So, for 2 years the media has been bashing Trump's wall and Travel Ban. Just watch Europe, Part VII (FINAL): List of Sexual aggressions in Europe, and Closing Remarks

in #politics7 years ago

Final part of this series. Thanks to Twitter user @xiomirb who posted this thoughtful info in Spanish. 

NOTE: The info you will read is quite disturbing.  

“…I have made another of the sexual assaults. This I will publish it starting with the most recent cases and I will go backwards in timeline. If I thought that looking for information about non-mediatic terrorist attacks had been difficult, sexual attacks have been impossible. There is absolute silence on the part of governments and the mainstream media. They say it's because the same thing happens as with suicides: if you give them publicity, a chain reaction is generated.

And I ask myself: Why is group sexual aggression publicized when the attackers are European?

I have to note that some dates are from the day the assault took place and others from the day of the trial. I repeat that it is highly complicated to find and verify information about this type of crime. In short, this is what I have been able to confirm that, in itself, I find it chilling.

(I will omit the cases I have already named in the threads, I do not want to make you suffer more than necessary).

11/01/18 Gallivare, Sweden

A 22-year-old Eritrean refugee is arrested for raping a 22-year-old girl. The rape was so brutal that the girl died.

04/01/18 Rome, Italy

Ali Abdella, a 38-year-old Somali man, disguised himself as a nurse, slipped into a hospital and tried to abuse a matron while attending a birth. When arrested, the authorities confirmed that he had a long criminal record.

12/11/17 Sweden

A 35-year-old Armenian has been convicted of raping a woman recently operated for cervical cancer. He had asked her to help him get an alcohol license for his place, since he could not ask for it because he had a criminal record. Faced with the refusal of the woman, he attacked her. At the trial he stated: "I am not a Swede who is willing to accept a bad response from a woman. I'm a real man."

His background was for another violation.

He will not be deported.

11/16/17 Barcelona, Spain

The Imam of the Faizan e Attar mosque is arrested accused of repeatedly abusing a 9-year-old boy.

11/4/17 Barcelona, Spain

A Pakistani man is arrested, accused of raping up to five women.

He followed them to their homes and pushed them, entering the houses and attacking them.

10/27/17 Gran Canaria, Spain

This is going to shrink your soul:

Four Moroccans between 26 and 32 years old raped a woman in a group in an alley. Afterwards, they left her lying unconscious. After an hour, another Moroccan who was passing by, seeing her like that, also abused her

The young woman came to the police station confused, not knowing if how many had abused her. The security cameras in the area cleared the horror.

The five were arrested.

09/29/17 London, United Kingdom

Another case to cry about:

Thanks to the security cameras, the police were able to confirm the horror suffered by a 17-year-old girl on the way home. First, she was assaulted by a Pakistani who raped her. She tried to continue walking, when she was assaulted and raped again by another Pakistani. Again, she started the march when she was attacked and raped... this time by 3 Pakistanis.

09/12/17 Cádiz, Spain

6 minors from a refugee center detained for sexually assaulting two girls aged 12 and 13.

08/17/17 Rimini, Italy.

Two Moroccan brothers of 15 and 17 years old, a Nigerian of 16 and Guerlin Butungu, a Congolese of 20, attacked a couple walking on the beach. He was beaten up and was knocked unconscious. She was raped in a group repeated times and then thrown into the water.

07/31/17 London, United Kingdom

Mujahid Arshid, 33, and Vincent Tappu, 28, kidnapped Celine Dookhran, 20, and her roommate. They raped and tortured them. All because Celine is an Indian Muslim and was dating an Arab Muslim, and that did not seem right.

07/29/17 Birmingham, United Kingdom

Sit down to read:

A Pakistani boy rapes a 15-year-old girl in a train station. The little girl went out to the street asking for help. Another Pakistani man stopped his vehicle, offering to help her. He put her in the car and raped her too.

07/22/17 Hannover, Germany

Naji N, a 27-year-old Moroccan asylum seeker, is arrested for beating and raping, for almost 2 hours, a 22-year-old girl, pregnant with 7 months of twins.

He hit her on the head in the street, dragged her inside a building, put her in the elevator and continued hitting her. He began to rape her, constantly beating her belly sadistically. Fortunately, the babies were born safe and sound.

