
This is a marvelous meditation, @rok-sivante and a subject that is itself full of marvels.

There is a mystery and magic to Timing, to be sure. Marriage, for example, which I swore never to do... happened, when time was right. Even the sea-change of quitting my job and leaving my country to start a new life in the USA (which I lacked guts to do for around a decade) one day, at some point in time, it simply seemed necessary to leap... and the Net, miraculously, appeared :)

I think with all the Biggies in life, it's not in our hands, alone. We must wait for cues, and be subtle and still to overhear the whispered prompts when they are made. The Tao is very good about advising doing through nondoing (Wu wei) and vital importance of timing in all things:

Do you have the patience to wait
Till your mud settles and the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving
Till the right action arises by itself?
— Lao tzu

As a poet, and especially a seeker, I honor and recognize that timing is maturity and believe that we steal from ourself, unripe fruit, when we share an insight or art work, before its time.

Here's a quote by another spiritual teacher I admire, Idries Shah, that echoes the fine thoughts you share, above:

The impatient man is his own enemy; he slams the door on his own progress.
—Idries Shah

Wishing you what I wish myself, all ways: patience, and good timing _/|_


Marriage, for example, which I swore never to do... happened, when time was right.

Ha ha!

Funny reading that, as is an accurate reflection. I thought all along marriage and kids weren't for me. Universe had other plans. (At least for the marriage. Too soon to conclude on the kids part). And, it knew better than I did. No regrets.

(The part about leaving homeland too... though I was only delaying three years before moving to Bali).

I think with all the Biggies in life, it's not in our hands, alone. We must wait for cues, and be subtle and still to overhear the whispered prompts when they are made.

Love this.

timing is maturity and believe that we steal from ourself, unripe fruit, when we share an insight or art work, before its time.

Now that is golden.

As is the Shah quote.

Jeezus, mate. There have been some good comments in this thread, though this one might just take the trophy. 😇🙏💗

It's a privilege to be heard, my friend, and there was much in your post that stirred me to the depths, @rok-sivante --life lessons, as you correctly point out that are not to be found in books!

I don't have kids either, but I trust life Life knows best. Thank you, for the occasion to meditate on life's mysteries and it makes me very happy to know that my words resonate with you <3_/|_

PS - Would love to visit Bali, one day :)

try to steal the heart of a new partner, if appropriate intertwine a harmonious relationship. I support you brother @rok-sivante ha ha ha

Alone time is crucial for us, human beings because it gives us an opportunity to get to know ourselves, and helps with self-discovery. Until you have an understanding of who you are and your kind of person, simplifying your life will really only remain an aspiration. This is because you can't really simplify what you don’t understand, and if you don’t understand yourself, simplifying your life will be difficult.


I like that.

excellent perspective. 🙂💗

I was missing you @rok-sivante, I've been waiting for your return, and you TIMED it perfectly :D

I really liked this article. You are very open minded and see a lot of truth, I don't like to be narcissistic , but these are very similar to my beliefs.

I believe we manifest our reality with our thoughts, I we discussed before, but there has to be a fail safe mechanism in place. Imagine if we thought of something and it manifested instantly..... Trouble right!?!

We Humans are a bit stupid, we don't control our thoughts very well I think, we are confused, well I speak for myself haha. The Universe needs time to manifest a wish of someone.

Sometimes that person may be greedy and trying to force the Universe to do something not intended at that moment. I think the Universe always remembers what we have asked for and tried to incorporate it in our lives. If it's not meant to be it won't happen.

Also the term "strike when the Iron is hot", this is so damn true in my experience. Sometimes opportunities arise for us, and we must time our action appropriately, leaving it too long and the energy kind of fades away.

As for Human timing, I hope and kind of feel that this may be the generation where everything changes, I don't think my timing to enter this reality here was an accident, I think everyone times there entry to this world for a certain purpose to learn and experience spiritual growth or Karma if they have to repay.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I hope my contribution was enlightening to you and your followers. Take care my friend. Until the next time :D

Great additions to the conversation.

