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RE: Don’t falsely accuse me of being a misogynist

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Ah yet one more time:

I’m certainly not 100% sold on Dr. Miller (I would need far more research to establish firm stances on most of this)

I was going to upvote, but then you digressed into proclaiming you’re more correct even though you haven’t presented any cogent argument nor any details which you have yourself researched, validated, and holistically assimilated. Instead you soundbite and defer to Dr. Miller and then proclaim your authority.

Which of course, is stereotypical of the Millennial batch.

I have presented numerous summaries of my research and provided links (to some of my sources and to my posts wherein I have gone into more extensive detail) for you to dig deeper. For example, the Dark Enlightenment thread I linked for you was created by me (Anonymint) and also commented in that thread employing a couple of other usernames.

Actually it really isn’t worth my (quite expensive) time to dig into the finer details with you (at least not until you’ve demonstrated more effort). Obviously I’m sure you agree that it’s your job to educate yourself. Or life will teach the hard way via trial and error.

I make these posts so that readers may find some links to alternative information that they don’t usually find on Quora, because Quora seems to be heavily dominated by “progressive-religion” Westerners.

I’m also practicing for when we replace Quora with an equivalent on a blockchain that can’t be censored.

You don’t seem to have any genuine interest in corroborating the internal validly of your ideas on the matter (just as you don’t seem to have any interest in addressing the internal validity of Dr, Miller’s ideas), and as I’ve said before, this makes for very poor critical thinking and very poor argument.

So a Millennial throws out a soundbite on a topic which they know almost nothing about and then expect someone who is more studied on the matter to waste their expensive time refuting every gatekeeper nonsense that can be thrown at us. That is filibustering, not debate. When you have demonstrated that you have studied as much as I have, that is when I will give you the respect of consuming more of my time in a debate of the details.

Everything you’ve presented on the actual topic at hand seems to make a very scant case at best, as far as I can tell, so I am unmoved.

You haven’t even read everything I have provided for you. And I mean clicking and following every link trail in those cited documents as far you can go until there is nothing more for you to click. For example, reading a few dozens of Jim’s blogs, including older ones where he built up his case based on data and history.

I may investigate some of the other literature you’ve provided out of general curiosity, and I do think your concern about these issues is admirable.

Okay then. We may have something to discuss in the future.

And ty for being cordial.

P.S. I copied my replies in this discussion to the blockchain:

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I (as username X) explained why strict patriarchy is negentropic on anything but a tribal scale:

(search for 'Steppe' in the second blog to find X's comments)

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