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RE: End of democracy and a Civil COLD War approaches

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

TonyT replied in email:

It should be noted that the attitudes you describe (liberals and conservatives alike) who reject God and things spiritual got that way as a result of false data spewed by Darwinists, Wundt > Marx & Pavlov. Such attitudes were not the norm 150 years ago. Spirituality was in the main then. (Darwin did do some honest acurate work, but his work got corrupted by others)

Psychology & psychiatry weaseled their way into an authoritative position by partering with the medical professions and took over the field of mental health. Prior to that mental health was the relegated to the church (Christian, Hindu, Buddist, Muslim churches).

Two common denomitors of all major religious philosophies is that man either has a soul or that he is a soul (spiritual being) and he is seeking to live as or with God (spiritual immortality).

Psychology denies the existence of the soul & God and states that "All is physical" and that "Man is an animal." Psychiatry has never cured anyone of mental illness, all they have ever done is drug, maim, torture & reduce patients to vegatables. Psychotherapy has helped some temporarily but has no standard technology with wich to heal, cure or improve the lot of man.

The descendants of the folks mentioned above perveted the field of genetics and developed eugenics, which culminated in the Holocoust.

Communism, socialism, fascism all incorporate the ideals of psychology and psychiatry to achieve their goals: enslaved peoples (no freedom of choice) and full control of all else (finance, industry, health, etc.).

Socialism allows some freedoms, but only enough to keep the people dreaming and postulating a future with strict limitations and no freedom to rise to greater heights individually and financially.

It is very easy to make slaves and puppets. All one need do is eliminate religious beliefs by authoritative decree via a propaganda system, take ove the edu system, promote immorality to wipe out community and familial organization/justice & allow just enough freedom to keep the population from revolting.

The liberals you mentioned that say they want a better world are not really saying that. They are hypnotized, half-awake people who parrot what they see & hear in the news. An awake being does not complain about conditions of life, he changes/controls his environment or adapts to it.

Those who promulgate such tenets such as the viability of psychiatry and evolution, implicitly lust to be God. They lust for power and control. They rationalize that man is a savage to be subjugated by superior intellect/civilization. They get high on their own ephemeral accomplishments and wealth, perhaps not noticing that their ephemeral enabling paradigms such as the power-law distribution of wealth/resources and the Coasean Theory of the Firm, are on the verge of being ameliorated by the advance of technology (and the inertia invested in the deprecated paradigms are the antithesis of antifragile):

The Rise of Knowledge

As you say, the liberal underlings who are trapped in the propaganda are nearly mindless “useful idiots” (useful to those who benefit from said enabling paradigms). Yet it’s not correct to conclude they have not conscious desire to be high on their own holiness. They must replace God/soul in their heart with something, otherwise there is only nothingness. We can also understand the reasons I explained that intellectuals are especially prone to be liberals. They make a conscious choice to revel in their own intellectualism in that they think man without intellectualism/civilization is nothing but a savage beast and that their intellectualism is cardinal to a Godless nature. For them, there is nothingness without their intellect and civilization (so they can feel they are good and ethically righteous). Their God is their own ability to improve man. If man is not capable of subjugating nature, their “God” (holiness) is void. This is why they’re so receptive to the propaganda that baits them with non-existent crises such as the utter hoax called “man-made climate change” (which used to be “man-made global warming” but they had to change that since we’re headed into global cooling with a Maunder Minimum and before that it was “man-made global cooling” on Time Magazine in the 1970s but they had to change that when the Earth was warming due to intense sunspot activity).

Even religious conservatives fall into this trap of idolizing civilization, because they reason that humans without enforced morality are savage beasts. These moralists think they can create a more perfect and secure existence on Earth by being in control, so in that respect they’re in an analogous holiness spiral as liberals resulting in witch hunts, The Inquisition and large standing armies instead of citizen militias for self-defense.

