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RE: End of democracy and a Civil COLD War approaches

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

When I pointed out to my mother the facts about Islam there in the Middle East, i.e. fighting each other for hundreds of years, and that she is incorrect to blame (by posting sensationalized imagery of her Facebook timeline) that fighting on Trump’s decision to bring our troops out of that God forsaken shit hole of the Middle East, she replied that if I wanted a relationship with her then stop discussing (i.e. correcting her about) politics, religion, and world events. I replied by asking if she would want to have a relationship with a habitual liar. She said no. I told her I would like to respect her claim to have a high ethics that cares about the plight of all people, but that if she employs revengeful lies and hate, then she’s not adhering to any ethics. She basically reiterated being unwilling to listen to any of my corrections of her factual errors, so I decided to unload on her with the following frank message.


If you continue on this hate addiction, you will destroy yourself.

  1. All the lying propaganda (which you ostensibly ignorantly regurgitate like a mindless puppet) is inciting you to attack moderate positions, weakening us and giving power to the fundamentalists who will not hesitate to kill you when you create a civil war. Please read the astute warning following from a 160 IQ man who champions women’s rights and sexual liberation:

    If you blow up the Constitution, you’ll regret it

    He even in the past presumably supported the (moderate, sane) Democrats but explains why he can’t now:

    How the D candidates would introduce themselves at the next debate if they were honest

    Hey, Democrats! We need you to get your act together!

    Remember I support separation of State and religion. I do not support extremist fundamentalists/conservatives/reactionaries who want to legislate morality. However, I also do not support radical Liberals who want to legislate against the morality that I can institute in my home with my kids, e.g. forced sex education in school, forced vaccinations that contain toxic/unnecessary aluminum, etc.. If I choose to teach my kids that sexual liberation is bad, that is none of your business. If you want to practice sexual liberation, that is your right which I will not mess with. But if you attempt to use the Federal government to encroach of my freedom-of-choice, attack my viability as a man with family law courts that reward women for their bad habits/behavior by stealing the man’s private property, and freedom from unconstitutional taxation (e.g. the income tax to pay for welfare for every person in the world who walks across our border), then you have joined together with the extreme right to become my enemy and the enemy of all moderates. In short, if you break the social contract of America’s moderate sanity, you will end up with a chaos of The Planet of the Apes.

    However as the blog above points out, there are harder men who are preparing to do genocide in the USA and they have all the guns and any attempt to outlaw their guns will cause them to kill the police, (and if necessary) the military and all of you. Most of the military will side with justice, not liars. They have a lot more guns:

    The critical fraction

    I have been reading and debating on a blog where men want Trump to end democracy, restore monarchy and then exterminate all Liberals. I said there is no way I will support exterminating my mother. My point is you are weakening us moderates who protect you. And believe me, we are the only ones protecting you. The elite who are manipulating you with their lies on mass media want you to die asap. They view you Liberaltard puppets as “useful idiots” to be exterminated when they are done using you to break up the USA so they can institute their world government.

  2. We pay your social security. If you destroy us the hard working moderates, you will destroy the economic viability of the USA. The radical Liberals are only good at toppling the apple cart. They do not actually know how to build anything.

  3. Our country was founded on States’ rights which enables us to have a melting pot of diversity, not all dictated by a King from the the beltway (aka WA D.C.). Sending Roe vs. Wade back to the States is in keeping with our history and culture. If Alabama wants to end abortion, then women who do not agree can move to another more Liberal state. For you to be so pissed off at Trump for trying to honor the Constitution is just insane. All the lies and propaganda you are spewing is insane. For example, there is no man-made climate change. It is a complete and utter lie/hoax. There was no quid pro quo. The corrupt ambassador even admitted in text messages that it was all speculation and hearsay. Trump is getting our troops out of the Middle East because corrupt politicians before him wasted $7 trillion in that God forsaken shit hole, and he does not want any more of our youth maimed over there.

    Come on. Stop the lying.

    12:47 AM SEPT 9
    As I said on the phone, I think it's crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a political campaign.

    5:19 AM SEPT 9
    I Believe you are incorrect about President Trump's intentions. The President has been clear no quid pro quo's of any kind. The President is trying to evaluate whether Ukraine is truly going to adopt the transparency and reforms that President Zelensky promised during his campaign I suggest we stop the back and forth by text If you still have concerns I recommend you give Lisa Kenna or a call to discuss them directly. Thanks.

  1. Whilst you regurgitate peacock virtue signaling about immigration, Rome is burning because we can’t afford to offer free welfare to every impoverished person who wishes to walk across our border. And moreover it violates our social contract to open the floodgates to new immigrant voters who will vote for more free welfare for their much higher number of children per family than the extant middle-class in the country. I agree with Eric’s social trust argument linked below, except I do not agree with the non-competition argument:

    How elites are blind about immigration

    A libertarian rethinks immigration

    Eric is incorrect about the deleterious (or positive effect depending on whether one thinks the breakup of the USA will be good or bad) effect of massive non-white immigration, because it’s polarizing the nation into an ethnic civil war or breakup of the country. And the more political critical mass for Spanish speakers, the more motivated to be welfare voting parasites instead of culturally, linguistically and economically integrating with whites:

    Turns Out White Millennials Are Just As Conservative As Their Parents

    Let’s not forget that the Mexican academic informed me that Latinos (or at least Mexicans) have adopted a policy of cultural subversion via higher fertility:

    our nation bulding of La raza cósmica is more stable, it was designed in that way, be the most stable […] this ideology was designed to become something even more deep than the Nazism aryan supremasism and work like the borgs [invasive virus].

