Poetry Dice Challenge Week 31: The Warm Whisper of A Heart that Loves

in #poetrydice6 years ago (edited)

It's been a while since I joined Poetry Dice Challenge. As I was browsing through my feed, I checked out @rensoul17's post for Poetry Dice Challenge Week 31. The dice, themes and phrases prompts to choose from were very interesting, so I decided to give this week a shot. Feel free to join this awesome poetry challenge. Enjoy my poem below! :)

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The Warm Whisper of A Heart that Loves

Just like the trees that blossom in the spring

You color my world and fill my heart to the brim

When I first saw you, it felt as if lightning struck me

I was flabbergasted by your bewitching beauty

The clock continued ticking but everything seemed to stop

I even questioned the possibility of a person's heart to pop

You were like a magical flower in the depth of an enchanted forest

Unconsciously magnifying my heartbeat, allowing it no rest

I just knew the fire of love has finally been ignited

As if crossing a bridge to a new world, feeling oh so delighted


So, the dice for this week are:

Also, I decided to choose a theme and a writing phrase prompt...
I chose the theme WHISPER while the writing phrase prompt I chose was “Just like the trees that blossom in the Spring….”
I hope you all enjoyed my entry! ^^

Thanks a lot for dropping by!
Love lots, @tegoshei


I like this, if I may, it might be worth reading it outloud a few times. Towards the end I suspect (might be wrong) a comma in two places might aid the rhythm as there are natural pauses after heart beat and feeling thanks for sharing ;o)

Ahh... Thanks for the suggestion! It'll make it better that way... But instead of after the word feeling, I think the pause would be better before it.. Thank you.. I'll edit it. I'm glad you like it... ヽ(^o^)丿





Interesting challenge. I may try it. I like dice games. I do some poetry and art. Love the whisper of the heart. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

Feel free to do so... :) Your imagination will really be challenged.. Thanks for dropping by, Joey! :)

This is very good, You made very good use of the dice and the themes. I enjoyed it very much @tegoshei.

I'm glad you did! <3

It is beautiful! I am interested in doing this so I have a question. Didn't you have to use the apple and the question mark?

We don't necessarily use the word... your own interpretation of it is okay... it's up to the writer on what these pictures or dice mean... Thanks Deb!

That is interesting. Thanks for the info Shei! : )

No worries... I hope you could try it out, Deb! Have fun!! ^^

I will try it at a later date. It is hard for me to think straight right now because I am recovering from dental surgery. : (

Ohh... I have survived an open surgery, but I wonder what would be of me if I undergo a dental one... Please take good care of yourself my dear Deb and I'm hoping for your speedy and full recovery... :)

I sure am happy to hear that you survived! : ) Don't wonder what you would be like after a dental surgery...believe me...you really don't want to know. Thanks so much for your thoughts and well wishes my dear friend Shei. You warm my heart. : )

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