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RE: Succinct Absolute Truth about 9/11 and Las Vegas Massacre

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

I wrote (archived and archived) on Jim’s blog:

Jim get a big picture clue as to what is really going on:

At 31 seconds into the video, the molten iron starts to pour off the car.

If that is molten steel dripping on to the car (it's not very clear), the brightness of what is dripping at the point in the video, looks roughly equivalent to the brightness of what was pouring out of the WTC tower. I said the brightness of the initial burst of the thermite was not molten steel. Later any molten steel (if that is actually molten steel, not so clear) is not that bright. Also you prefer to focus on the irrelevant, because as I have already stated that molten steel obviously has different brightness in different ambient settings, camera proximity, proximity of the cold objects which the molten steel impacts and explodes off of due to the temperature differential causing increased radiance, etc.. Meanwhile you ignore all the holistic evidence of the controlled demolitions.

I wrote (archived and archived) on Jim’s blog:

The creators of the video of the car engine block melted with thermate (thermite mixed with sulfur which my prior linked video proves can cut steel with minimal amount of thermate), state unequivocally at 3:38 in the following linked video that the bright flashes are the molten thermite dust (not steel!) and that later the molten steel from the engine block dumps out the bottom of car. Also from 5:00 forward there are numerous photos of molten steel in the ruble pile weeks after 9/11 as well as additional photos of angle cut steel beams.

9/11 Inside Job - The Most Damning Evidence Yet!

THE FOLLOWING ENTIRELY DEBUNKS YOU. At exactly the split-second start of the 0:38 in the following linked video, we see the molten steel that is pouring out of the WTC twin tower bouncing off the exterior steel fascia of the building and making a very bright yellow hot bright color which only molten steel can. It is entirely impossible for molten aluminum mixed with anything to make that sort of bright yellow explosive radiance when striking another object. I challenge you to find any video of molten aluminum pouring out and striking another object that appears anything like that. Molten aluminum pours out at the color of silvery white liquid.

WTC2 South Tower on 9/11 Molten Metal North-East Corner

Also in both of the above videos I see numerous instances of yellow hot molten steel, not just orange. The yellow hot looks as bright as what I have seen the foundry videos.

Finally starting from 0.48 in the following video we have Les Roberts—one of the chief structural engineers that built the WTC— stating the he saw molten steel closeup on 9/11.

Les Robertson confirms molten metal in WTC -

I wrote (archived and archived) on Jim’s blog:

Liar. Thermite is not effective at cutting steel, A quite thin piece of steel resists a lot of thermite

Jim you’re slobbering nonsense all over your bib. The video clearly states they are using thermate which is a mixture of thermite and sulfur. I had also linked a video for you up-thread which clearly shows that thermite mixed with sulfur can easily cut steel beams as thick as at the WTC towers.

Every major country’s leaders and/or military has executed a false-flag (c.f. also) to garnish public support for war.

Why do you delude yourself into thinking the USA is an exception.

I wrote (archived and archived) on Jim’s blog:

But yes, contrary to what I claimed, he really does cut steel beams. And, contrary to what I claimed, you really could bring the two towers down with his methods – but you would need a whole lot of big boxes containing large amounts of thermite, which would then generate large amounts of molten steel – which would be conspicuously visible, and insanely bright.


Well, well (surprising and perhaps this is evidence that Jim is not a disinformation agent) Jim’s cognitive dissonance has begun to melt just ever so slightly, but he clings to some other lame excuses to try to prevent himself from knowing the truth.

This is analogous (as a categorical dual) to the excuses of Eric S. Raymond who has a vested interest to cling to the official story because he hates Islam ostensibly because it enslaves females. Whereas, Jim is envious of Islam and thinks Mueller (as FBI head then) allowed 9/11 to happen because the left hates white males. Both of these men are duped by their confirmation biases which cause them to be unwilling to actually review the detailed evidence trail holistically. We see how when Jim is presented with some isolated instance of irrefutable physical evidence (of thermate cutting steel), it chips away at his cognitive dissonance protective armor but Jim’s protective confirmation bias is stronger than his desire to do a highly detailed, deep dive, objective research of this issue. This ideological societalcide exhibited by both Jim and Eric (funny that the two anatagonists share the categorical dual myopia) is at the generative essence of why for example Intel has lost the process technology lead to Asia:
(above linked post has nothing about nor any back links about 9/11)

So it is ironic that while Jim is correct about the SJW disease, he is suffering the categorical dual ideological delusion and thus helping to destroy Western civilization.

Jim so the argument you are making now (as you pivot away from your defeated argument that a thermite mixture can’t cut steel) is that the number of cutting boxes, the amount of thermate required, and the resultant molten steel would be too extensive and conspicuous.

Yet in my most recent Steemit blog which I linked in earlier comments but you deleted, I have provided extensive analysis and eye witness testimony on how the alleged Bush-conglomerate perpetrators had the access they need over the preceding months (even hearing strange noises of construction). As for the molten steel pouring out, we have that. But you think we should see it pouring out more extensively. Note that the design of the WTC twin towers was unique in that most structural of the steel is all vertical [and horizontal interconnects of course] in the center where the elevators shafts are. Thus that structural steel in the center could be cut with the molten steel falling down the elevator shafts. And we have video evidence of people who were burned with their flesh falling off in the basement. As for the horizontal steel beams holding up the floors, these were hidden and only accessible by workmen. It is entirely plausible that over the months in which the Bush-conglomerate companies had access, they could have installed catch basins for the molten steel cuts. The cuts would be only every say 10 meters of steel beam. Also note the one corner were we allege to see molten steel pouring out, is where the plane damage was extensive. So we can imagine such catch basins could have been damaged by the plane impact. Even we have so many eye-witness accounts of these explosions going off inside the building for a long time before the actual collapse. Even we have so many witnesses stating the air they were breathing smelled like sulfur not normal smoke. Yet you will still claim we should see more bright flashes of light from the outside. But realize these explosions could have limited to nearer to the center away from the exterior walls, until the final collapse when the pulverized concrete dust was obscuring most everything. In fact on the collapse video we see these explosions and squibs at the exterior firing just before the near free-fall collapse reaches those lower-level floors. IOW, they weakened the building with thermate cuts at the center structure for numerous minutes before the final highly explosive, controlled demolition phase.

I wrote (archived and archived) on Jim’s blog:

Jim I must admit the official story is becoming more plausible now that I’ve seen the [photo] evidence of the camel-riding hijackers:

I wrote (archived and archived) on Jim’s blog:

Jim, this is a serious post. Is Trump (or the military?) preparing a massive coup!?

Check this out:

I have not fact checked it. No time to do so.


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