Why I Do Not Respect The Police

in #police6 years ago

I have a really difficult time respecting the police. It's not because of the many beatings I suffered at their hands-- I deserved most of those. Nor is it because they locked me up on my 21st birthday after a random stop and search which resulted in them finding a plant in my pocket-- and then stole my birthday money while I spent my ought-to-have-been-special night in a cell. It's not even due to the fact that my brother lost an eye in an unprovoked attack by one of them at a family wedding-- an event that my own mother had to observe, and that left her with PTSD.

No. Perhaps it ought to be for these reasons, but it is not. I cannot respect the police for a much simpler reason-- because they made the choice to uphold the law.

Now I can understand the appeal of being a cop if you are watching the myriad of movies and television shows that glorify the occupation and paint it as an honourable position to hold, but that's not reality.

If you are going to become a part of an organisation that literally kidnaps people and locks them up away from their families, then you had ought to do some fucking research into that organisation and be sure that you agree with the reasons that they do what they do.

This is not what we see though. Just as so many people sign up to kill others overseas without looking into the truth of why they are even at war, too many people enlist as police officers before taking the time to learn who they would truly be serving.

If they did, they would know it was not the people they would be protecting, and I suspect that would be enough to deter most of them from taking up the position. Of course a good 20% of cops only join the force so they can yield some power over their peers, but to the other 80%, just in case one of you is reading this right now, hear this;

You were one of us, don't you remember?

You became one of them so that you could protect us, but now we find ourselves needing protection from you.

Who do we have left to protect us when all of our heroes keep picking the wrong side?

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What a story. I have zero respect for police. Police are just highwaymen. Most are brain dead the rest are sick fuckers.
I spent my 30th birthday in court charged with membership of an illegal organisation, posters of a proscribed organisation and procession of 44 rounds of ammo.

Are you batman of the justice league?

Police has been and still is considered the most corrupt department in our country.

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