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RE: When You Do Not Understand Personal Responsibility and The Other Guy Wins.

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

(some of this is targeted at commenters)
What you are saying here about the Hillary voters is right, but why dont YOU try to understand it?
Why dont you try to understand why blacks are fearful of Trump after they have seen Trump followers attack blacks shouting the words of Trump? Or jews who got their shops demolished by people shouting for the KKK?

There is a reason for the fear - on both sides! It is greatly exagerated in most cases, but there are real, objectively true reasons.
For example you said people now feel nuclear war. But that is what Trump said, so why you say their fear is Bullshit?


Why should black people fear Trump? Because he's a racist? Is that why two of his top, long-time advisors are black?

Why should women hate Trump? Because he's sexist? Is that why those same two advisors are also women?

I don't understand all of this "Black people need to fear him!" or "Women need to fear him!" nonsense. There are other legitimate reasons to be against Trump - or any politician, for that matter. Racism and sexism would be at the bottom of the list. All of this crying and hostility over a presidential election...while local police murder people and states continue to pile up new restrictive laws and regulations and seize more money and property from residents.

Oh, and Obama has been murdering innocent people around the world for years with his drone wars, but we're going to pretend that this isn't happening right now? What some people believe or fear might happen under a Trump presidency is already happening under an Obama presidency. And guess happened under Clinton and Bush before him, and would have continued with Hillary or any other candidate who won.

Donald Trump isn't a savior - but he's not the Devil incarnate, either. He's just another guy who will be sitting in a big, expensive home (paid with tax dollars), acting like he's the greatest thing since sliced bread, and pretending to know what's best for 300+ million people - or 7 billion people. Nothing new here. It's time to act like adults and acknowledge that they're all pieces of crap.

Good day.

I understand that people have been provided this message by the media. I understand there is real fear. I did not use the word bullshit.

I feared nuclear war under Hillary and Obama. They were fighting with Russia. I do not know if Trump will be better, but at least there is a chance.

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