07/01/17 Valencia, Spain

Arrested a Moroccan of 35 years for sexually assaulting five women, along a beach.

06/30/17 Norrkoping, Sweden

Again, a group of refugees sexually assaulted 23 women, raping another 4, at the Bravalla festival. This time, the rest of the festival was canceled (because banning them from the festival was not an option).

05/14/17 Valencia, Spain

A 44-year-old Pakistani man, owner of a bar, is arrested for sexually assaulting his employees: he put them in hand and forced them to kiss him. The police discovered that he had a criminal record for having abused other employees previously. 

05/13/17 Valencia, Spain. 

A Moroccan is arrested, accused of attempting to rape a gypsy girl of 10 years. The police had to intervene to calm the relatives and friends of the child, who tried to lynch the attacker during his detention. 

05/06/17 Alicante, Spain 

A 33-year-old Pakistani man is arrested after attempting to rape a 63-year-old woman. In his DNA test, they discovered that he had raped a 19-year-old girl, 2 months earlier.

06/05/17 Ramsgate, United Kingdom

Tamin Rahani, 37; Shershah Muslimyar, 20; Rafiullah Hamidy, 24 and a minor, all Moroccans, kidnapped and raped for hours a young woman who had entered the kebab where they were, to ask for an address.

05/14/17 Sunderland, United Kingdom

Six refugees from Syria, Iraq and Bahrain, between 20 and 30 years old, drugged and kidnapped a 26-year-old girl. They took her to a house where she was raped and tortured for hours. This attack generated violent protests by natives, which shattered the windows of the house with stones, resulting in five men being detained. I have not been able to find the names of the accused of torturing the young woman. Cn the contrary, the names of those accused of destruction are in any British newspaper: Philip Hacker, 38; Gary Hutchinson; Sean Ruffell, 25; Darren Kerr, 25 and Kevin Sayers, 30.

03/30/17 Germany

The trial against Hussein Khavari, 22 years old, begins. The illegal Iraqi immigrant who raped Maria Ladenburger, 19 years old. Then he strangled her and threw her into the river, where she drowned. He stated that he threw her into the river because, in passing, "she wanted to cleanse her blood." During the trial it was discovered that in 2013 he had entered as an "Afghan" refugee in Greece, and had been sentenced to 10 years in prison for trying to kill a girl who refused to have sex with him, throwing her off a cliff in Corfu.

Hussein Khavari.  (source)

In 2015, it is not known why, he is released and flees to Germany, where he lived illegally. That same year, he rapes and murders Maria because "I saw her so beautiful that I wanted to have sex with her". He tried to pretend he was a minor, but authorities discovered that he was 22 years old and was Iraqi. Maria, was the daughter of an EU analyst and lawyer, closely related to helping refugees. She worked as a volunteer in a center for them. During his funeral, his parents organized a collection of money for refugees.

It is the Maria that the women of the movement "12 decibels" name in her video. Read my previous post about it.

Maria Ladenburger (source)

03/05/17 Alicante, Spain

A 21-year-old Moroccan is arrested for having sexually assaulted two young men of 20 and 21 years old.

02/07/17 Soria, Spain

A 20-year-old Moroccan is arrested for raping an 84-year-old woman in her own home.

1/19/17 Saxony, Germany

Qaisar S., a 38-year-old Pakistani refugee, is sentenced to 46 months in prison for raping a 19-year-old German girl, and biting her, trying to infect her with Hepatitis C.He had just been released from prison, three months before the attack, by a shooting. He could not be deported because Pakistan refused to accept him.

January 2017. Barcelona, Spain.

Councilwoman Gala Pin expressed concern about the increase in sexual assaults in the Vela hotel area. The aggressors were 3 Moroccans, of French nationality, who traveled to Spain by car on weekends, attacked women and returned to France.

December 2016. Almería, Spain

A Moroccan of 34 years old is accused of trying to kidnap 6 women to abuse them, in Murcia. One of his victims was only 15 years old. Another victim tried to kill her by driving her with a car.

11/07/16 Valencia, Spain

A 22-year-old Nigerian tried to rape a 24-year-old girl. He hit her and dragged her behind some bushes. He touched her and tried to tear her clothes off, when a passer-by, alerted by his cries for help, came to his aid, avoiding rape.

