Star-Filled SkysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #poem6 years ago (edited)

Darkness 02.jpg

I used to write a lot of poetry, and for some reason I stopped many years ago. Yesterday I posted an old poem of mine in response to a poetry challenge by @zen-art.

It felt good, and it was good to look back on some of what I had written in the past.

This last few weeks since Ren and I found this community have been amazing. We used to struggle to put out one post a week, only to have it disappear without a ripple. Now we post multiple times a day, and we receive so much encouragement and appreciation. I haven't felt this creative in years.

I've missed it.

Tonight, with some gentle encouragement from @maquemali I have written my first new poem in, I think, 15 years.

Having broken the rule that the introduction should not be longer than the poem, Here it is. It is in the form of a Triolet

Star-Filled Sky

As I stand beneath the star-filled sky at night.
My spirit is renewed with joy and awe.
I scarcely can contain my heart’s delight.
As I stand beneath the star-filled sky at night
Lifted to the heavens by starlight.
Transformed by the wonder of it all.
As I stand beneath the star-filled sky at night.
My spirit is renewed with joy and awe.



"transformed by the wonder of it all" - i love that line!!! :) It's such a gift when we can be touched by something so deeply that it actually does transform us!

I LOVE that @maquemali encouraged you to do this!!!! yayyyyyyyyyy for WW family supporting one another and pushing each other to strive!!!! I love seeing how this family links arms with another!

I'm glad that she gave you that gentle nudge - because this was beautiful!

Also - thanks to @zen-art (our quiet WW SteemPeer for now hehehe) and her great poem challenge.... it's already rippled through several people mentioning that they've wanted to get back into poetry and just haven't had the opportunity!

Love how this is bringing people together for things of beauty!!!

He did inspired me to join the @zen-zrt challenge hahahaha... and then I saw your post too. Oh well, it did a little boost to us all. There is really no harm in trying new things.

But Sir Scott already have it in him, only hidden in his treasure chest. It is such a joy when you bring to life those passion that were no longer used for several years.


I've been thinking for awhile that i needed to start writing again, but there always something else asking for my attention. I just have to make it a priority.

ah yes.. we have so many things going on at our hands..priorities must come first.

im glad you had the time to create one.

I really love how people encourage and take inspiration from one another. I haven't been this creative in ages.


That is what WW Family is all about.. we push and nudge someone off once in awhile.. your sleeping talent needs to be awaken and shake the world with it.

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Oh my gosh! You did it!! 😍

Sir scott you are amazingly good! You made me smile while reading this.. (see the effect?!).. hehe

You should not stop. Some people are great in what they do but not all have the same passions.. i love life and its candidness.. Miss Ren has an eye for beauty and you are great in words that sing.. hahaha.. was that a good logic at all?

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Thank you.

Have a great evening. Its way past my bed time.

its morning on my side... have a good night sleep lovebirds!

I just love that. Lovebirds. Never been called that and I love it.

Well you should be called that from now on.. you even share the same account.. so how far is your sweetness could go? Hehe..

I like the two of you.. ❤

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I don't know if Scott liked the idea of sharing the account at first, but it works really well now. At first, there was a bit of confusion (well, from my viewpoint). He has, however, jumped in and is posting and commenting. Now if I could just get him to put his name on it at the end so you all know which one of us we are! haha!

Hahahaha i think you two are just the cutest sharing everything.. its very sweet actually that Sir Scott has interest in Steemit. I knew a few couples here on the platform but they have separate accounts, they both want some individuality..

My hubs on the other hand does not want to be part of this all.. hahaha he doesn't want to keep pestering other people's post.. i kinda told him that i am currently stalking on someone and he just blurted why the heck would i do that?.. i answered back, because that's me being nosy! hahahahaha..

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HAHAHAHA! I am so the nosy one! I can tell you pretty much who comes and goes in our apartment. I'm that crazy, busybody that everyone has where they live.

I think Scott will eventually do his own for his photography, but for now he is wanting to support us in this. His photography is actually a big reason why we do some of the travel we do; so I think it is very important for him to stick with us for a bit.

@tipu please upvote this.. 😍

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Scott did this while I slept. The man blows me away. I'm such a lucky gal for sure. Good job, dear, it is the spark I have been waiting for to get you back to writing.
Love you,

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