we are in such a bad place and everyone is sad/mad/fearful. etc.  Yet, I don't see many wanting to bring the Nation together, I just see a lot of people who want to be right, who feel right and who are not listening because they are too busy shouting. 


It's quite hilarious to me to see all of these people whining and crying, acting like it's the end of the world. I've seen people "panicking" about the KKK being after them, worrying about being deported, fearing that there will be a nuclear war this year, pretending that racism and sexism were the only reason Trump won.

It's pathetic. And these "protests" make me laugh. Just more people crying and acting out because they didn't get what they want. Everything they claimed would happen if Trump lost is actually happening - and they're the ones doing it. Protesting, rioting, violence...but is anyone actually surprised by this? This is how they always act - like petulant children, projecting all of their shortcomings and violent tendencies on others.

Remember when Obama was elected and a bunch of angry, triggered Republican voters took to the streets and protested, rioted, and attacked people. Yeah, neither do I.

Hilarity. That's what all of this is. I'm thoroughly enjoying it. It's fun being an anti-statist. I don't get hurt feelings when a poltician doesn't get elected.


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It's quite hilarious to see people equating a calm rational person like Obama taking office with a loose cannon like Trump.

Nobody is denying he is a loose cannon. The left refuses to acknowledge Hillary is also a very flawed candidate.

Well said, and it could be a post by it's self!

Oh, interesting...

I'll let you keep it. Maybe it will bring you some yuuuuuge rewards. Magnificent rewards. The best rewards. That comment is big league. Or bigly. Probably both.

All the while telling yourself your Nation is flawed and overrun with racists,.. and hatefulness.

They need to look in the mirror because they are some of the most racist, hateful, sexist people I have ever seen.

Upvoted and resteemed.

The hypocrisy is overwhelming.

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Who said a good Meme can't paint a picture?

Haha...well, how about this one? image

Give him a chance he may surprise us all :)

I think it is our only option.

(some of this is targeted at commenters)
What you are saying here about the Hillary voters is right, but why dont YOU try to understand it?
Why dont you try to understand why blacks are fearful of Trump after they have seen Trump followers attack blacks shouting the words of Trump? Or jews who got their shops demolished by people shouting for the KKK?

There is a reason for the fear - on both sides! It is greatly exagerated in most cases, but there are real, objectively true reasons.
For example you said people now feel nuclear war. But that is what Trump said, so why you say their fear is Bullshit?

Why should black people fear Trump? Because he's a racist? Is that why two of his top, long-time advisors are black?

Why should women hate Trump? Because he's sexist? Is that why those same two advisors are also women?

I don't understand all of this "Black people need to fear him!" or "Women need to fear him!" nonsense. There are other legitimate reasons to be against Trump - or any politician, for that matter. Racism and sexism would be at the bottom of the list. All of this crying and hostility over a presidential election...while local police murder people and states continue to pile up new restrictive laws and regulations and seize more money and property from residents.

Oh, and Obama has been murdering innocent people around the world for years with his drone wars, but we're going to pretend that this isn't happening right now? What some people believe or fear might happen under a Trump presidency is already happening under an Obama presidency. And guess what...it happened under Clinton and Bush before him, and would have continued with Hillary or any other candidate who won.

Donald Trump isn't a savior - but he's not the Devil incarnate, either. He's just another guy who will be sitting in a big, expensive home (paid with tax dollars), acting like he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, and pretending to know what's best for 300+ million people - or 7 billion people. Nothing new here. It's time to act like adults and acknowledge that they're all pieces of crap.

Good day.

I understand that people have been provided this message by the media. I understand there is real fear. I did not use the word bullshit.

I feared nuclear war under Hillary and Obama. They were fighting with Russia. I do not know if Trump will be better, but at least there is a chance.

I didn't vote for Hillary OR Trump. Yet if I was forced I would have voted for Trump. He is a gamble, not sure what he will be like. I suspect he will likely suck, but I knew Clinton would suck. The choices were just horrible.

However, you are spot on. Anyone that voted for Trump is inferior. All the things they claim Trump followers do when they were attacking them BEFORE the election and making claims is what there people are doing. The arrogance, and hypocrisy is astonishing.

One thing is for certain. Their approach to protesting only convinces people these people are very WRONG. If they want to convince people they have a lot of learning to do.

Supporters for Trump MIGHT have done the same thing if Hillary had won. That sad fact is that most of the population is ruled 100% by emotion and has no idea how critical thinking and reason work. This means they kind of act the same as each other while bad mouthing.

It is important to note there ARE exceptions in both of those groups, there are just some very vocal and sometimes actively aggressive factions.

I voted for Gary Johnson, he was no prize either! lol.