The girl declared that, while dragging her behind the bushes, he said: "do not shout! I only just want sex".

10/31/16. Barcelona, Spain

A 45-year-old Moroccan is arrested after kidnapping, raping and attempting to murder a young woman. He had a criminal record.

October 2016, Terni, Italy

The case of a marriage that welcomed a refugee of 31 years comes to light and, later, they discovered that she had been abusing her daughter for more than a year, when she became pregnant at the age of 12.

The baby was given for adoption.

10/22/16 Lower Saxony, Germany

An 18-year-old Somali refugee is arrested for raping, sneaking into a residence, two disabled elderly, aged 59 and 90. He also killed the wife of one of them, because he woke up while raping her husband.

October 2016. Germany

Hussein Khavari, a 33-year-old Afghan refugee, raped and murdered a 19-year-old volunteer in a refugee center. He pretended to be 16 years old to avoid conviction, that is, the laws that suit them, they know them well. (The trial was reviewed in paragraphs below)

9/11/16 Valencia, Spain

A 22-year-old Moroccan is arrested for raping a woman with a psychic disability of more than 65%.

08/13/16 Valencia, Spain

Two Pakistanis, two Algerians and two Cubans detained. One of them for raping a woman and the other 5 for looking.

06/30/16 Norrkoping, Sweden

7 refugees arrested for sexually assaulting several women, during the We are Sthlm festival. Five women were raped and 35 were sexually assaulted. The youngest victim was 12 years old. The police continued looking for more suspects.

June 16,17,18 2016 Karlstad, Sweden

32 victims of sexual assault, at the hands of refugees, at the Putte i Parken festival.

06/28/16 Sundsvall, Sweden

A 19-year-old Eritrean raped a Swedish woman in a public bathroom.

06/23/16 Sundsvall, Sweden

4 men and a Syrian woman, abducted, beaten and sexually abused a Swedish man, for 12 hours.

06/19/16 Bilbao, Spain

A 44-year-old Moroccan man rapes and stabs several times the social worker who had obtained him the reception floor, when he told him that they should evict him for having had several episodes of gender-based violence against Western women.

06/14/16 Mariestad, Sweden

Maher al Qalisi, 20-year-old Yemeni, attacked a 13-year-old girl: he raped her and stabbed her in the face. He was sentenced to 18 months of freedom under surveillance.

06/11/16 Bodafors, Sweden

Daniel Rahimi, a 17-year-old Afghan, is convicted of raping and attempting to murder a minor.

06/09/16 Norrkoping, Sweden

Three 18-year-old Somalis docked and beat up a 25-year-old man. One of them, Abdimalik Hasan Shido, also raped him orally and anally.

05/30/16 Baleares, Spain

A Moroccan man rapes a 23-year-old woman.

05/25/16 Málaga, Spain

Two Moroccans aged 17 and 19 arrested for raping a girl of 14.

05/09/16 Mataró, Spain

Three Maghrebis are arrested after vaginally and anally raping a 17-year-old girl with an intellectual disability of 57%, in the vicinity of the center where she was attending school. The family has suspicions that they have abused other girls with disabilities, who go to the same school.

05/09/16 Sweden

Isak Andai, 15 year old Eritrean, rapes a girl, after being welcomed by the mother, in the family home. He was "condemned" to move to a center for minors for immigrants.

05/09/16 Sweden

Hosar Mahmood, a 22-year-old Iraqi man, is sentenced to 26 months for raping a woman who was hospitalized. In 2013, he had served 30 months for breaking into an apartment, savagely beating the owner and raping three teenage Somalis of 20 years, are sentenced to 30 months in prison, but are not deported, after raping a 14-year-old girl in a group. 

08/05/16 Sweden 

Jalid Salim Tarabeih, of 20 years, is sentenced to 18 months for raping a 14-year-old girl.

08/05/16 Vaxjo, Sweden. 

Four refugees rape a minor. No further details have been revealed.

23/05/16 Umea, Sweden

It is reported that a group of asylum seekers are systematically assaulting women traveling on certain night bus lines.

May 2016. Sweden 

“Unaccompanied minors” rape a young man in a shelter. 

02/02/16 Elche, Spain 

A Maghrebi is arrested for sexually abusing a minor.

