Pocket today: new confirmer bot, markets, discord server

in #pocket7 years ago (edited)

I've had people asking me why I've been so quiet lately. It's partly because of this: one of the big conferences in my field has a paper submission deadline coming soon, and I'm scrambling to get my latest paper ready for it.

Logo thanks to @foundation!

Nonetheless, this didn't stop me from taking emergency time out to fix an obscure, but major bug in my confirmer-bot code. As I've said before, if you're running a confirmer bot, you must pull the latest changes from master in my github repo.

We have a new confirmer bot in town!

Everybody please welcome @wazzzuuup, the newest member of the pocket confirmer bot family. He's visiting us from a beer commercial from the year 1999, I believe....

You may have noticed that the original confirmer bot, @pocket-a, has not been doing as much confirming lately. This is because I've dialed it way back so that it's essentially running as a backup. I let @pocket-pi and @wazzzuuup compete for the fees, and @pocket-a is just there to deal with high congestion and upvote the correct confirmations. As always, use caution with new confirmer bots - but if @pocket-a upvotes a confirmation, that means that @pocket-a agrees with the way it was when it was first posted.

A market for Pocket tokens is slowly developing.

I've had lots of people ask me where they can get tokens. Well, as always, one way to find them is to go surfing around https://steemit.com/created/pocket. But now there's a possibly-more-efficient way that's just come about:

Pocket has an unofficial Discord server!

I'll point you to this announcement post for the details and the invitation links. You can try to reach me there, but I'll warn you now - I do not spend large amounts of my time on Discord. Way too distracting. You're better off messaging me on steemit.chat. Many thanks to @heroic15397 for getting this going!

We also have plans in the works to list Pocket on the Bitshares asset exchange!

Check out the initial announcement here. The gateway isn't live yet, but it's likely to happen at some point. This is more @virtualgrowth's project than mine, so if you're going to want to use the service, pester him. The more annoying you are the more motivated he'll be to get it all set up.

If you want to be ready to trade on Bitshares when Pocket is finally tradeable there, click here to open a Bitshares account.


pocket on BTS would be awesome, just you would need automated gateway to not cause trouble

Automated would be ideal, yes.

What is (and does) an automated gateway?

When polo?

And Bittrex, HitBTC.........

Yes, Bittrex... :)


OMG! This is getting serious!

I have been tipping people with my pockets. Should I stop doing that and hold them?

BTW, I thought you were studying game theory, weren't you @biophil?

pocketsend:1001@sadekj, here's some tipping cash. :)

because it's a catch-22, right? The more you spread it around, the more buzz it will create, the more people will have some, etc. But then you have less if the price takes off.

I study game theory in an automation and controls department. It's a fun little niche :)

Thank you, @biophil for your generosity.

I am still reading your articles about applying game theory to Steem. I love them. I started to see steem from a new point of view. Actually, I might make a post to tell people about them. I am sure most new steemians have missed out on them.

Moreover, it would be really nice to revisit the subject (after you finish your paper, of course). Steem has changed a lot since then. It deserves re-modeling. Plus, I am sure it would be a very rewarding post too. ;)

Thanks! I really enjoyed writing those articles. Promote away! I have had many people tell me that I should write more. Alas, I always have about 10x more stuff I want to do than I have time to do it. But maybe I'll manage to find a bit of time to pop out a few more. Thanks for the encouragement!

Successful Send of 1001
Sending Account: biophil
Receiving Account: sadekj
New sending account balance: 961979
New receiving account balance: 1000297
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 64da2ea8797a943d50ad4e8a9db6d363dbdcce03
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and right now I am running this code.

Manual gateway to be announced soon!

pocketsend:100@virtualgrowth, thanks for popularizing POCKET :)

Successful Send of 100
Sending Account: riseofth
Receiving Account: virtualgrowth
New sending account balance: 998799
New receiving account balance: 1000999
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: c9a621bb8b515e2dab9f9bd2bf04067f8a7b2014
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and right now I am running this code.

