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RE: When You Do Not Understand Personal Responsibility and The Other Guy Wins.

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

It's quite hilarious to me to see all of these people whining and crying, acting like it's the end of the world. I've seen people "panicking" about the KKK being after them, worrying about being deported, fearing that there will be a nuclear war this year, pretending that racism and sexism were the only reason Trump won.

It's pathetic. And these "protests" make me laugh. Just more people crying and acting out because they didn't get what they want. Everything they claimed would happen if Trump lost is actually happening - and they're the ones doing it. Protesting, rioting, violence...but is anyone actually surprised by this? This is how they always act - like petulant children, projecting all of their shortcomings and violent tendencies on others.

Remember when Obama was elected and a bunch of angry, triggered Republican voters took to the streets and protested, rioted, and attacked people. Yeah, neither do I.

Hilarity. That's what all of this is. I'm thoroughly enjoying it. It's fun being an anti-statist. I don't get hurt feelings when a poltician doesn't get elected.



Mr. White Male Foot approves of this message.

It's quite hilarious to see people equating a calm rational person like Obama taking office with a loose cannon like Trump.

Nobody is denying he is a loose cannon. The left refuses to acknowledge Hillary is also a very flawed candidate.

Well said, and it could be a post by it's self!

Oh, interesting...

I'll let you keep it. Maybe it will bring you some yuuuuuge rewards. Magnificent rewards. The best rewards. That comment is big league. Or bigly. Probably both.

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