
Okay so you nominate me? @TitusFrost?

Here is some reasons why:

  1. David Seaman threatened to get a restraining order put on me for being a "anti-semite" rofl.
  2. I ripped on @TheDollarVigilante multiple times, mainly because I can't stand how narcissistic and wealthy he is.
  3. I got "Jeff C" so butthurt he has made like ten or more videos crying about me on air basically.
  4. I have the ABC Christian 2 or whatever making videos about me almost daily.
  5. I am a featured person on the troll channel "Clown Shoes", who is obviously a big fan of mine.
  6. I pissed off the entire Q Anon crowd and I crushed their Santa Claus is coming to town fantasy.
  7. I got John Podesta so mad about PizzaGate he called us all crazy and then He vanished from twitter basically.
  8. I got Jason Goodman to go on a ridiculous tirade about Steemit being a bad thing (which is another top notch investigative report by a dumbass Goodman), which shows Jason's true colors as the epic fail he is.
  9. I got PressForTruth all butthurt because he is a Pizzagate denier and had to admit his blatant ignorance on that matter on air. Much like his blatant ignorance about the use of DEW's on 9/11. Basically Dan was a trailblazer for waking us up to the bigger picture but when it comes to facts and details, he should leave those to people with better investigative skills.
  10. I got this guy named "Doboy" or whatever so pissed off he played the song "United States of Whatever" and acted like he didn't care but he obviously did or he would not have addressed me. Best part is, I did not even say his name or talk about him, by the way and his claims are all false as I actually like him but hey don't let facts ruins a massive butthurt.

I can keep going, I mean this is a short list of the people angry at me online. Just go type in "Titus Frost" on YouTube and watch all the epic meltdowns. I do on occasion, normally with a Blunt in hand and an empty glass to collect the tears of my enemies.

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