Also to agree with what you wrote at the end of your missive about the psychology and affliction of the incapable, that is another reason people of all political persuasions are statists is so they can blame their plight on something other than themselves. It’s an easier delusion that they might benefit from accomplishing absolutely nothing themselves and instead believing they control what others do. All they accomplish is to support the statist power vacuum that as flies to honey provides for the best liars to steal from the collective while enslaving the members of the collective. It’s very sad state of humanity. Today I saw my mother posting a photo on her Facebook timeline of a supposedly Kurdish child with his skin falling off presumably due to some horror of war, and of course the implication being that the horrors of the Islamic faith[1] are Trump’s fault. Lol. The useful idiots.

Liberals also want to enforce (im)morality analogous to some religious conservatives. For example, I bet the reason my mother and many other Liberals hate Trump so much is because he is undermining the Roe vs. Wade protection for abortion (ditto birth control and sex education in public schools) and instead relegating it to an issue to be decided by each State. You can bet that some religious conservatives aren’t entirely happy with Trump because he will not push for a Federal ban on abortion. The Liberals justifiably fear the religious conservatives who want to legislate morality. Yet I also fear the Liberals who want to legislate immorality and force my offspring to be raised to be Liberals. The entire charade of fighting over the power vacuum of the collective is pitiful. And on top of that, the collective is drained of wealth by those who capture the power vacuum by manipulating the public with propaganda. It is the extremely pathetic and sordid plight of human civilization. Add that to another reason that I find Christian virtues as correctly interpreted to be the most sane. A true Christian is basically a Libertarian, min-anarchist.

Civilization is what it is, but never is it cardinal to nature and thus also never a replacement for faith in a soul/God to give meaning and love to our existence. Nature periodically destroys civilization (often employing humans to destroy themselves) as evidence of this fact.

[1] The sons of the Islamic prophet Mohammad represent two sects of Islam that at war with each other. The Islamic faith rewards violence against infidels with 72 virgins in heaven for martyrs. Instead of our Christian God’s limitations thus demanding self-responsibility, avoidance of sin, and self-discipline, the Islamic religion says their God is omnipotent and when ever they fuck up, they can just praise their God as glorious assuming Allah can fix any problem they create.

The Westerners who reject their Christian God because he allows imperfection, seem to not comprehend a damn thing about the way the world really works. We could not exist if there was perfection, because there would be no degrees-of-freedom for any passage of time. The universe would be entirely reversible if there existed omniscience and thus past and future would be indistinguishable. The entire point of the Christian God is to bond us in virtues and love while appreciating God’s magnificent creation in all its relativity. Relativity meaning there isn’t just one right way or perfect outcome. The unbounded entropy (basically distribution of uncertainty) is what makes it magnificent. Unfortunately most people wouldn’t have the intellect, interest, nor educational background to even begin to understand physics at this level.

The Kurds Are Not Our Friends, They Are The Enemy. The Kurds Are Slaughtering The Christians, Stealing Their Homes, And Driving The Christians Out Of Their Lands


If we examine the biblical narrative where God told Pharaoh to “let my people go,” we would recognize that God first hardened Pharaoh’s heart forcing the Hebrews to get their own straw to bake their quota of bricks. That is what made the Hebrews open their eyes that Moses was right and that the immigration to the Promised Land was the only solution to their survival and their destiny. Had God not hardened Pharaoh’s heart, the Hebrews would remain in Egypt for the free welfare: “the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost–also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic.” (Numbers 11:5)

Likewise today, the obstruction by Christian leaders of the Middle East to immigrate to western lands forced Christians to live in squally conditions in refugee camps is the fault of wolves; so-called bishops in sheep clothing. These adhere to the wishes of their Muslim lords who as well refuse to “let God’s people go” claiming that if the Christians leave to western lands, then the salt of Christianity in the Middle East will cease to exist.

They would rather do what the world did to the Palestinian refugees who were made to live in refugee camps in order to keep the situation as a sight for sore eyes just to raise funding and to condemn their Jewish brethren in Israel for their miserable condition.

