The Tyranny of the State: Punishments of Israel Boycotters and Those Who Won't Pledge Blind Oaths to Support Israel

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

The U.S. has a long history of being influenced by the Israel lobby. You can find documentaries detailing the trail of powerful influence within the Unites States and abroad. The most recent move by Zionist powers in America is to criminalize boycotts against Israel.

dignidadrebelde/flickr, CC BY 2.0)

They deviousness of government crooks is shown in how they are trying to force it's adoption: including it as part of the spending bill. If the spending bill isn't accepted, it could cause the government to come to a stall. This exact manipulative power playing in Washington has been shown in the series House of Cards. If no spending is accepted, no one does the work for free, and nothing happens in government. It's holding the government hostage.

The Israel Anti-Boycott Act was originally sponsored by Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), and is being pushed by Democratic leadership. But it's not being accepted due to the violations of the First Amendment. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) are trying to get it accepted by sneaking it into the spending bill.

They are trying to bypass public scrutiny and opposition tot he bill by forcing it into must-pass larger agendas like the spending bill. I shit you not, this is exactly what was done in House of Cards to hold the political process hostage. "Accept our bill or not spending is approved".

Previous versions of the anti-boycott bill tried to make it illegal and potentially face jail time for American companies to boycott Israel, or any nation not approved fro boycott by the United States. The federal government and their officials could punish people for their politically unpopular free speech or actions.

The ACLU warns:

This is a full-scale attack on Americans’ First Amendment freedoms. Political boycotts, including boycotts of foreign countries, have played a pivotal role in this nation’s history — from the boycotts of British goods during the American Revolution to the Montgomery Bus Boycott to the campaign to divest from apartheid South Africa. And in NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware, the Supreme Court made clear that the First Amendment protects the right to participate in political boycotts. Although the bill states that nothing in the act “shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the Constitution of the United States,” such hollow assurances do not undo its core purpose of penalizing First Amendment activities and silencing speech.

Federal courts have blocked previous state attempts at anti-boycott laws which indeed violate Americans’ constitutional First Amendment rights.

Texas is already on the bandwagon to punish people, not for boycotting Israel, but for not swearing an oath to support Israel. The Intercept reports on a Texas elementary school speech pathologist who has been fired for refusing to sign a pro-Israel oath:

A children’s speech pathologist who has worked for the last nine years with developmentally disabled, autistic, and speech-impaired elementary school students in Austin, Texas, has been told she can no longer work with the public school district after she refused to sign an oath vowing that she “does not” and “will not” engage in a boycott of Israel or “otherwise tak[e] any action that is intended to inflict economic harm” on that foreign nation. A lawsuit on her behalf was filed early Monday morning in a federal court in the Western District of Texas alleging a violation of her First Amendment right of free speech.

The Intercept demonstrates the tyranny of this policy against free speech, as you can be a political activist and speak against anything, except Israel:

In order to obtain contracts in Texas, then, a citizen is free to denounce and work against the United States, to advocate for causes that directly harm American children, and even to support a boycott of particular U.S. states, such as was done in 2017 to North Carolina in protest of its anti-LGBT law. In order to continue to work, Amawi would be perfectly free to engage in any political activism against her own country, participate in an economic boycott of any state or city within the U.S., or work against the policies of any other government in the world — except Israel.

Hopefully Amawi wins her wrongful termination lawsuit. And who has to pay for the state's tyranny? Taxpayers.

This shit is absurd. When you learn about lobbying in Washington and across America and the world, you might think they all have power to influence policy and laws. But no lobby comes close to the power of the Israel lobby it seems. Local states, and now the federal government state power, seem to be trying to pass a holy (or unholy) commandment that states: "thou shalt support Israel no matter what".

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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They are indeed powerful and a problem for all taxpayers whose wallets are drained and children sent off to fight in stupid wars.

