Steemit Player Hater of the Year 2017 Award Nominations!!!! $50 STEEM Prize

in #playerhater7 years ago

I Welcome You to the Nomination Ceremony for the 2017 Steemit Player Hater of the Year Award!

Steemit Player Haters 2016.jpg

Last Year's Finalists

The 2nd Annual Steemit Player Hater's Ball

Who was spewed the most hatred or caused the most butt hurt of any steemian in the year 2017? That is what this post will decide. Have you caused people to go into butt hurt tirades online embarrassing themselves and their close associates? Have you got a or helped a major public figure to tweet out or say something so butt hurt and ridiculous it brought tears to many people's eyes? I bet a few of you out there have.

The winner of this will get a sweet Steemit Player Hater of Year Badge made by me. Let's make Player Hating Great Again. They winner can display the badge, as I do, as the winner last year, see the bottom of every post I make.

The person who nominates the winner, gets the $50 STEEM Prize. So if you nominate someone you hate because they are a player hater, then you get the $50 STEEM for hating on them. If you nominate yourself and you win, you get the $50 STEEM prize.

Do you know anyone who goes around and flags people for no good reason? Is there a steemian you personally can't stand? This is your chance to nominate them for Steemit Player Hater of the Year.

What is a Player Hater?

Player Hater (noun)

One who Hates on everyone around them who have anything that the Player Hater does not have. Talks a lot of shit about people, and can quickly see any flaws in something or someone and can expose those flaws immediately.

example: Buck Nasty and Silky Johnson are up for the Player Hater of the year award.


Video Example:

Rules for Nominations

  1. Person Nominated MUST BE ON STEEMIT!

  2. They Must be a Player Hater (See Above definition)

  3. Must be a Prestigious Verbal Abuser

  4. You Must give Your Reason for Nominating them.

  5. You Can Nominate Yourself.

  6. Each person Can only be Nominated Once.

  7. Please Put a Picture or a Video of them in your nomination.

How the Winner is decided:

  1. By Vote #, I will tally how many each nominee got for up votes and whoever's nomination got the most votes wins. Value of the nomination doesn't matter, we are going with just votes.

  2. The Vote Will end the moment this Post pays out, so you have 7 days to nominate and vote for people.

  3. I will be announcing this on YouTube later tonight during my live show STWT at 9:30 pm.

Last Year's Award Post:

Help me out by up-voting and re-steeming this and don't forget to follow me @TitusFrost for more of my work coming in the near future...


I am going to nominate @Defango for the epic Jason Goodman meltdowns.

Lol this is boss son. 100% to you mr frost

Thanks dude.

I love ya both! Hope it’s cool I voted on both! Lol! But honestly the Goodman meltdown wins hands down!

Okay so you nominate me? @TitusFrost?

Here is some reasons why:

  1. David Seaman threatened to get a restraining order put on me for being a "anti-semite" rofl.
  2. I ripped on @TheDollarVigilante multiple times, mainly because I can't stand how narcissistic and wealthy he is.
  3. I got "Jeff C" so butthurt he has made like ten or more videos crying about me on air basically.
  4. I have the ABC Christian 2 or whatever making videos about me almost daily.
  5. I am a featured person on the troll channel "Clown Shoes", who is obviously a big fan of mine.
  6. I pissed off the entire Q Anon crowd and I crushed their Santa Claus is coming to town fantasy.
  7. I got John Podesta so mad about PizzaGate he called us all crazy and then He vanished from twitter basically.
  8. I got Jason Goodman to go on a ridiculous tirade about Steemit being a bad thing (which is another top notch investigative report by a dumbass Goodman), which shows Jason's true colors as the epic fail he is.
  9. I got PressForTruth all butthurt because he is a Pizzagate denier and had to admit his blatant ignorance on that matter on air. Much like his blatant ignorance about the use of DEW's on 9/11. Basically Dan was a trailblazer for waking us up to the bigger picture but when it comes to facts and details, he should leave those to people with better investigative skills.
  10. I got this guy named "Doboy" or whatever so pissed off he played the song "United States of Whatever" and acted like he didn't care but he obviously did or he would not have addressed me. Best part is, I did not even say his name or talk about him, by the way and his claims are all false as I actually like him but hey don't let facts ruins a massive butthurt.

I can keep going, I mean this is a short list of the people angry at me online. Just go type in "Titus Frost" on YouTube and watch all the epic meltdowns. I do on occasion, normally with a Blunt in hand and an empty glass to collect the tears of my enemies.

I am also going to Nominate @HoaxWars for the continued epic Jason Goodman meltdowns, destroying George Webb, along with Robo Man Quinn. I mean these videos are very funny and are causing some major butt hurt out there.

Just Part 1:

(If this post wins the vote the STEEM award goes to Hoax Wars)

YES!!! I am honored! haha

Tough competition this year, I see the defending champ is already nominated and has a resume that is gonna be tough to best.

I think a great case can be made for Hoax Wars as Player Hater of the Year! We just started in June but had a crazy year and most people only really know half of the butt hurt we've induced. I will outline this in an upcoming steemit post and report back!

