US Intelligentsia Stoking Fears of the Red Russian Bear

in #politics8 years ago

Milo Yiannopoulos was recently on Bill Maher where he also did an after show segment called "Overtime with Bill Maher" with the 3 other guests. It got heated, with two guests telling Milo to go "f" himself, getting angry and sometimes talking over him loudly, in response to his usual insulting of people who were being stupid and calling them out for it. He did his usual riling up of emotions and "triggering".


That's not what I want to talk about though. There were some ridiculous assertions by the former U.S. counter-terrorism intelligence officer, Malcolm Nance, who was trying to continue to invoke fears of a bogeyman through the great red and scary bear, saying that Russia is spying on the US, and Wikileaks is a front for Russian intelligentsia. Only the gullible will simply believe these claims to silence their independent critical evaluation of information. Russia bad. USA good. The end.


He also has a book called "How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election". He said that he would prefer to have Hillary as president taking money from Saudi Arabia, than the alternative of his false assertion of Trump being in bed with Russian spies to win his election. Saudi Arabia is one of the worst violators of human rights that laughably is on the UN Human Rights Council, while Russia is not. Go figure! What a mad mad world and big sad joke we live it.

“It’s a joke. It’s all a fuckin’ joke. God help us all.”
– The Comedian (Watchmen, 2009)

Not only that, but Maher tried to create an appeal to respect the authority of the former intelligence officer, in order to get Milo to shut up:

"This guy has done things that allowed you to f-king live."

This is the usual spin around police, military and government agencies. Respect them because they fight and die for your freedom.

Today, White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said to Fox News Sunday that these allegations of Trump or the administration being in cahoots with Russian spies are "not only grossly overstated, but also wrong." He said this assurance comes from "top levels of the intelligence community" who have "made it very clear that the story is complete garbage" No FBI or CIA sources were named.

This comes after the New York Times tabloid journalism alleged members of Trumps 2016 campaign were in contact with senior Russian intelligence officials through the year before the election. This apparently comes from current and former officials who say there are "phone records and intercepted call". But there is no evidence of this yet.

If you're not aware, there is a push by the "Deep State" in intelligentsia to keep the imperialist globalist agenda and bogeymen alive in the minds of Americans. One such "monster" being the "Red-threat" of Russia, reviving the Cold War mentality which many are still trapped in.

For those who don't blindly hate Trump, can you blame him for getting pissed off at the press all the time (like in his solo press conference last week) when they keep fabricating "news" (fake news), while pretending they are the bastions of "real news"? What a joke.

When the American media is accusing Russia of spying and that the Trump administration is "treacherous" for daring to have communication with Russia, that doesn't bode well for international relations between the two largest nuclear powers in the world. This is just leading to more animosity between two nations in order to reignite the Cold War threat.

The over-bloated American intelligentsia needs another bogeyman to keep people in fear and justify their continued and growing expenses to "fight for your freedom" and protect you from "monsters" in the world. What better for them, than to revive the old red-scare of the great-bear that is Russia? Many intelligence operatives from the Cold War are still around, and they can't let go of their past grudges.

2017... watch out, it's heating up!

We better watch out, or Russia will invade us with their bears and AK-47s...


By the way, I'm not saying the opposite either, that Russia is a bastion of freedom, nor that Trump or the USA is either. Don't go all polar (bear), or straw man me!

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

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2017-02-20, 9:32am


Good read man.
Its kinda crazy, the only reason they want to start a war with Russia to provoke WW3 is cuz wars make money. Imagine if we all lived in peace and harmony with the land (which we probly should) than big corporations and shadow governments wouldnt be making any money. No war = no scrilla, no weapons manufacturing, no tyranny and no deaths is bad for the powers that be. They are evil and they love to rule us with an iron fist, with things like war, currency manipulations, taxes, jobs and so on.
Sometimes I wish i ruled the world

The satanic pedophiles that have controlled this country for decades know now that when the pizza/ pedogate hammer drops on them that they are done. The reason they are pushing for war with Russia is they know that the only hopes they have for survival is a MAJOR distraction.

I grew up in the cold war era and it's absolutely absurd in this day and age that the satanic pedophiles are trying to have us believe that Russia poses this great threat- what a load of bunk- anyone with half a brain knows that Russia and the US share common interests and although Russia will not be shoved around they also are not looking for war.

If the satanic pedophiles want war with Russia so badly we should stack them all up on front of NATO forces to lead the charge into Russia- but then we'll hold the NATO troops back- we saw how the invasion of Russia worked out for Hitler and Napoleon yet these scumbags who have zero regard for our soldiers lives push for war with Russia?

These frauds will soon be in prison or swinging from the end or a rope- tick tock you psychopaths- your days are NUMBERED!

