
You said it, brother! I used to think of maturity as a bad word (like something dull or deadening to be feared) but I see, now, that was a sign of my immaturity at the time :)

By the way, as I believe in giving credit where credit was due, the opening paragraphs to the poem above (which were not there when I first posted it) were inspired by the profound reflections in your excellent post on Timing

I invite all thinkers and seekers, interested in life's mysteries, to visit this entry for a fine meditation _/|_

I was thinking about sharing an older story in response:

How Ayahuasca Changed My Life (And Gave Me The Balls To Do The Craziest, Most Courageous, Romantic Thing Of My Life)...

Held back at first, though figured there might be some inspiration in there, as it’s one of my most raw tales of how mymarriage came to be... 💓

Wow, Rok, thanks, for your trust in sharing this.

I've just returned from 2 months in Peru (don't know if I mentioned this to you, earlier, sans epiphany-inducing ceremony) but was struck by how the ancients spoke to their deity using the assistance of consciousness-expanding plants.

I know a thing or two over the years about this "intentional, responsible, controlled use" and have had at least, one, mind-blowing experience in the desert that defies prose, so here it is in verse

Surrender is key, brother. I was somewhat surprised by your action at 27 (you're even more hardcore than I was!) also surprising to see how young you appear, now, if those are recent photos (as I you sound... older).

But, back to my scattered impressions. Yes, Fear, what a sly tyrant it is (tomorrow's blog post might develop this further). By association, I think of poor 'ole Kafka who described himself as: the bribed defender of his fear

And, back to Timing, amazing how the big, inner movements of the spirit have their own seasons and exist outside of time. How we might live, sleep-walking and with 'mind-forged manacles', doing Fear's bidding for a decade or two then, in one decisive moment, change our lives. Yes, a lifetime is a day and a day can be a lifetime, in what one can do, be, or say...

Here's to more Love sweet love, in every form, a holy awe and continued Liberation. PS - Here's book I'm currently reading, very slowly...


Two months in Peru... that musta been quite the game-changer. :-)

Peru was a gift and, boy, was the food good!

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