Having said that, we need to understand this is not a Jewish problem as some yell. It is a corrupt political system where corrupt power hungry people with few to zero scruples sell out the country for those fat donations. If we are ever to solve this problem, which also goes for corporate welfare and all other kinds of corruption, we have to reign in the greed on both sides of the political spectrum. I can't believe anyone is still buying the whole right/left schism anymore. They are all actors reading from their scripts as they play the roles of caring politician, all the while ramming crap on us as they reach into out pockets. If they are ever made to fear the people more than they covet that payoff money, things will right itself regardless of any lobbies and their demands.

Yup. $3 billion of taxpayer money each year to fund the state apparatus over there. I can't hear those who seethe with epithets of hatred to denounce something as left or right, because their stuck in boxes that limit an accurate perception of the world.

The U.S. has a long history of being influenced by the Israel lobby.

Jewish members of congress comprised 8% of the house in 2007 (1). There are a little over 1 million jewish US citizens or 0.348% of the US population if my math is correct. The issue seems more than a political lobby.

My math : (1,045,000/300,000,000)*100


Not that I want to break into the Jewish question here, but I suspect things are not what they seem when many so called Jews are as white and non Semitic looking as I am. Seems to me that it is a foolish endeavor to paint with such a broad brush. Easier to focus on the individuals who are demonstrably performing actions detrimental to the average persons welfare. Plus, that is the decent approach. Sure would hate to be targeted myself for the actions others of similar color were doing when I had nothing to do with it. Just sayin

Yeah couldn't agree more. That is why it seems better to approach it in the more political level of Zionists and Non-Zionists. Both exist within the larger Jewish community.

Part of the members of Congress’ agreements to receive any campaign funds from the vast majority of donors is a clause that says you cannot boycott Israel. A year or two ago some new people didn’t sign it and guess what they no longer hold office. Disgusting; it also annoys me that objecting to Israel and its actions, you get labeled anti Semitic. No I’m just not an idiot!

Yeah, it's a crazy world where people can't think objectively and are too attached to see what's going on.

Boycott of apartheid era South Africa = ethical and moral duty
Boycott of apartheid era Israel = Antisemitism

Methinks there's a logical fallacy here somewhere...

Things would be much more productive if Isreali politics could be spoken about like any other country. Take today's big news of Flynn's sentencing.

How long have we been talking about Russian collusion? Now it was revealed in Mueller's documented suggested sentencing to the court that Flynn was lobbying Russia to veto the security council's resolution condeming the Isreali settlements in Gaza. The same resolution which Obama had instructed the UN Ambassador to abstain from on his way out the White House door.

When CNN brushed over that point this morning they said that Flynn was lobbying Russia for its UN "vote" not its veto. They also did not mention what the "vote" was for.

If there was collusion it was likely with Uncle Bibi, yet Russia is still the bad guy. Maybe because they ended up supporting the resolution? 😎


Mueller's court filing

Damn Russians, never doing what they're supposed to. Besides, you know Uncle Bibi would never attempt to interfere with the domestic politics of the United States!

I did some reading and apparently there is already a law on the books against the boycott, ostensibly due to the Arab League's boycott. This law is just to strengthen upon that...oy vey.

And a monetary one as well..

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listening to your propaganda is nauseating. You revise history to suite your concealed jooo hatred. Oh sorry you like joooos; the ones that only march with the leftists, socialist, militant islamic propaganda.

I voted you for witness. LOL

Yeah it is good to make the distiction between Zionists and non-Zionists in such debates. Mea culpa in that regard and my apologies if it was offensive.


thanks.. I'm a proud zionist ;)

Getting flash back to Merle Haggard. 😎

but I am.. I love Israel.

but I am.. I love Israel.

Never doubted it for a moment. My linage has been colonizing for over 300 years. Sometimes it takes one to know one. 😎

My lineage hasn’t exactly gotten the chance to colonize for a few thousand years. That’s why Israel isn’t doing it correctly.

Don't think any amount of practice makes colonialism any better. Having a free pass from the security council, likely, has not helped to stop things from escalating. Evidently Jews and Arabs lived in peace in Jerusalem for centuries, if one can believe that narrative.

With Dick Chaney on the Genie Energy's Strategic advisory board it makes you wonder if the average Isreali is being played.

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