I'm confused...who exactly is the satanic pedophile?

do your research -

Satianic Pedophile?, probably missed the glaring discrepancy between ONE and MANY, exactly why you should consider not opening your mouth and saying "I'm confused" with the ... to hint that expectation for someone to spoon feed you some information..


Let's consider for one moment that you typed both "is" and "pedophile" wrong, extending to you an ungodly benefit of doubt.

What excuses your incredulous tone behind


which you chose instead of explaining EXACTLY what you were confused about? ABSO-FUCKINGLUTELY-NOTHING YOU TROLL!
The other certainty is that as a trollish comment it says milliards about your future on steem: I SEE YOU.

Oh, this is rich. First of all, it's a convention to use "is" when implying a singular subject. Not sure how pedophile was typed incorrectly, although in Greek it would in fact be "paedophile" to distinguish from a person who loves feet. And, last I checked, confusion is perfectly acceptable when "satanic pedophile" is a phrase that is used in any context. The only pedophilia scandal I currently know about is Milo Yiannopoulos' rather out of context interview, although if you were referencing pizzagate, I'm still very confused. Perhaps you could explain all of this from the beginning? I'm new to US politics.

It's not rich, it's accurate:

  1. Numerous times, and only, "Satanic Pedophiles"
    It's a plural. Where did you see "Satanic Pedophile"? You didn't, so you were asking about explanation about what exactly? Exactly.
  2. You just claimed that you are unaware of other pedophilia scandals (currently), you are either lying or have been under a rock for pretty much your entire life, if I ask where you are from, not even the country but the city there will undoubtedly be numerous scandals about pedophilia, local to you, which obviously you don't .. know about... (larf)
  3. You chose to use ... instead of asking exactly what you don't understand about Satanic Pedophiles in whichever aspect you were confused about implying that it is "meager and meaningless" to utter the phrase Satanic Pedophiles.
  4. Grammar is not what we are arguing as you clearly chose to use a singular where a plural was crux, confusion is what you sown and discord is what you arrived at through your tone.
  5. It classifies as troll in all 4 aspects, the current "scandal" you are aware about is a scandal? Troll

So you weren't confused about Satanic Pedophiles, but who was in that category...
You see what I did there: You..

... are used to omit, how is omision, especially in this context very useful to understanding?


Oh, this is rich:
You're very concerned about the ellipses. I don't really know why, but...











What is a troll?

Done One handed bitch ass troll.

Thank you for this treatment of Maher's "panel" against Milo. I was tempted to say some of this in my "Jester, Joker" post, but it seemed too deep a subject to stray into. For those of us who grew up in the shadow of THE BOMB, hiding under our desks from nuclear fire, at school, Russia is now a people with whom we could become friends. There are still psychopaths in this world, but running headlong into the future on a war footing, seeing enemies everywhere, this is sheer madness. Russia is a nation that should know first hand how bad an idea communism is. Saying what individuals know, and grouping them together is iffy at best, but it's looking to me that more Americans are falling over themselves to embrace communism than The Bear. We are in strange territory here, it used to be the Right that were scared of Russia. Maybe it's because Russia is no longer communist, but the Democrats are.

Yup, my newest post talked about this socialist communist move to through crime, thought police and hate speech that seeks to quell independent thought and speaking of truth. Milo has truth to speak, and some BS insults to lash out that he doesn't always need to say, but that's what makes him popular I guess? Thanks for the feedback.

I appreciate the rewards, thank you.

I watched the full interview it was HILARIOUS. Larry Wilmore was pretty juvenile and was full of salt while that counter terrorism guy totally embarrased himself with his Russian BS rhetoric. Props to Milo though, takes a real masochist to just sit there and take verbal abuse like that. Getting under leftists' skin is what he does better than anyone else

Hehe, yeah, they didn't do well and he did quite well. Thanks for the feedback.

Just saw the reward you sent me, thank you , that's quite generous.

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What is your recommendation for new users ?

Yeah, STEEM is low now, you can use the "Convert to STEEM" option in your wallet and it takes 3 days to convert your SBD into STEEM.

I don't know what to think of Milo, but he usually keeps things entertaining. What are your thoughts about him? Like him? Dislike him? Value his opinion?

I've seen a few interviews, and he can accurately represent reality more than not, and certainly more than most or all news personalities. He's a value for setting many things straight. Thanks for the feedback. I suspect you like him ;)

I haven't seen a lot of him, but remember one interview in particular. I agreed with what he was saying when pointing out the absurdity, hypocrisy, and dangers of the feminist movement.

Many intelligence operatives from the Cold War are still around, and they can't let go of their past grudges.

:( who cares about the future generations, eh?

Bah, let's just keep living in the past and try to go back and correct all the wrongs that were ever done, ever, even though we resolved some of these things and moved on... and can't change what has alrady been done... LOL.