I wonder if the left is capable of considering what went wrong. Based on the response so far, I don't think so.

Yes, there are exceptions, but my hope is that someone stops the wars. Obama, couldn't/didn't. Hillary obviously wasn't going to. Maybe Trump's big mouth will accomplish something.

I voted Gary Johnson as well. I was not happy with Bill Weld his VP candidate in a big way. However, he had no chance of winning. My vote for them was in hopes of getting Libertarian votes to 5% so they could get better funding and better treatment next time around. That didn't happen.

As far as Obamacare. It hurt my family worse than any other bill in history. Prior to Obamacare I always had medical. After Obamacare most of my family has NOT had insurance since Obamacare. Even those that are eligible for a subsidy the price is way higher than we ever had to pay before and we simply cannot afford it. So we went from having health insurance to not having it. I have it through work with a massive deductible that makes it much worse than anything I had prior to Obamacare.

I could have written that myself. Obamacare has totaled the middle class. In my County, all the Blue Cross and Blue Shield providers have left. We don't have many insurance options. My insurance costs $950.00 a month with a 7000k deductable. It is crazy. I consider it a tax placed on me directly by Obama.

I would consider it more a tax placed on you by the healthcare industry, because that is really insane and cannot be because of the law itself (excluding changes in the law made by the industry to make it more expensive).
OK, the unwillingness to hold the industry accountable is also one big part, the reason why the US system is the most expensive in the world.
Anyway, what is the reason that the cost for you is higher then that for a whole family in other parts of the country? That cannot be because of the law, because the law is the same everywhere.

And of course, if you are really middle class you can afford that. Or you cannot and you are not middle class.

First. Our Obamacare doesn't look ANYTHING like your healthcare in Germany. If It did you would have been in an uproar long ago, and financially you'd be much worse off.

We also do not have Universal Health Care. We have Universal Healthcare Insurance, yet in reality we don't have that because it is not Universal. It simply shifted around who could afford it, increased the prices, and permitted the insurance companies to give less insurance for higher prices.

And yes the insurance industry here was responsible for writing the majority of the multi-thousand page Obamacare (Affordable Healthcare Act) which as many bills we pass in the U.S. actually did exactly the opposite of it's name.

The vast majority of the policies now have very high deductibles on top of a high premium. Some of them have co-pays as well. So you pay a high premium which leaves you very little money, and now they expect you to pay the co-pay too before you can be seen, and to add to that there is a deductible so it can be several thousand or even as high as ten thousand dollars before you are not responsible for the bill. So you paid just with the hope that the crazy 100,000 doctor bill if you are hospitalized would only cost you 10,000.

The fact of the matter is that such bills happen, but the 10,000 per year deductible more than makes up for this in a long run.

It is a sham and it severely hurt me. To be clear. I am middle class though due to the economy I support additional family members so it doesn't feel like it. I also care for my wife's 80+ year old parents.

Most of my life I was lower class. When I was lower class BEFORE Obamacare I had better insurance, and even WITHOUT insurance at all back then if I had to get an emergency I could. I would end up with expensive bills but they are NOTHING like the expense of this crazed insurance.

And since Obamacare they are harsher and LESS willing to help people without insurance. So it is a shell game, and the people are being conned.

The rest of the world and society is being fooled by flowery words like AFFORDABLE HEALTHCARE when in reality those words are the opposite of what that bill has done.

The rates of insurance are set at the county level, and no the law is not the same in every state and county as it has been implemented differently across the Nation. If you understood the mess it has made, you wouldn't have made this comment. If you doubt me. Go to the sign up page and select different towns for you home.

The price, I am told is due to my county and my age.

Yes, I can afford it. I used to have much better coverage at 385 per month and a $1500 deductable.

I find each time I enter into this conversation the only ones defending it, are those who don't have to use it. (it is mostly middle class, self-employed people)

How can we hold the system accountable when we are required to buy into it?

whatsup: Yes, I do not understand it, because I am from Germany. But we have both state and private health insurance here and I know quite a bit about that.

"The rates of insurance are set at the county level"
That does not answer my question. WHY does the county set it to this point? Why the why?

"How can we hold the system accountable when we are required to buy into it?"
Thats called politics. You basically ask questions, especially those who set the rates. Sorry if that sounds snippy. But the one single point where you could reduce the costs of the US health care system (not let the industry decide on all the prices freely) by easily 10% is still not attacked. If you pay 100$ or more for something that costs less then 1$ to produce then you are not doing it right.

well said.

Thanks :)

:) Glad you enjoyed it. Not everyone will.

Perhaps not, but they likely aren't enjoying anything else either :)

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