I believe we manifest our reality with our thoughts

very new-agey language that I've been getting very tired of... lol. however, could frame it a different way: indeed, we are the co-authors of our life script. forget about "manifesting" - we are creating our experience moment-to-moment, based on the nature of "our thoughts" - or to get more precise, vibration, brainwaves, active memory.

this is the matrix, man. and we are the coders. consciously or - as do most - unconsciously.

"strike when the Iron is hot"...

one of the most fascinating bodies of wisdom I've come across, continuing on the I Ching journey, is the Human Design system. I haven't gotten too far into it yet, though an interesting foundational principle of it is how there are distinctively different success strategies for different people/profiles. mine was to wait, think through, and let the emotional wave run its course before committing to an action - very contrary to the "strike when the iron is hot" line of thought, although that strategy may be perfectly fit for another profile type.

Though yes, energy can definitely fade if not put into action in the correct timing.


very new-agey language that I've been getting very tired of... lol. however, could frame it a different way: indeed, we are the co-authors of our life script. forget about "manifesting" - we are creating our experience moment-to-moment, based on the nature of "our thoughts" - or to get more precise, vibration, brainwaves, active memory.

I agree, the new age language is sometimes quite, how can i say....cheesy. I do prefer to refer to such things with a scientific approach, but it's not often I have the chance. If I have these sort of conversations with colleagues it tends to take an unwanted course, and I look like a lunatic haha. Saying that, let's have a go, you are a wise human. I think the action of brainwaves in co-creating our reality is very important from a quantum point of view. In the quantum world things must be observed to exist materially, I believe that brainwaves interact with the quantum world to bring about a reality. We are the observers, if we observe with negative thoughts, our brainwaves are disharmonic which produces a disharmonic reality. On the other hand living with love in the heart produces a strong positive reaction for our reality. There is a singularity at the heart of every particle, and all singularities could be connected, so by living with positive vibration (Bob Marley) we feed this energy into the atoms in our bodies which communicates with the rest of the Universe. In fact a favourite scientist of mine called Nassim Haramein wrote a beautiful paper which strongly suggests that protons are black holes with a singularity, this paper really is something special, I am upset that it has not got the recognition it deserves from other physicists, too many of us are scared of stepping outside the box and looking at things differently, but I hope to change that.

different success strategies for different people/profiles

This I liked a lot, and you have a very good point, I believe I have seen this in action through different human profiles. I must contemplate this for a while, and try to understand my personal strategy of successfully creating my reality. Thank you for that deep perspective. I will try to remember times in my life where waiting for the right time, or striking while the iron's hot has produced different outcomes whether positive or negative. I feel empowered with this thought.

@rok-sivante. Take care I wish you a successful journey and look forward to communicating again.


Ah yes... was watching something on Gaia where that Haramein theory was mentioned.

too many of us are scared of stepping outside the box and looking at things differently, but I hope to change that.

legalizing psychedelics could be a step in the right direction of accelerating that change... :-D

I'll share a link with you to the paper i mentioned. The reason it's so special is he basically derives something quantum mechanic through classical theory, which in Physics is not an easy thing to do, if at all.

legalizing psychedelics could be a step in the right direction of accelerating that change... :-D

This is something that needs to be done for sure, I think though that the majority of the population and leaders especially would melt on the spot if they ever tried these, especially Dimethyltryptamine. It could bring the whole social system to it's knees, but they can count on my vote to legalise.

Wow... this is truly beautiful! So many musings on time.. so many good lines.

How others can be spoiled if failing to take the appropriate time to let things cultivate...

I see everything in life - our beliefs - our dreams - our missions - our destinies - are all seeds that were planted by our souls before we reincarnated into this body - and life is just the process of watching those seeds grow and eventually flower.

And just like flowers - you cannot force them to bloom before it is their right and proper time to do so.

How many times we've thwarted our efforts through impatience...