04/14/16 Sweden

Babucar Mboge, a 21-year-old Gambian, is convicted of raping to a woman. During the trial she boasted of having "fucked her for more than ten minutes".

04/07/16 Delbruck, Germany 

Two Afghan refugees aged 25 and 20 forced a 14-year-old boy to perform sexual acts in a public pool sink. Another 11-year-old boy escaped.

07/03/16 Barcelona, Spain

Magrebi aged 38 is arrested on charges of raping 4 women and attempted rape of another 3.

02/18/16 Sweden

A 27-year-old Iranian attacked a woman in a public restroom, a woman with a mental disability. He was sentenced to 10 months in prison.

02/18/16 Sweden

Two Afghan men registered as unaccompanied minors in refugee center raped a minor, recording the assault with the child.It transpired that one of them was 44 years old.

03/13/16 Valencia, Spain

A Moroccan of 60 years is arrested for showing his genitals to some children who played in a park and offer them sexual services.

02/11/16 Vienna, Austria

Abdou I., Gambian of 24 years. Abdou arrived as a refugee in Germany, where he was arrested for numerous robberies and sexual assaults. I do not know how, but escaped to Austria, where he infiltrated another group of refugees in search of asylum. There he was welcomed by Lauren Mann, 25 years old... he raped and strangled her. He was arrested two weeks later, already registered in another center of refugees, and sentenced to life imprisonment.

02/08/16 Marbella, Spain

A group of Moroccans kidnaps a girl of 18 years, who is raped in a group. They have a search and seizure order. 

January 2016. Alicante, Spain

A Moroccan of 36 years was detained, for marauding schools showing his genitals to minors. At his home, they found pedophile material. 

January 2016. Manheim, Germany

Selin Goren, spokesperson for the leftist movement Solid, was sexually assaulted by three men, as she left the refugee center where she works as an activist. In her first complaint, she denied knowing the identity of His attackers, and gave false clues. Twelve hours later, he acknowledged to the authorities that they had been three immigrants from the center. She said she had lied because she wanted to avoid racial discrimination. (To avoid that they could do the same to other women, it is clear that that was not on her list of priorities initially).

Selin Goren (source)

January 2016. Sweden

Syrian refugee aged 34, raped and beat a woman in a refugee center. She had managed to lock herself in the bathroom fleeing from him, but managed to dismantle the lock and attack her. He was sentenced to two years in prison.

12/31/15 Vienna, Austria

9 Iraqi refugees, between 21 and 47 years old, members of the same family, kidnap a 28-year-old German woman, move her to her home, sedan and abuse her for 4 hours, taking pictures at all times. When they got tired of her, they left her lying on the floor of a bus stop. They were arrested in September 2016 but I have not been able to find information about the conviction.

December 2015. Kempele, Finland

Two Afghan refugees aged 17 and 19, rape two girls of 14.

December 2015. Finland

Ramin Azimi, an Afghan refugee, is sentenced to life imprisonment for raping and burning his 17-year-old Finnish girlfriend alive, when she wanted to break up with him.

Ramin Azimi and his girlfriend. (source)

12/14/15 Sweden

An Afghan, who lied during his search on arrival in Sweden, claiming to be a minor, was housed in a center for unaccompanied minors, where he raped a 15-year-old girl the next day. He was condemned to receive psychiatric care.

11/29/15 Valencia, Spain

A 55-year-old Pakistani taxi driver tried to rape a passenger. He started making obscene comments during the trip. She asked him to stop, but he stopped the vehicle, blocked the doors and pounced on her. Fortunately, he managed to open a door and escape.

November 2015. Austria

A refugee, aged 17, rapes an elderly woman of 72.

11/10/15 Sweden

Karim Ageri, 16, sexually assaulted a girl of 16, who was visiting the refugee shelter where he lived. She rejected him and tried to escape. Karim reached out and split his face twice with a knife.

Karim Ageri and the victim. (source)

September 2015. Rattvik, Sweden

Mohammed, a 27-year-old Syrian, is convicted of raping and/or sexually assaulting 21 women and girls in a month. The youngest of its victims was only 4 years old. The biggest, 69. He had requested asylum because his "country is at war" and felt that his "life is in danger". He was granted asylum in prison.

During the trial, numerous witnesses said that he was around elementary schools and kindergartens. One lady stated that he had said "do you know what a man needs?", after seeing her leave her daughter at daycare. Two 13-year-old girls testified that he assaulted them on the street and told them "I want to fuck you".

