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RE: Bitcoin rises because land is becoming worthless

in #cryptocurrency5 years ago (edited)

Also this has another consequency, the goverment doesn’t waste time trying to enforce somthing that can’t be enforced. YOu mentioned the income tax, but since it’s extremly easy to cheat on it, the goverment just keep this low and doens’t put much effort enforcing this, but they rather put strategical taxes on things like gas and some products that everybody need and that is too hard to avoid, that is more energy efficient that the american approach.

It’s a shame that such a good policy is wasted by having the income tax there at all. If your government discarded the income tax and allowed immigrants to have just a little bit more autonomy (e.g. their security options), the country could potentially reap a huge influx of capital from Westerners. But I really think the powers-that-be must be afraid we would import our culture. Or they simply don’t care. They are milking what is, and are unaware of the economic threats on the horizon.

Btw, sometimes we laugh at Mexicans the way you laugh at us. Hilarious that the Mexicans were stealing the gas from Pemex, side-stepping both the tax and in effect taxing the government since Pemex is essentially nationalized.

Btw, I love authentic Mexican food (which makes sense given I grew up in New Orleans eating creole food, corn, yams, rice, spicy, etc). And I had two Mexican gfs in high school (they were twin sisters). :-) And there was the 14 year old Mexican cutie who used to sit on my lap in drafting class in high school. Also my youthful phase of partying in Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez. I have some nostalgia for Mexicans and Mexican culture. And I guess a side of me does like the “party hard, work hard, take it easy and get drunk sometimes”, but I stopped drinking in my early 30s and now am a teetotaler. But as I said, I logically return to my more intellectual side which seems more compatible with the Hajnal line Western culture in its non-decadent form.

I will agree with your implied point that Westerners are destroying their own economies by trying to enforce social trust via the government. We’re in the end-of-cycle decadent stage of our cyclical civilization culture. This is the fundamental impetus of the Left Singularity wherein the Western ideological penchant (aka Nietzche’s ressentiment) is manipulated with mass media and State education propaganda.

I do believe competing small hierarchies such at the manorialism that made the Westerners great coming out the Roman Empire Dark Age is the optimal stage of our Western, Christian culture. That stage that will be repeating again after the coming economic collapse of Western civilization (and the rise of Asia to the economic center of the world). Civilization can’t organize with any economies-of-scale without some hierarchies to lord over facets that can’t sustain entirely permissionless cooperation. But very heavy, large hierarchies are deleterious. We need a balance. And yet we also perhaps need nation-state scale for self-defense, but I would prefer as the Founding Fathers of the US Constitution envisioned without standing armies. But to prevent the rise of a large centralized government is difficult when the people are in love with debt, indulgence, defection, etc.. IOW when they lose their Christian virtues or misinterpret Jesus’ intent to mean legislating morality or tax and spend welfare.

You wrote:

our nation bulding of La raza cósmica is more stable, it was designed in that way, be the most stable […] this ideology was designed to become something even more deep than the Nazism aryan supremasism and work like the borgs [invasive virus].

But reiterating from my prior comment, the weakness is that backward/retarded/top-down-managed human capital is becoming archaic and worth-less than technology. The highly cooperative, high-trust, decentralized Inverse Commons has technologically arrived:

The Inverse Commons

(Decentralized blockchains if perfected could be the next big step along that direction)

The parasitic, low-trust society (c.f. below I explain low-trust more) factions of the Hispanic fertility virus can only economically decimate everything (kill the host) it invades, unless humanity somehow returns to the formative stage of the Industrial or Agricultural Revolutions epochs again (which is not going to happen without a Dark Age where we somehow forget all the technological advancements hence). Perhaps you’re aware the high-trust Christian monasteries preserved the books and intellectual record through the (post Western Roman Empire) Dark Age.

You wrote:

You can’t undermine with money what isn’t bassed on money. The elites steems from the social hierarchy, that predates even the spaniard’s arrival to the Aztec empire. Revolutions, foreing invasions and economical crisis didn’t destroy it, neither will the bitcoin. It’s the same as if you tell me that the Indian caste system will disapear of the culture beacuse this, it can’t be done because it is something that isn’t only supported in money.

