Who This Anarchist Will Vote For In 2020 (and why an anarchist will vote)

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

I call myself a "Constitutional Anarchist." It is a bit of an oxymoron, but this entire society is a bit of an oxymoron, no?

I am a voluntaryist. I fully believe the destiny of humanity is in SELF GOVERNANCE. It is how our Creator INTENDED for us to live. Then evil bastards invented governments and money and religions to keep us enslaved, body, mind and spirit. I know in my heart that one day, humanity will throw off the shackles of MILLENNIA of lies and live as free as the other creatures of this planet.

I am a realist. That day is not today. There are still MANY people who cannot understand that they already self govern. If they can get their mind around the fact that they are not murdering because they CHOSE not to murder rather than because of any "laws" they often cannot grasp that it is true of everyone else around them. They will point to the rare exception, the truly black-hearted murderer and insist we need squadrons of cops and platoons of soldiers and Congresses of baboons to be safe from that handful of thugs. It is for their sake that I am willing to compromise at the Constitution.

If I were to be so blessed as to be "protected" by law enforcement who were enforcing the Constitution, what a happy little anarchist I would be! If all our military might was spent only DEFENDING our nation from threats to our Constitution, how quickly would peace overcome the planet? If those Houses on the Hill actually held fast to their oaths to the Constitution I think every Non-Aggression Principled voluntaryist on the planet would find the situation acceptable.

My efforts to self govern are not hampered by law enforcement that TRULY serves the Constitution (nor by Christians who TRULY serve Christ.) The only conflict an anarchist has with statist authority is the notion that their authority is genuine, and so they may deprive the anarchist of their liberty in the interest of enforcing codes and regulations. A statist authority who was defending my "Constitutional" rights (I hate that phrase, it defines them, it does not grant them) would feel no need to pull me over, demand my papers and extort money out of me for not having my seat belt on...

I know, you are saying "Sure, but that kind of cop, preacher, soldier, politician does not exist." Well, we can change that. I happen to know a former soldier who is willing to delve into politics for the cause of agorism. Now I do not expect to win over @larkenrose, he is pretty hard core lol! But I would like to see those of us who are willing to try to use political channels to rein in some tyrants start to stand and be counted. Stand quietly for now, not quite time to really get rowdy but we need to start finding each other.

The other day I posted a slideshow of my husband and I during the Ron Paul 2008 campaign. In 2012 I almost stayed home, but I could not turn my back on Dr. Paul. I worked my butt off for him, and my work was effective enough that again, he took the time to personally thank me.

In 2020, I will do all I can to elect the first Not President of the United States, Mr. Adam Kokesh.

I am asking for your help. I am not talking about waving signs or going door to door, although I will do that. I am talking about getting involved NOW in the Libertarian Party, so that we may have a real shot at making even greater changes than we did with Ron Pauls campaigns.

After 2008, I felt defeated by a media and political system that just shit all over one of the finest men I have ever met. After 2012, I felt irritated with my neighbors who fell for the lies again. But now Trump... Puppet? Maybe, but he sure makes the right enemies... and the important thing is he was NOT Clinton, and that was CLEARLY who was "supposed" to be elected. My neighbors woke up... it can be VERY different in 2020 if WE make it different.

Of course, we have to have a totally different kind of politician, don't we? Well, Adam is just that. I think it is worth shooting for the moon. My husband and I are willing to go to the convention this fall but we will need a little financial help. We are NOT asking for any kind of donations, I am just putting out a feeler here...

If I were to post something to promote Adam say, once a week maybe? What kind of REAL support would that garner here, and could we possibly earn enough steem dollars to make the trip? The Hippie says she will cover the farm, @longsilver can get the time off work, it is money that holds us back and steemit looks like a possible solution.

What say ye, my friends and followers? Would you help us support Adam by upvotes and resteems? I do want to say I have met Adam in person, looked him in the eye and asked him hard questions. I do not agree with him on everything, but I trust him, and I will go out on the political limb for him. I believe he is cut from "Ron Paul" fabric with the youth and vitality to be a long term soldier in this fight.


#kokeshfornotpresident has my vote. Even making it to the debate stage would expose millions of people to the message of FREEDOM! and non-aggression.

Also there are some important things we need to vote on at the 2018 convention as well. We need to #addthewords to the platform at the end of section 3.7 Self Determination:

“Out of respect for the right of self-determination of communities and individuals, we support the reduction, Localization, and elimination of government wherever and whenever possible.”