Let the games begin!


I nominate myself @stevescoins

Lolz, nice thanks for the reply!

@grumpycat for downvoting random people that buy themselves votes. He said he would only do it to people who bought votes for posts older then 3 days but he doesn't actually do that. He won't talk to the other side when they ask for a compromise, he just downvotes them. He also spends tons of upvotes upvoting his other account's useless comments.

Not nominating myself but, in the spirit of player hating, and since I don't know the community well enough here yet, I will leave these here.

These are my most downvoted videos as well

Almost forgot my entire documentary shredding the Fake Alt media.

I nominate Doshi the cat, because he triggers people daily at 4:11 EST

@leighstewy u rock girl! I just started posting! I loved it

I nominate Jeff C @fakenewsreport IMG_1302.PNG

twitter profile -

Jeff C has butthurt youtube more times, and is the most censored youtuber on

He also butthurt many youtubers such as David seaman, infowars, dabooh7, b rich, lift the veil, Titus frost and numerous others on YouTube and twitter.

His youtube channels


Supreme Lord Commander

FreeRadioRevolution REVIVAL!

i'm pretty sure I butthurt Jeff C. maybe I should get that nom

I was there during that exchange. You were far more butt hurt. Even went as far as to challenge Jeff to come see you. But by all means nominate yourself.

wait. thats butt hurt? lol being butthurt triggers the situation not what ends it. I am a man in the real world, that's where i settle it. but I guess swimming in the cyber punk deepend we look at stuff differently.

You see it that way. How it really looks

Point being: you were so easily triggered by Jeff C. That you actually wanted to fight the guy, and when I called you on it at the time, you acted dumb like you didn't mean it that way.

So who's really the cyber punk?

Lame. Your a fan.

I'd like to give a shoutout to @brichpodcast for so perfectly demonstrating just how much he is still butt hurt by Jeff C of @fakenewsreport

The reason I would say Jeff C should lose is as follows:

  1. Jeff constantly rips on other people, but almost NO ONE responds to him.
  2. Both Jeff and Myself went after David Seaman, however Seaman was only butthurt by me basically as he never once ever said Jeff C or NWA or any of that. So in comparison in head to head player hating on David Seaman, I did a far more effective job of it, and Jeff was basically ignored.
  3. Jeff C is triggered easier than any other truther out there. Biggest butthurt faggot ever.
  4. Jeff C constantly whines about censorship he brings on himself for just swearing too much. I have seen google people explain this to him in comments, and he still doesn't get it. He just keeps getting all butthurt and slamming his desk and swearing as he has no self control and he gets censored rightfully because he is swearing too much. It has nothing to do with the "jews" it is simple, he swears too much for Google. I personally don't care, but that is why he is censored, his own fault.
  5. The number one reason why Jeff should not win over myself or Defango or Hoax Wars:

Jeff C has made countless videos about other people who never respond, including me because he is the most butthurt faggot on the internet. I nor has any one else ever had to make a single video about him specifically, nor have I had to respond to his videos, because he comes off like a narcissistic childish brat who didn't get his way. Basically no one responds to Jeff C because his material is garbage and is destroyed by itself. No one has to respond to Jeff therefore he isn't player hating he is just doing butt hurt rants online about everyone else.

However, just remember I am the person creating and handing out the badge (I can write anything I want on it) to Jeff and you Venonymous get the steem reward not Jeff. So keep voting him up for no good reason and see how well that goes for you. I am not last year's hater of the year for no reason. Good luck lolz.

WOW you have some serious issues. Perhaps it's because you fell for the Big Fish pedo bullshit and staked your entire credibility on it. Do you remember the video you made screaming in your car like a teenaged dimwit that you had 100% PROOF that comet ping pong had child porn on it's servers and that i was a "fucking shill" for disbelieving your bullshit? Funny how you deleted that video.... I still have a copy though... ;D
The moment I stopped trusting you was the moment you told me you knew for sure about Comet Ping Pong porn based on the word of an anonymous hacker. You claimed that Alefantis was currently under investigation and that there was an a massive CP bust about to go down.
You LIED. Nothing happened. There was NO investigation. Big Fish was FULL of it and you got played. SO I WAS RIGHT.
You're all butthurt now because I exposed the entire Pizzagate as a zionist Trump operation that you either fell for (hook line and sinker) or were part of. Either way, I don't hold grudges and bared no ill will towards you but this post above tells me that you are not well.
The bottom line is you doubled down on bullshit and made a lot of money hyping a big fat NOTHINGBURGER.
I don't care about your little contest. If venomnymous wins it will be pretty hilarious (but I can already see that you're taking steps to stop that). I don't want to waste my time with your bullshit. I have WAY bigger fish to fry....
btw - it was my work that made Seaman delete all his videos and have a complete breakdown. He wouldn't mention me because I wasn't part of the Pizzagate operation. He's just a little meaningless turd though... Thanks for the LULZ! :D

Hey jackass, nice to see you still have me on your mind. Videos of yours I have watched since I realized you were a shill = 0. You are a "keyboard warrior", you never go out in public and actually do anything of value. I have never seen a single thing you have ever done to help anyone, ever. Except yourself of course.