I did not intend to imply that Bitcoin will change the culture. I thought I stated clearly that it will undermine your elites, because it will both cause severe stagflation (by popping the global debt bubble and becoming the next unit-of-account fulcrum for the world’s monetary system, c.f. John Nash’s Ideal Money manifesto) while simultaneously empowering the drug cartels (and any group that wants to disobey your elites) with a way to subvert any attempt by the USA (or your elites/government) to stop/seize the flow of money as the drug addictions get 10 times more pervasive in the USA over the next decade(s). What I am saying is there will possibly be more new jobs created working in the drug business than working in factories or other legitimate businesses such as tourism. Thus I could ponder a breakdown in society towards more and more violence and inability of the authorities to control an out-of-control situation. IOW what I am saying is that decentralization is going to enable the Mexicans to more effectively defect on the centralized hierarchy and this will cause a crisis in your culture, because your culture is not structured to function when centralized hierarchy fails. Whereas, the Mayan Indians are quite compatible with no hierarchy. And that is why coming 2029, there is going to be a much more intense decentralized uprising in the Southwest, that the government WILL NOT be able to contain. A lot will change economically between now and then, so you will of course be skeptical until those drastic economic changes start to form.

Drugs account for 29 billons (USD) and the remitances somehing in that same vale. So while those would account on 60 billons (aprox.), that is nowhere near the whole value of our GDP (1.2 trillon) or our federal budget (330 billon), so no, while halt it would be bad it wouldn’t be catastrophic as you said.

First of all, my thesis postulated a 10 times growth of drugs. I have not actually checked to see if the trajectory is correct. But it is going to be some multiple higher than $29 billion because the Americans are trending to more addiction not less. And on top of the other reasons that decadent societies become addicts, Fentanyl is highly addictive after the first use. Note the spike for Fentanyl since 2015:

Secondly after Trump, I presume the Left Singularity will retake the control of the government and the floodgates on migration will be opened again. Also as the Mexican economy turns down, more migrants flee to the USA. So remittances as a share of GDP should rise.

Third, don’t forget to subtract oil production which is collapsing.

Fourth, we must distinguish between hard cash inputs to the GDP and the domino effect of that cash recirculating in the economy changing hands numerous times to create the remainder of the GDP. Regarding the services economy you tout, my understanding is basically the only economic activities of significance that Mexico has remaining after loss of those above is agriculture. Because the high Gini coefficient means there isn’t a sizable internal Western level middle-class in Mexico if the lower-middle-class parasite looses its USA host when the USA turns down. So services to Latin America is also going to turn down when Latin America and the global economy turns down. Also the Services sector is tourism, banking and speculation in stock market:

What happens when tourism worldwide slows as it did in 2008 but this time permanently (i.e. for a decade not just a couple of years), developing country stock markets collapse, and financial services collapse with the coming end of the multi-decade global debt bubble and interest rates rising back to double-digits. You are not even fathoming how high interest rates are going to decimate the world economy. And is not even including the effect of the monetary system where the dollar is going to become incredibly strong as this accelerates (until the powers-that-be replace the dollar with Bitcoin via Facebook Libra). The Mexican peso may drop to 50.

Fifth, the contagion when Mexico’s debt is downgraded to junk and the interest rates skyrocket. There will be another crisis repeating the 1970s and Mexico will not be able to gain financing and will be bankrupted.

And the factories have been adapting robots.

If factory production cost will be primarily determined by labor costs, then if your factories can use robots then so can ours in the USA. So we would not need to manufacture in Mexico. Even if taxes are higher in the USA, there are many States in the USA to jurisdiction arbitrage and the States will become more and more desperate for jobs as their economic and fiscal situation worsens over the coming years.

The gist or central point of my thesis is that Mexico is dependent on the USA economy and will become even more so, and that the sources of revenue from the USA will be more and more decentralized and unable to be taxed by the Mexican government. This will enable the defection, cheating, and decentralized sector of Mexico to rise up in economic and thus de facto political significance.


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