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RE: A purple squirrel - Day 19 of the 5 Minute Freewrite

in #poetry7 years ago

It is beautiful in English and can only imagine how it is in Italian. And here is the idea I had. since you decided to write in Italian first - how about your spearhead freewrite in Italian - but you have to promise to still play with us English speakers as well.
You could either translate my intro post, or write your own. If you give me the correct Italian spelling, I do an Italian graphic (tell me which background color you want). Then you can post the prompt in Italian and your own post in Italian and also in English (could be two posts). Up to you how active you want to be with nurturing writers along...... Let me know what you think.
And I checked on MAP. The guy who is running it is on vacation right now. You will hear something as soon as it is up and running again :)
today's prompt:


I think this could be a great idea @mariannewest! A flow of thoughts can be authentic just in the language you use to think, my mind goes to Joice's Ulysse, for instance..If I had to be serious for a moment.
Unfortunately, as enthusiast as I am with all this, I'm so short with my time I barely can partecipate to your initiative (karate trainings plus my lawyer job putting me under pressure especially in winter..sigh!).. If I post them in italian they should be for the Italian community I think, which I never truly contacted..probably I should do it. Thank you for the MAP update.. You're an incredible concentrate of positive energy :-) I will keep in mind your idea..we see if it's possible maybe in the next months!

No worries. It was just an idea. And believe me - I understand time constraints..... I have 3 lawyers in our family. Two of my brothers in Germany and my step-daughter in the US. Very different realities but always busy.....

Thanks, I felt it was just fair to explain a bit ;-) Thanks God I work within a company, so I still can turn off my mobile at times hehe

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