July 2015. Stockholm, Sweden

21 victims of sexual assaults at the hands of refugees, at the We are Sthlm festival in Bravalla. The police hid this cases again. The majority of the victims were under 15 years of age.

June 2015. Stockholm, Sweden

Multiple sexual attacks at the hands of refugees, at the summer festival Summerburst. Once again, the police tried to hide it so as not to generate anti-immigrant movements. 38 girls between 12 and 17 were the victims.

April 2015. Gothenburg, Sweden

Somali, 34, rapes a woman at knifepoint. When he finished, he offered money to take her home to "be able to fuck you the whole day". He was sentenced to five and a half years.

February 2015. Ferry Amorella, Sweden

Seven Somalis and an Iraqi rape a Swedish woman in a cabin of said Ferry.

1/18/15 Malaga, Spain

Five Moroccans between 15 and 17 years old rape a girl of 18.They were arrested.

09/05/14. Barcelona, Spain

A tourist asks for a taxi and the driver, a Pakistani man, took the opportunity to rape her. He was arrested.

Summer 2014. Emmaboda, Sweden

17 sexual assaults are reported in the We are Sthlm festival. The police hid it so as not to generate anti-immigrant movements.

03/30/14 France

Three Turkish brothers aged 13, 15 and 17, together with a Moroccan friend of 13, raped and tortured, for two hours, an 18-year-old girl. During the trial, not only did they not show any kind of remorse, but defended themselves saying: "we would not have touched it if it had been a Turkish girl. We attacked her because she is French and the French are all sons of bitches. "They were convicted of several crimes, among others, RACISM.

Extra: I said that I would inform you of who the girls are that they speak in 120 decibels.

Maria Ladenburguer, the German girl of 19 years, I have named her in this thread. Hussein Khavari, a 22-year-old Iraqi illegal immigrant, raped her. Then he strangled her and threw her into the river, unconscious, where she drowned.

Ebba was Ebba Akerlund, an 11-year-old Swedish girl who was killed in the Stockholm attack, being run over by the terrorist who drove a truck into the crowd on April 7, 2017.

Mia was Mia Ayliffe-Chung, a 20-year-old British woman who was stabbed to death in an Australian backpacker's hostel.

The culprit, 29-year-old Smail Ayad, witnesses said, shouted Allahu Akbar as he stabbed her and another boy, named Tom Jackson, 30, who tried to help her. He died days later at the hospital. Smail was sentenced to be held in a mental institution.  

Closing remarks

Many people have asked me about my sources.

Look, this started because I read a story about the fence of Calais, and then another about the fence of Hungary and I was outraged to think the hypocrites of the big media, all day with Trump and his wall in the mouth, but silent about the walls that were in Europe.

So, I started looking for more walls in the EU. And as I read things separately, they do not understand each other well, I started taking notes about "fences - countries - construction dates". To this I began to add the cost and of course, I also found the reason to have built them. Every time I had more notes and more papers, and more links, and more files one thing took me to another, when I realized I was writing the first threads in Word files.

I used to read a story and search the internet to corroborate the information they gave. I used small local newspapers from around the world (they are more reliable because, because they are aimed at a small audience that lives the news in the front row, it is more difficult to lie).

The translators became my best friends (I do not speak Swedish, or German, or Belgian ...). And I speak in the plural because the incorrect translation of a word can change everything. I turned to institutes that publish their data on the web, to government websites (although I trust less of them than of the mainstream media), the UN website, Amnesty International.

(source 1)(source 2)(source 3)(source 4)

A lot of information I had to leave behind. And the threads were long enough!


As I had data on specific sites, I turned to the friends that I have scattered all over the planet: Hey Jean, is it true that in France they are putting security arches to enter some shopping centers?

Then I told myself that 3 answers were a statistic to confirm or disprove something. If 2 friends of 3 tell me that they have passed security arches to enter shopping centers (which were not there before) and one tells me no: it is true that some shopping centers have them.

The reliability... I know the effort that I have put in corroborating the data that I contribute.

Whether others believe the content or not... Long live individual freedom!

Many of you have also asked me why our governments are tolerating all this.