Finding true, lasting and effortless patience in every moment is my biggest mission / challenge in life, so this line especially rings true for me... for through impatience we will try to pluck the fruits of the seeds of our soul before they are truly ripe - and in this way the fruit will never taste as good as it could have if it was just left with patience to flower naturally in due time before being harvested and enjoyed.

So thank you for this. A very beautiful post that I found through your interaction on @yahialababidi's post... Glad to have found you and after reading this I know I will find plenty more wisdom on your page. You got a new follower my friend :) A happy one at that!

Keep up the great work.

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Your welcome. And thanks for your comment - some great perspectives, beautifully-stated. 💓

Thank you... I really appreciate the kind words. I try my best!

Really grateful to have found your blog....

Man I love this place!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

This is one of the fundamental truth of life, no matter how fast, educated, brilliant or knowledgeable you are, you can't just beat TIME. Some things just take time, time set things in place, displaces things , nothing happen without time involvement. A wise person is the one who understand time and season. Therefore, every man should exercise patience that things aren't in place today doesn't mean it won't in the future and to whom that today is rosy should be humble afterall a good book said time and chances happen to them all.

Hello @rok-sivante

Your detailed article on concept of time is succinct. Time is an influencer of human course of action. *We do most of what we do considering time first. There is time for everything: time to sleep, time to attend meetings, time to wake...we are always factoring in time. And if one ever hope to accomplish anything, one must work with time.

Thanks for your insights into the concept of time.


Time is passing non-stop, and we follow it with clocks and calendars. Yet we cannot study it with a microscope or experiment with it. And it still keeps passing. We just cannot say what exactly happens when time passes.

Time is represented through change, such as the circular motion of the moon around Earth. The passing of time is indeed closely connected to the concept of space.

According to the general theory of relativity, space, or the universe, emerged in the Big Bang some 13.7 billion years ago. Before that, all matter was packed into an extremely tiny dot. That dot also contained the matter that later came to be the sun, the earth and the moon -- the heavenly bodies that tell us about the passing of time.

Now one thing about time is that it can never be recovered . Once time is spent, it is gone. Saying the wrong things at the wrong time or doing the wrong things at the wrong time is a watage of precious time but how can we get to utilize our time perfectly? This can be done by taking our time to think through our every actions . Time can never be wasted if the right things are done on time.

Another concept of time is that it never waits. Time never stops , it keeps moving and expects us to keep the pace . And so we should learn to go with the flow as anytime passed can never be recovered.

Thanks @rok-sivante, you have taught the importance of time. and I think this is the right post for many people. sometimes we give up because the time is not right, but this is wrong. and we must know that "time is a sword", if we are wrong to use it we will be betrayed by him. Time is a mystery of life which when it happens will not be restored again, so cherish this very short time before we grow old and regret it and say why it was not like this ,? why not like that? if only this way, unfortunately all that has passed we can not reverse it all, can only wish it would be repeated time wasted once.

"sorry, I'm always the most late present in your comment field".

Sir, I think for some people it will be difficult to understand the meaning of your post. Yes, that's a risk to them. it must already be like that, if they want to know about this then they must learn it.

I would like to add some of my opinions about your writing. And finally I think that : Time.....even when all living things stop doing any activity the time will keep running as it should, not faster or slower, the time will rotate according to its rotation. Time is also the best teacher for any existing learning. Therefore, taking time is a very wise thing in our life.

In this life, the more distance we have to travel, the more we must increase the speed as well. If you do not want to be left behind with the development of the millenial world today. Then you have to plug in sharper gas to get into that world. The less time available then the speed must also the more we increase. Every day after another, the duration of human life is also reduced, so it will be closer to death. While the distance if he is landed as a straight line, then this life is a very long line point very long.

Thansk master @rok-sivante

Love the imagery and words @rok-sivante

Timing has never been my thing, I feel like I realize things too late sometimes. The it's all hindsight. And other times I'm really wishing things would unfold more quickly.

What are your thoughts on the Now, the timeless? Obviously we all use time as a concept, and things are always changing, but there is also that timeless place within.


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