I think we need to see the stats. Are people sharing their Pocket Tokens or are they just hodling them and waiting for the price to kick up?

I am interested in knowing the stats. I am giving away 100 tokens to anyone who would comment on my posts.

In the coming weeks I plan to give at least 10,000 tokens, but it will be fun to know how people are using these tokens. I know for a fact that a lot of these people are hodling them but still, stats reveal our behaviour.

I want to see the stats too. I'm thinking out some ways to refactor the code so it will be more accessible to people who want to do things like build explorer websites, etc.

Until then, a very crude way to explore transactions is to check out @pocket-a's page on steemd: https://steemd.com/@pocket-a

Each of those votes is for a confirmation message for someone doing a pocketsend. So at least from this, it looks like there's a fair amount of activity.

I saw there is a betting service called @pocketbook

Yes, @pocketbook is one of the most active members of the pocket community.

That is a genius name

Haha it truly is. I hope POCKET finds it's way to coinmarketcap.com and an exchange

I love my pocket, when it be listed as an asset in bitshare?

Thanks for mentioning the Discord server!

@pocketbook and I have been thinking about asking people to answer a consensus poll about the price for POCKET they would be willing to pay. The winner between the three following choices would be the price tag we would both put on the POCKET we would be willing to sell.

  • 1 SBD = 20,000 (based on some transactions on an auction held by @mattclarke)
  • 1 SBD = 15,000 (based on @pocketbook's actual selling price)
  • 1 SBD = 10,000 (based on a simpler form both @baus85 and I like for a starting set value)

I will probably post about it next Wednesday​ after my current reverse-auction will have ended.

Yeah, I've seen bits of this discussion. I will respectfully decline to vote in your poll, though I think I see your reasons for talking about it. I'm skeptical of any attempt to "decide" on a price for a commodity that has a fixed supply. But I see that for people interested in buying in, a fixed price would be convenient. Best of luck!

I totally understand. To tell the truth, I am split myself between thinking the ''invisible hand of the free market'' will eventually & naturally pull the price toward a specific range, and the idea that maybe we must push POCKET into a certain direction or else it will never really go anywhere if nobody ever takes the lead. By having 2, 3-4, 10, or maybe 20 people assessing a specific buying & selling price between themselves and to others, maybe we could finally spark the beginning of a reference price. Maybe it's because of the small amount of Steem or SBD for POCKET exchanges but at the moment, things seem too chaotic for POCKET transactions to have real significance. Maybe it's a question of being more patient or maybe it's a question of being more active, that seems to be the POCKET dilemma.

I know I'm not in a hurry personally to see POCKET with a price tag, but there have recently been more people starting to ask the question. The higher frequency of conversations surrounding the price seems to show that people are passionate about it and willing to turn it into an, even more, concrete of a tool.

@biophil what's the highest price that pocket has sold for?

In bulk, it was probably @armandocat selling a million for about 40 SBD. Some of the very early small sales might have been much higher price than that, but they were very small.

Hi @biophil, I know that you're super busy right now but I would like to know if there is an explanation of the config.json file on the confirmer bot repo.

Yeah; check my post here: https://steemit.com/pocket/@biophil/pocket-day-10-how-to-run-your-own-confirmation-bot

Let me know if that gives you enough to get going.

Haha, I had gone through you repo and posts but somehow missed this one. I understood everything except the nodes variable. I thought I had done something wrong in the config.json because I was not confirming or upvoting transactions. Then, I un commented some lines to see which block I was processing. I'm at 1500 something, RIP. I think there should be a way to sync your local db to the blockchain. That would encourage more enthusiasts like me to run confiramtion bots.

I'm probably going to put a recent-ish blockchain snapshot in the repo at some point, so people don't have to start from scratch. Message me on steemit.chat, I'll send you a recent snapshot if you're interested.

Hey, I also just updated the github repo with setup instructions in the readme.

Hey @biophil :-)
thx for the notice, all fine and updated, just to let you know.

Cool, thanks!

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