There are many theories and, as they all sound cruel and heartbreaking, we tend to classify them as conspiracy theories.I am not in possession of the absolute truth, but I ask simple questions:

Are not they manipulating us talking all day of the Trump Wall while Europe has closed us without saying anything?

Do you not see anything strange in the fact that Dan Eliasson, in Sweden, is in charge, while scandals are uncovered around him, which always imply favoring immigrants in prejudice of the natives?

How many knew that the sale of arms in Brussels was legal? 

Because we are all clear about the means that are legal in the US. 

But nobody ever tells us that they are in Brussels, the cradle of European jihadists.

And what do you tell me about what happened in the UK, more than 1,400 children were sex slaves for 16 years and there have only been 6 resignations for that? (The exact number of children is unknown because, after 1400, the secrecy of summary was declared).

As expected, they accuse me of xenophobia, racism, they call me Nazi (I have not yet been called fascist, I'm amazed).

Do you see any difference between the two photographs?

Well, one went on all the covers of the world. The other was censored even on Twitter.

And how are these ones?

"The pack" was international news. Here you have, as an example, the BBC echoing it:

‘Wolf pack’ gang rape trial angers SpainA judge is under fire over his handling of the trial of five men accused of gang raping a woman. (source)

You just have to put in an internet search engine: Pamplona rape

Find who are the 4 below... You write Eid al Adha United Kingdom rape and a small digital blog AND ONE NEWSPAPER are the only ones that tell it and without photos:

If you think that denouncing the acts of Muslims, so that everyone knows what they hide from us, is to foment hatred, but to denounce the acts of Europeans is perfectly valid: it is not me who has a problem with a race in particular.

A lot of people are also talking to me, telling me about their experiences in Europe. Demonstrating that if I thought nothing could impress me anymore, I was wrong...

...I thank you very much that you share with me your life experiences.

Anyway, I say goodbye. Thanks to all those who have read me, those who have commented to me, those who have encouraged and supported me.

I do not know when I'll post again. I am already gathering information on another politically incorrect topic, but it takes time.

I am very sorry for the bad taste in my mouth that I have left you. "The truth hurts", they say, but sometimes... it is devastating!"

It is our duty to spread the truth. If you agree, i invite you to resteem the post. Let's prevent the Americas for what could happen if we don't take a stand against illegal immigration.

To read the article in its entirety, you can read it from the original source in Spanish here:







Follow, Resteem and UPVOTE  @metalmag25


Curated for #informationwar (by @stevescoins)
Relevance: exposure of immigration issues hidden by #fakenews
Our Purpose

Men tend to want certain narratives that align with their preconceived beliefs regarding their environment. Men filter data through the bias of their indoctrinated ideology, rather than accept facts of reality. Europeans have for the past century deluded themselves in the religion of some ludicrous post-nation-state global utopia of multiculturalism. Sadly, reality does not align with European fables, and Europe is fast devolving into anarchy.

"Rot at the core spreads outward," so wrote Frank Herbert. The rot of Western leftism and cultural suicide exported into the Middle East resulted in the chaos of so-called "Arab Spring," which no doubt had Western subversion agencies funding the rebellious malcontents. Of course, the West soon learned that the people they "freed" did not share their deluded stupidity of multiculturalism and liberal democracy. The rot of Western freedom seeded the Middle East and brought back the degenerates that invade Europe. Unless Europeans recognize the lunacy of their faith in multiculturalism and liberal democracy, they will be culturally extinct as a people by the new Goths.

If Angela Merkel desires a definitive solution to the "refugee crisis," then she ought to convince the EU and NATO to assist Pres. Assad in crushing the rebels, stabilizing Syria, where the displaced Syrians can return. Instead, Europeans are nothing but a shell of a people dancing to the jigs of their 'Murican masters.

Men tend to want certain narratives that align with their preconceived beliefs regarding their environment. Men filter data through the bias of their indoctrinated ideology, rather than accept facts of reality.

Some of us take steps to try to free ourselves from generalizations.

It's just sad, very sad. These are crimes against humanity and there will never be justification to ignore, cover up or refuse to acknowledge or call it for it is. Who will defend these innocent people? Who will make the world know about it? Thank you metalmag for your series and exposing and educating me on what is going on around the world and how governments and police choose to let it happen.

Resteeming so others have a chance to learn.

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