And while the Palestinian hates the Jew, little does he know that the slave merchants direct their souls to utter destruction.

It is the same story for the American African community even in the promised land of the United States, they are continually told to hate the white man by the same slave merchants; the very leaders who claim they are anti-slavery like Barrack Hussein Obama, Jessy Jackson, Al Sharpton and Michael Eric Dyson …

These are no different than the tribal leaders who sold their ancestors to the Muslim who then sold them to the European who then shipped them to pick cotton. We also are dealing with this same narrative in Pakistan were Rescue Christians can only “let God’s people go” by all sorts of methods we can probably never disclose. In reality we too are in the slave-trade business. The only difference is that we free our slaves the moment we obtain them. As Oscar Schindler was a Nazi and so here we are and here you are, everyone who supports us are also in the slave-trade business and nothing ever changes.

This narrative never changed since biblical times. In the Levant, the Muslim Sunni slave-masters are mainly financed by Saudi Arabia, the Muslim Shiite slave-masters are supported by Iran, and the Muslim Kurd slave-masters (the pride of U.S. media and government) are supported by their own oil revenues and by Turkey, which also supports the Turkmen minority. The Assyrian parties have no support and are thus left to fend for themselves continually from all sorts of slave-masters.

In the U.S., the Muslim Kurds are hailed as the beacon for freedom and the friend of the West and the Christian. This is an absolute myth. Truth is, that in the Levant, Kurdish parties choose to compromise with Islamic parties more than with Christians. In the Nineveh Plain, in the former Assyria, neither the Muslim Arabs nor the Muslim Kurds want to lose this area because of the potential oil fields under the ground and throughout Syria, especially in the Northern region of Hasakah, the Christians have been suffering the process of the “Kurdification” of Syria which has been condemned by international groups like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

If one searches “kurds” on Google there is over eight million hits ranging from Kurdish rights for self-autonomy, how they have been betrayed, and how we should all work with them for the sake of bettering humanity, including destroying ISIS. But when on searches for the word “kurdification” in Google, it becomes surprising to find a miserable six thousand hits.

Try it. It will help wake you up on how narrow the road to truth really is.

Kurdification is a cultural change in which something ethnically non-Kurdish is forced to become Kurdish. It is sort of like when Germans started the process of Nazification of Germany, Kurdification is usually used in contexts of post-Saddam Iraq, particularly in relation to Assyrian Christians, Iraqi Turkmen and the Shabak people.

Trump is aware of at least some of this:

@anonymous wrote:

This seems to have been much of the focus of Jesus himself. I've been researching the last couple of days, in my spare time, about the fake apostle, Paul. It seems he corrupted the message of Jesus, and is the one responsible for much of the nonsense that Christians now focus on.

There's A LOT of material here:

As for the Jesus Words Only, Jason Hommel had also referenced that for me recently (I thought I cc'd you), and yes I very much agree with these:

I particularly emphasize the following quoted rule/command, which ties into my point about humans lusting for safety and control by having King (aka government) to lead them into battle (including political battles) in defiance the Lord’s admonition and warning in 1 Samuel 8:

Never Seek To Rule Over Other Believers—Matthew 20:26–28

Additionally I think the following is also very wise, because to covet what one does not have instead of focusing on maximizing the Biblical straightness and fruitfulness of one’s path, is a road to ruin:

Beware of Covetousness; life is not in the abundance you have—Luke 12:15

And it does seem that Paul was sent by Satan to corrupt/disembowel the scripture.

And yes notice how many Christians think they are copacetic just because they claim to have faith, without upholding their adherence to the Biblical commands. And that includes militant religious fanatics who want to (mis/ab)use the government to enforce Biblical morality.

What all these fools on both sides of the political spectrum accomplish by fighting to enslave the other side, is enslave themselves in totalitarianism, i.e. the 666 system.


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