SPU Poetry Contest #3: Burnt Alive

in #poetsunited6 years ago (edited)

This is my entry for the SPU Poetry Contest #3: Announcement! ( + Winners of #2), hosted by @poetsunit.


In this contest @poetsunit provides us with a prompt taken from another poet’s poem, and then we have a choice of three prompts. Inspired by one of the other poets, we then create our own poem for the contest. I have chosen prompt #3 by The process of writing a love letter, written by @itinerantartist.

"My throat, a dam
Passing droplets while gushing waters attempt to overflow
My tongue, a straightjacket
Twisting arms and disorienting limbs

Burnt Alive

All around are devious stares covered by a mask,

They accuse me repeatedly, but never once did they ask.

Did I do it? Did I have motive? Did I have opportunity?

Did they have a witness? One who saw my calamity?

No, they had rumors, and hear-say; jealousy and insecurity.

I was never a witch; they know this, but they are filled with uncertainty.

Did a man die? That’s certain, but it was not by my hand.

He was killed by the spirit that lives on my land.

I’m the victim I say; will you not hear my cries?

Or will you listen to the others who are drunk on their lies?

Their faces covered will not protect them from their crimes.

To burn me at the stake will be worse than anything I have devised.

I stand graceful, I stand humble; I stand tall and I stand firm,

Thinking only of my family as they stand and watch me burn.

Once I fall to ashes they will continue to remember what I said,

For the spirit will come back to life in their greedy, feathered beds.

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I truly enjoyed this story. I realised early on how you took the inspiration, and it was quite clever. The drowning associated with the drowning (and burning) of witches - very creative inspiration.

What I also enjoyed is that, although it is set in some time long ago, these words and emotions are relevant to these days. Innocent people being charged with crimes they did not commit. Lies, frame-ups - they are a huge part of our society. In seeking justice, we are bound to do even more injustice. I do love poetry that makes me think beyond the poem! Great write once again :)

Thank you so much for the feedback! After I wrote it, I thought it was relevant to us now too. The burning of a witch can be simply spreading a rumor and watching them get in to trouble because of it.

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