The closest I've come to Empty Nest Syndrome (Day 11)

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)




Empty Nest

Where the birds come
to catch their breath,
that's where Iive
-on the top floor

A time ago, I raised pigeons
generations of feathered friends,
watered and fed in a large flower pot
on my balcony, where one laid an egg

As they grew, I'd watch them scan the skies
—for crows, hawks, falcons— and I'd think
of the inescapable vulnerability
of all who live beneath that tent of blue...

My winged companions have all flown away,
at Home, perched somewhere in the vast sky
from where I borrowed them for a time
now, it is my turn to scan the heavens

In hopes of their return, or
in search of some kind of sign?

© Yahia Lababidi





(Images & collage: mine)


This is my entry for Day 11 of @d-pend's The 100 Day Poetry Challenge. To learn more, please, visit Steemit School on discord founded by @Dobartim


And I love you for loving your bird friends. I hope fate sends you many more :)

Bless your heart, dear @tygertyger, it was a privilege having those sweet things pass through my life. As an animal lover, I know you understand 🙇🏻‍♂️

Or you scan the heavens in hope for new friends?
Maybe the new family will set foot on your friend's old home and bring life to this beautiful world of ours.

Excellent poem my friend, I learn a lot from you 'cause I like your style of writing and I can understand it. It's simpler than some poets, but that doesn't mean it's worse than others...

Much love!

I've had new "friends" return over the years, I even had a duck lay 9 eggs in that same lucky pot :)

I'm happy that you don't find my poems needlessly complicated,, I trust in the power of simplicity (especially, if one wants to communicate a subtle or profound message). My favorite poets, long dead and some living, also wrote in plain-spoken verse.

Many thanks, for stopping by & for your kind words <3

Exactly, when you find the simplicity that can resonate through time and space and find the readers heart, that's the thing what I want to accomplish one day.. But first, one step at a time, I'm still learning basics...


I read and enjoyed your Invisible Breath, and wish you success perfecting your art.

If I understand you correctly, and you want to write poetry that will withstand the test of Time, well, that is a question of complete dedication, great talent & also good luck!

Yes, my friend, first one must crawl and then learn to walk before they can dream of flying :)

Thanks for taking your time. You must realize that poem was my 12th poem I wrote in my life... I am really new in this and still trying to find my style and flow, so I am experimenting.I need to learn much more.

I know I always strive for simplicity if it can be expressed well, so that's my long-term goal.
My short-term goal is to do ALL 100 days of this challenge and continue to do it forever... That's why I donated 3.14 SBD for the challenge as a metaphor for never-ending activity, 100 days will come soon but I don't want to stop writing down my poetry than.

Time to write my today's poem ;)

It's quite good for such an early poem. Keep at it, we're all learning, together. _/|\_

Thanks for the support, you keep writing your beautiful poems so I can learn from you :)

Wonderful selection of words with deep meaning that touched my soul and i loved your every single word Yahia <3

Thank you so much for the original photography :)

Thank you, and congratulations on your Return to Innocence poem — there’s wisdom, there 🙇🏻‍♂️

Oh Man, it means you took time to read my poem. It really feels awesome when a GREAT visit your blog and appreciate your work <3 Means a lot Bud <3

Amazing as always. I don't really have a lot to say about the specifics of this poem except that I love how you celebrate life with your poetry, and your Mastery of the written word is something I enjoy reading every chance I get.

Thank you, Steve :) I didn't really think of this as a celebratory poem (though, of course, properly conceived, they all are). Love and Letting Go and Hope, such is life... Thanks, for stopping by.

Yeah, I I thought the interaction with the pigeons itself was celebratory, even though they had been taken from your world by circumstance.

I think you're right! Better to have loved and lost...

For your sake, I hope they return. Pigeons always find their way back, or so I heard. The poem is beautiful in its simplicity:). More like I can easily connect to your feeling of loss.:(

And if your birds could read, they would fluff their feathers, pecking at your feet in gratitude when they return.

I hope the blue sky direct them home :)

Thank you, fego, for your warm words. You heard correctly, pigeons like to return to their home and that's why I raised generations of them. They did return and then they flew away, again. One little guy would visit me every evening, at around 5pm, perch on my shoulder and groom my beard (as a way of saying thank you!) But, there are more hawks around the balcongy, now, and our building is setting traps for the pigeons... so, it's tough :(

Groom your beard? Haha :D . You groomed them so well to do that?

Well, I feel your pain, nothing as terrifying as the hawks swooping down. Its even worse when you got a poultry farm.

It's like they send hawk spies on covert missions to scout vicinities for available preys, then they come en masse. Really evil bunch, hovering just above your roof.

I bet they are never coming back, knowing the hawks are about.

Hawks gotta live, too, man. I did my best to protect them while they were here, but Nature is red in tooth and claw 🤷🏻‍♂️

Haha, I wish I could teach my pigeons to groom me—that’s what they do to each other & the little guy was extending the favor.

Thanks, for your concern & keep up the good poetry 🙏🏼

Hello @yahialababidi. The closest thing to a father. Scanning the sky for signs of children. Thank you. I invite you to read my poem Greetings.

Thanks, for reading, @corderosiete & that paternal echo. Sure, I’ll check out your work. Cheers ✌🏼

This is very poignant. I love this poem. Really interested in reading the rest of your writing - followed xx :)

Thank you, for your interest and support. I hope my words continue to capture your imagination _/|\_

I too often scan the sky and contemplate the futility of our existence only to realize each time that it is not futile, far from it. I have concluded many times over that we are here for a reason, simply to prepare ourselves to return to the great unknown from whence we came... Our real home

I think this one is my favorite so far

Have you read my previous 10 poems for the challenge? (Or do you mean since I began posting on Steem, 4 months ago?)

My fav from the challenge so far...

I spoke of our vulnerability, but I do not believe our existence is futile... I agree that, "that we are here for a reason, simply to prepare ourselves to return to the great unknown from whence we came... Our real home"

I use to raise pigeons too. One pair turned into generations

Good for you, man, so you know how rewarding that can be...

Funny thing, after a long time of no pigeons in my life, it seems this post summoned one! Found this guy on my windowsill, yesterday evening ✨🤓💫

That is very interesting , the law of attraction brought him to you !

Yes very rewarding I remember a few times taking care of the young ones and feeding them chipped corn or bread . And as they got older teaching them how to fly by throwing them in the air !
Thank you for bringing back memories from my childhood !

I Believe...

Good to hear I helped bring back happy memories; thanks, for sharing them _/|\_

heart touching poem

Thanks, for reading

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