"Reporting from Roswell" alt news podcast with Guy Malone has moved to STEEMIT

in #podcasts8 years ago (edited)

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Reporting from Roswell

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Friday August 19, 2016 Episode 19 "Cyber-Primer"

AUDIO ARCHIVE HERE  Returning (!) guest, cyber defense expert, and former Pentagon/DoD employee Jason Pappafotis guides us through the tech world of "The Blockchain". Topics include ProtonMail, Bitcoin, Etherium, and STEEMIT, but in normal human-speak! (More detail)

Friday August 12, 2016 Episode 18 "Depression HEALED Through Diet!"

AUDIO ARCHIVE HERE  Interview with Kay Endsley, who came "off her meds" after 11 years... then found deliverance thru a specific diet and improved gut health. As always, local headlines, global conspiracies, and so much more.

Friday August 5, 2016 Episode 17 "ET Go Home!" 

AUDIO ARCHIVE HERE "ET GO HOME! Retiring the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis" Essay by Greg Bishop (from his new book "IT DEFIES LANGUAGE"), a phone call with Nick Redfern, and some news on the new series "Star Trek DISCOVERY" coming January 2017...

GO HERE to browse the Silver Starter Pack and/or Survival Goods frequently mentioned on the program (DISCLOSURE: this is an affiliate link, but I was a very happy customer BEFORE becoming an affiliate). Special thanks also to LANA LANE for our "Destination Roswell" theme music YouTube.

ABOUT : Get to know your host, Guy Malone...

a.k.a. Roswell's NM's "Alien Stranger" - check out my book "Come Sail Away : UFO Phenomenon & The Bible" and read the Amazon reviews; find a few previous articles and interviews, and/or watch my videos on YouTube starting with "Roswell 1947 : What Really Happened?" and "Why Christian Fundies Think Aliens Are Really Demons" (Photo by (C) 2006)

More Archived Episodes : (In progress; please go to old page for now for un-linked entries.)
Ep 16 "You Lose America!"
Ep 15 "StarT rek Your Engines"
Ep 14 "They Might Be Giants"
Ep 13 "Boldly Go"
Ep 12 "It's All About UFO Festival"
Ep 11 "Round, Like A Ball!"
Ep 10 "The X-Men & The Antichrist"
Ep 09 "Transhuman Theology"
Ep 08  "Rise of Chiron"
Ep 07 "Bye Bye Blue Sky"
Ep 06 "Presidential"
Ep 05 "Roswell B.C."
Ep 04 "Paperclip"
Ep 03 "iPhone Home"
Ep 02 "Buckethead"
Ep 01 Pilot : "An Everlasting Kiss"

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RosGuide Upcoming Events Calendar 

All content is Copyright 2016 Guy Malone, All Rights Reserved
[email protected]
Powered by STEEMIT, which you should totally be on! Check this author's article out for help getting started, and/or search for online tutorials, of which there are many.


Very cool I will listen, can you name some guests that I should look into and learn more about?

Thank you sir. Migrating my archives and actually forwarding the url here (to Steemit) was an easy choice because of the benefits and great global audience Steemit has built in, but is still "taking a chance" nonetheless. Your quick feedback was greatly appreciated.
As a writer/researcher (follow for old poetry to be posted eventually) my topics vary WIDELY from week to week. Many of my guests are simply personal and/or FB friends in fact (brilliant ones, that is), and I feel I'm still getting the hang of podcasting, therefore not even really "tapping" my most "famous" contacts yet, and even hesitant about reaching out to big names whom I don't know personally. That said Dr Michael Heiser, PhD, is a recurring guest, and Jason P (the current program, Ep 19 on BlockChain, STEEMIT, etc) has been on 3 times I think, but he's not famous. Yet anyways. Nick Redfern is also a favorite who will come on pretty much on request. (Heiser and Redfern are frequent Coast-to-Coast AM guests btw.. i.e., they could do lots better than spending time with me, but are among my closer contacts because of the Roswell connection and our complimentary views.)
And lest I forget (!) Steemer Brain Young and owner of the wildly popular YouTube channel HighImpactFlix was on my very first program. His Steemit site is I wouldn't be on this site (yet anyways) if I hadn't seen his posts/links on FB recently.

Thank you and good luck in your endeavor! Sounds like you have an interesting time!

An understatement :) Thanks again.

rem870man is this related to a shotgun ? remington 870 ?

will keep an eye out for your future posts- love anything roswell....

Thanks LP! I do offer a mailing list in the links above, and my site - my poor, sad looking made with Front Page site that is, is Be well.

Hello ibringawareness, are you into coins ??? ( I got this impression from the above post contents ? )

Not coins per se, but I consider Silver and Gold to be honest money, that can withstand crises, and therefore good to have. That's why I feel good linking to a reputable dealer. Thanks for asking, and sure, I'll take all you want to send me, haha ;)

Silver and Gold are never ever a good buy. These are the most reliable proven forms of money of value for hundreds or thousands of years.

Thus these in demand items are always overpriced. If I want to exchange fiat currency I will buy at one price and sell at a few cents less, there is never an 'even' swap.

To buy things on credit cards is even worse since they charge the transaction fees plus their own slightly different exchange rates. With precious metals it is the same deal, buy lower and sell higher...

Millions of Americans buy the one ounce Silver American Eagle $1 coin, a terrible terrible investment, you get the privilege of buying US$25 worth of one ounce of Silver for $35, 45, 55 even $65 (estimating those prices if Silver were really worth $25...)

However each year hundreds of millions of identical coins are minted; put another way, simply having the year 2010 stamped on your coin instead of 2011 is very unlikely to help this identical lump of slag Silver metal maintain that price point premium.

Why would millions of identical coins increase in value; the answer as the US Mint never reveals is that 99% of those coins cannot. That is why all marketing says 'keepsake', "heirloom", 'pretty coin' or other meaningless terms to promote jump metal. The term they never use is investment, to suggest these coins as actual investments they know will land them in court.

Many coin dealers in the past described coins as investments and were convicted, the US Mint chooses not to go down that roadway. The smart money way to buy Gold or Silver (which is almost never worth buying) or Platinum is as artwork [ as I mention in a different post ].

Crazy rich people will always have money to buy perfect rare or scarce works of gorgeous art; whereas many people often do not have money to buy food.

I myself choose to buy ultra scarce small portable coins in perfect condition that are likely to appeal to future buyers. There are difficult strategies to buy investment coins, but in the past I trade in trading cards and own some of the rarest cards in the world, each sells for thousands and thousands of dollars.

But with any learning curve the learning phase was painfully hard and expensive to learn. This is why I try and work with other in steemit so the learning curve is faster, more efficient and less painful...

Anyways I am sure i will see you on the BlockChain : )

/ hugz ; )

Totally agree with you on the "marketing" bs aspect of coins, I own/buy bullion only, like rounds and such. Not much of course, I am a waiter for a living after all. But I also agree that perfectly minted coins is a great investment if you can afford to speculate on numistic value. I can't, and also I'm not disciplined enough to keep them in good condition long term, and I've even LOST the 1/10th gold Panda I bought awhile back at spot, just own one iece of gold, haha!
Ultimately tho, gold and silver are like baseball cards and comic books - they are worth what you can get for them, from someone who wants them badly enough. All else is specualtion and marketing. I like and recommend silver for bartering in emergency situations especially tho.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 57087.02
ETH 3064.71
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.19