    I also disagree with Eric’s IQ threshold immigration proposal (even if it is not massive immigration, because each high IQ person has such a drastic impact in media and cultural programming so the threshold would need to be perhaps 0.01% which is 160 IQ which said immigration is already open to all such genius immigrants) because as I have explained that intellectuals are much more likely to be very liberal (i.e. left of center), thus violating our extant slightly-right-of-center conservative middle-class social contract. The problem is that massive immigration of any kind is highly disruptive to the social contract now that the government has increased from 10% to more than 60% of the GDP (including cost of regulations, etc) in the 20th century. We had successful massive immigration before the 20th century, when our governance was small and unobtrusive but we can never get back there unless we destroy the system we have now and break the USA up into small parts each with smaller government (which is actually what is going to happen, i.e. creative destruction). I’m surprised that Eric would miss that obvious elephant in the living room. The only other way to have massive immigration is to remove democracy so that immigrants can’t vote to undermine the extant middle-class except by accomplishing it via virtuous competition.

Yet the future is bleak, because although it appears on some polls (c.f. also) the Millennials don’t lean too far away from individual rights, Millennials and especially GenZ are highly “educated” (which means indoctrinated by the high priests of propaganda who control our universities). Thus they believe strongly in social justice, globalized cooperation for social justice (which eventually equates to more openness of borders for all nations), and nonsense such as man-made climate change and the non-viability of quickly abandoning fossil fuels. Let me quote from Poll: Gen Z Spurs Shift in Voter Support for Gun Control:

Breaking the previous high of 57% in June 2016, 64% of voters said the nation needs stricter gun control laws […] Gen Z (encompassing those born between 1995 and 2015) may be responsible for these new polling peaks. While millennials (born between 1980-1994) have pondered curbing gun violence, they failed to spark a national change in attitude. As more Gen Zers enter early adulthood, they’re challenging their parents and policymakers to reconsider the scope of the Second Amendment. Regina Luttrell, professor of public relations and social media at Syracuse University, told RealClearPolitics that she considers Gen Z the “superhero” generation: They want to right the wrongs they see in the world.

“The superhero generation is trying to make their mark and gain recognition for being the generation that’s willing to once again assemble, march, speak, and defy, in ways that previous generations rarely did,” she said.

He noted that millennials prioritize the rights of the individual and do not support government policies that infringe on such rights, with one exception.

“When those rights seem to then make it possible for people to abuse those rights, or open up the likelihood that people could then use that freedom in ways that harm others, there is a push and pull between individualism and protecting the … rights of an individual,” Bono said. In the case of the Second Amendment, millennials have witnessed a lack of regulation lead to “massive devastation in communities all around the country.”

In response, Luttrell added that Gen Z and younger millennials are calling for “regulation without infringement.” The younger generations want change and encourage older generations to reconsider their understanding of the Second Amendment. “[Gen Z and younger millennials] want bans on bump stocks, raising the minimum age for [purchasing] assault weapons, requiring more background checks during gun sales, and required training courses. And they’re looking to the government to make this happen,” she said. “They’re looking to their political officials to say: ‘These are things we stand for, and we’re going to vote the people in to make these changes for us.’”

Also Millennials (and probably even more so GenZ) are happiest being coddled in cities, which I think will translate to preferring creeping levels of gun control than the self-responsibility of needing to carry a gun to kill the occasional lunatic, crowded-venue shooter. Millennials seem to prefer urban social harmony and their own personal convenience/efficiency over rugged, rural, self-responsibility. Another implication is any future breakup of the USA would pit rural and cities against each other politically, because the two have different values. Could the future be separatist movements in rural areas refusing to adhere to edicts from the governments controlled by the higher population centers in cities? For example California minus the coast leans Republican.

So the perfect storm on the horizon is when the strong dollar vortex that will ensue from 2020 to perhaps 2024 or 2026 is replaced by a monetary reset (and I think it will be Facebook Libra changing its reserve from predominantly dollars to significantly Bitcoin) that causes precipitous devaluation of the dollar. This is going to coincide with egregious stagflation and the coming of age of GenZ + Millennials as the dominant political force and China/Asia rising to be the economic capital of the world by 2032.

At that future juncture within the next decade or so is possible the election of a deep state Fascist wolf in sheepskin that plays on the propagandized call-to-action for a proactive social justice government.

  • A centralizing theory of political power and legitimacy. [check, SJW propaganda]

  • State-socialist political economics. [check, UBI being floated in 2020 election]

  • Anti-semitism, with the Jews identified as bloodsucking capitalists. [the wealthy not just Jews, check]

  • Propaganda and programs aiming to fundamentally transform society into an idealized future state. [check, highly “educated”]

  • Equivalents of the SA and SS, organs of coercion answering to the leader and the Party, not the law. [missing]

  • Systematic suppression of competing political speech. [check, already occurring in the mass media and major social networks with the deep state demanding backdoors on encryption]

  • Registration, suppression, and confiscation of civilian firearms. [check, the GenZ leaning heavy this direction and majority of the public for progressively stricter control]

The deep state and high priests of propaganda are currently investing in radicalizing the youth by inundating them with propaganda. They are making mockery of the political process, including even having Hillary Clinton accuse a younger SJW Democratic candidate of being the Russian anointed candidate. I believe their strategy may be to undermine respect for and destabilize the Constitution so as to prepare the youth for coming social justice Fascist wolf candidate who will appear at the right time when the country is suffering severely from an economic downturn.


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