Yeah, it has been boiling for a while and makes me wonder when the new target will become Canada!? Maybe our intake of refugees will convince Trump administration to keep on going with President George Bush insteps on that matter?!? Grrrr... the monumental majority of us loose with such fear mongering and blatant lies held on hatred and ignorance.

Thanks for the important information you shared with us al again. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Famous Russian spies... Story from two years ago (google Anna Chapman). All that ridiculous people with spy passwords on stickers.. Another funny story from Alfred Koch, former Russian Deputy Premier-minister, now exiled: he writes, that once he became minister, FSB/KGB each morning brought to him secret info - it was special man with case, chained to his arm, etc etc.. It the same time he continued to get data from his former employees from one of biggest Russian Banks. These data, collected from newspapers and internet, were the mostly the same with intelligence data but better structured and readable.

I have no doubt that Russia spies on the U.S. I also have do doubt that the U.S. spies on Russia. As far as Wikileaks, I wouldn't doubt that Russia uses them for their own ends when it is convenient (e.g. releasing "hacked" e-mails for instance) but I doubt that they are controlled by Russians.

Short of a nuclear war, I don't think Russia represents much of a threat to the U.S.

As far as freedom is concerned, despite its problems, I'll still take the U.S. over Russia any day. I'm not terribly optimistic regarding Trump but for now I am still glad he beat Clinton.

For those who don't blindly hate Trump, can you blame him for getting pissed off at the press all the time (like in his solo press conference last week) when they keep fabricating "news" (fake news), while pretending they are the bastions of "real news"? What a joke.

please, explain me what are "real news" to you?

pretty much anything that isint mainstream garbage. Turn off the TV and read something, read an article, a book, the truth. TV is the biggest propoganda machine, I bet you Hitler woulda used it if he could.

i dont even own a TV

You don't even own a tv, you don't say.

That begs the question now.. why did you say you don't own a tv? That doesn't mean you don't watch tvs at all your friends houses, that doesn't mean you don't subscribe to whatever the MSM says is news, you are implying you don't follow the news but didn't have the courage to say "I don't even watch the news" which means right now that you are watching the news on a tv you don't even own, on a cellphone/laptop that is not even in your presence.


What will that explanation do, it seems you asked for explanation about one thing in this context simply to imply that fake news is something that is "to me" relevant and not really objective. It seems though, so maybe you can explain to everyone here what you don't understand about the above quote in the context in which it is, and not the bait and switch you just pulled when you uttered the words "I don't even own a tv" as if owning a tv is what excuses your insinuations or, maybe, just maybe help us understand what excuses your inability to understand the concept of "lies/propaganda/fake news" which by not owning a tv should give you an advantage in that aspect?
I'll just hold onto this hot coal while you take your time..

i dont need to explain myself to you. meanwhile my question is not answered yet. is the only one I can think of off the top of my head. there are others

She doesn't own a computer.

I figured, why would you explain yourself, to me. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Why would you even bother to face up to the facts: insinuating that fake news is something subjective and that you bait and switched when someone chimed in to break down what FAKE news is(MSM Propaganda) and offered you the answer to your pathetic "real news can you explain me", because obviously you lack the understanding of fake news, or you just trolled and implied that you really care about what fake news means in that context, which he did break it down to you: PROPAGANDA, so.. what was your question again, besides a weak ass troll attempt. Your question has been answered, you asked..
what is real news? you mean what is fake news? O you don't own a tv, you don't say (doubt that very much troll)

calm your titties.

Telling people to calm down now? ms. I don't even own a tv implying that you don't follow news or current events in the mainstream media, without the courage to say "i don't even watch the news" and asking for explanations when in fact you are a troll subtlety dismissing the answer to your question, because you don't need to explain yourself to me, as if you were required to do that, as if you were forced to do that, as if theres any need to explain anything, just a choice, a want which clearly you have no desire to do: troll.

Continue on believing that I should calm down, because you bothered to engage me on any level, because your assessment means anything when you dismissed, meanwhile why should someone spend their time to bite the bait of "what's real news mean to you" as if real news is something "to me" or subjective, as if that question is worth ANYTHING but a thorough questioning your inquiry, lest a response.

I must have told you to do all kinds of things! I probably told you to fuck off you troll when I was saying "your position is that of a troll because a and b and c", but you believe to invalidate my response to your bait all is needed is to paint me as irate/aggravated ? I didn't resort to any pushy request and least not to invalidate your position based on a perceived fault, but continue on your path, I am sure that in this small world of steem and even smaller that of politic you will think twice before you attempt to troll, dismiss and try to pigeonhole me into your version of how I should respond to trollish remarks and questions.


O wait, you probably don't even own a laptop..

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