Do you remember the video you made screaming in your car like a teenaged dimwit that you had 100% PROOF that comet ping pong had child porn on it's servers and that i was a "fucking shill" for disbelieving your bullshit? Funny how you deleted that video.... I still have a copy though... ;D

It's called a retraction, I pulled it because as I thoroughly explained the DC Police have conflicting communications with us, so I retracted because the DC POLICE changed their story not me. I full explained this already, go ahead and post whatever you want, I am not going to respond to you in video form:

  1. You are not worth my time.
  2. You have nothing to expose.
  3. You are a butt hurt faggot who has already made multiple videos ranting about me, and not a single person cares other than a few fan boys of yours like Venonymous.

As for your constant poor attempts to discredit that hacker "BigFish" @trebillion. He was never "Anonymous" to me, I have always known his identity since reporting on this hack, and I have the name of the DC Detective who confirmed receipt. So your claims of "Anonymous" sources is total utter bullshit but you are such a "journalist" you figured that out already lolz. Not only did DC Police confirm the reports he filed regarding the reported Child Porn, we have recorded a call with them confirming this was reported. I also have emails from DC Police from two officers both well documented. The fact is Comet Pong had child porn on their server, and we reported that. You can go all crazy and say "PizzaGate this, PizzaGate that" but it's not about me, it's not about politics, it's about kids being abused on .mov files that were on Comet's server. The fact you attack people for reporting on this absolutely confirms to me that you are a shill.

I work with real Pedo hunters, the Anonymous Hive re-uploaded this above video, which proves you are a liar about the hack and it includes the calls to DC Police because Anonymous and the Hive have my back as I am 110% legit. My connections to these elite hackers include Lizard Squad, the original Lulzsec guys, and more. I have been doxing people since 2012, if I wanted to dox you I could.

btw - it was my work that made Seaman delete all his videos and have a complete breakdown. He wouldn't mention me because I wasn't part of the Pizzagate operation.

This shows you make assumptions and lie. You did make videos about PizzaGate when it was popular to do so. As soon as the click bait went away so did your coverage. You are a click bait king dude, you even have a f'ing gaming channel that could not be more pointless if you tried. Furthermore despite claims of coincidence you have 0 evidence Seaman did anything because of you at all, and I was on the show you claim caused him to pull down his videos live. I was on that show. So your claims are 100% bullshit as always, and I could easily claim he was more worried about LTV, Really Graceful and I exposing him than you as his actions since indicate that is the actual case based on how he even threatened me (not you) with a restraining order lolz.

Just like your ridiculous claim "most censored channel" rofl right. No actually you just have the least self control of anyone I have heard in the truth community. I have seen comments from Google employees in the past on your videos explaining this to you. Your narcissism is off the charts, your inability to control your anger and swearing is the only reason your videos are flagged and removed.

You are ex military, which you have stated multiple times. You are affiliated with Mark Passio a satanist, and you share a ton of ideology with that guy. You constantly conflate Judaism with Zionism which is a common shill tactic, just like Seaman. You are a racist, you advocate for David Duke, and racism is 100% the divide and conquer agenda, I could pull multiple clips of you advocating "white genocide", and the pro white ethno state bs.

You actually don't have bigger fish to fry. You channel consists 95% of attacking other people for no good reason. So in finality, because you care so much, I mean you even are writing and commenting here. You actually do deserve this award, and I will be presenting it to you on air when I am home from Hospital. Hope you enjoy.

Removing your upvote for fear that Jeff C is going to win and trying to discourage others from upvoting is more validation. Thanks to @titusfrost for proving the butt hurt inflicted on him is still sorely felt.

Way to be a bias contest host. ;)

Lolz, way to have no response for what I said.

I heard exactly what you are saying. You don't want me to win because you are salty over Jeff. And now you are trying to Alter the outcome.

That's how it's 'rigged' If I don't win.
You just pulled a bitch move.

You're being a poor contest host. Showing your bias.

Oh and way to upvote your own comment (gay)

Where can I vote?????

Vote on my original comment where I nominated Jeff c. Thanks

If Jeff doesn’t win, it’s rigged.

Lolz, it's an open vote. How could it be rigged?

I think he was joking. lol

Yeah for sure. No one player hates quite like Jeff C.

So it looks like you won Venomnymous?

I did indeed!

Well that's excellent! Way to go @venomnymous!

At 20.22 mark in the video @titusfrost upvotes my comment and gives verbal confirmation that Jeff c did indeed piss him off.

Okay the voting period has officially ended. The winner of the award badge is @FakeNewsReport, I will create the badge and post it when I create the winner's post, for which there will be a livestream.

As for the $50 STEEM reward, that goes to the person who nominates the winner, so I am transferring the $50 STEEM today to @venomnymous.

Congratulations to the winners, I will be posting up an official announcement post with livestream to go with it later, probably next Saturday night if I can do my live show.

@berniesanders. He needs no explanation. I love him for what he does.

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