Though 2020 is a ways off, getting involved this year is crucial. With the LP gaining steam as a party, the participation is actually quite low. That means we have incredible opportunity to steer it in the direction of freedom. If we don’t take this opportunity someone else will. Humanity will eventually render government irrelevant; let’s make sure it happens sooner rather than later!

Thank you!

I LOVED ADAM vs The Man, saw a couple of those.
Like re-routing people around the checkpoints ;)
Such Police-State BS, that was So Cool!

Following You, too!
Here's one of my favorite pics my followers like of me, Adam!

Rob's AR big.jpg

kewl, I'm registered with the LP for Indiana :D

My signature is on one of those walls behind you ;) Adam is great! I hope he gets some media attention and some traction behind this, but I am unfortunately not holding my breath.

Thank you!!

Stay involved, that is how we get traction!

Definitely still involved and I hope he can pull it off. People weren't ready (unfortunately) for RP, and he is the lite version of Adam if you want to look at it that way. Not enough people woke yet, imo. But I still will cheer him on for as long as he keeps spreading the good word. AVTM is coming back which is awesome too!

Ron Paul write-in til the death of me!

On a more serious note, depending on who the democrats run, I might vote for Trump again. Anything is better than the deranged marxists/communists inhabiting the democrat party. One could make arguments that Trump is the most libertarian president we've had in a long long time actually. I admire his bravado and manipulation of the media and lefties too.

I voted Trump in the last election, and I do not regret it. Still want to see her locked up... lol! But please read what anarchonist said about the court ruling regarding the Libertarian Party. Even if you vote Trump, I suspect you would still support a third party allowed on the debate stage, especially one who will talk about non-aggression and self governance. There is this tragic truth about politics... but it is useful. If an Adam campaign does NOTHING but make Trump throw bigger biscuits to libertarians... it is a small victory. And I don't know if you have paid much attention to Adam, but I think he can do a LOT more than get us some biscuits.
And yeah, did you happen to see my post from the RNC 2008? I just put it up a couple days ago. I have this shot of Ron Paul speaking at the Rally For The Republic that I probably should have sold the rights to, it is an incredible pic. I do love that man, from the bottom of my heart.

I 100% choosefreedom for 2020. Thank you Adam.

Thank you, I do think he is the right man at the right time! tip!

Thank you so much for the love! I really appreciate it sister. Upvoted and Resteemed! http://kokeshforpresident.com/

Thank YOU my friend! I appreciate all you have done and are trying to get done!

Yes from me! Already posting Adam's stuff, he's a true visionary and I can't see anyone staying indifferent after listening to his speech on freedom

Thank you! I agree, he has the fire in his belly! tip!

Thank you for the tip! sounds like a great idea :)

Thanks @fishyculture. I tried to use the tipuvote feature in one of my posts but the upvote I received had one too many zeroes..it looks like a typo, the memo has the right amount but the transfer does not. Can you please check and send the rest ? thank you

Will check it ;)

Lol :) it worked, your post got 0.01 upvote and you have received information about. 0.01 upvote does not mean you will receive 0.01 sbd transfer. Upvotes increase your post value.

oh,.still confused but if that's the way it works then for me it probably isn't worth it as the way I see it, I got only a 5th of what i put in back. Newbie here, sorry for the misunderstanding.

I Like This! Adam Kokesh served time on a BS charge, as I recall, and was prevented from doing his CONSTITUTIONAL ARMED MARCH in DC, but I saw his video of his "1 Man March" right on schedule, or shortly after.

When exercising our rights becomes ILLEGAL, it's time to TAKE OUT THE TRASH!!!
This is gonna be a Great Follow,


Testify! tip!

Heck Yes

My eyes are set on Adam Kokes he got the right idea overall. I do not know what the term Constitution really mean but Anarchists are not against social contracts. Social contracts is a very accepted idea in Anarchism. Social contracts mainly work on a very local level rather than a nation wide level.

Of all the nonsense from those elections I remember what struck me the most was when the mainstream media started saying that Ron Paul was unelectable even though he was clearly intelligent and experienced. They never took him serious even though he was clearly the most qualified.

they completely blacked him out. he would have won if they didn't. easily. look at all the manipulation the media did when he ran. excluding him from polls he won, placing him out of place on polls, excluding him from debates. was totally rigged against him. #mypresident

That's true!

I am giving out tiny votes and a tip! at this point, I sure want to thank everyone but I got no vote power!

They don't like people that make sense!

I agree with you on so many things!

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