Photo Essay | About the purpose and beauty of a photograph

in #photography5 years ago (edited)

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Wow, I didn´t know you are so much into photography. Knowing that you gave me a follow recently and that you enjoy being a "quiet observer", I think I will be a bit more nervous whenever I post some photos (and I post photos quite often here :D)

Hehehe - yes, you better not post shit photos from now on! I'm watching you :D

I like photography very much, and the images captured from nature seem to me unique and very special.

This one that you share with us today I like very much because of the texture that is perceived, the rough surface can be felt through your eye, @soyrosa.

Thank you for showing us what you see and what we rarely stop to enjoy.

¡Greettings, a hug!

Thanks @aurodivys! Glad you appreciate it and 'see'/feel the surface through the picture :-)

I think that the photography tags are doing pretty good on steemit. For myself, I am just an amateur picture taker and sharer of just pictures. I am a long long way from being a "Photographer". There is definitely room for both on the steem blockchain. I put a lot of words with my pictures simply because they are just that pictures, little slices of life I see of the ordinary, to share with people what the area I live in looks like.

In a lot of cases, like you point out, a "Photograph" needs not words, it conveys a sense of feeling, being, or an emotion to the viewer. Words can actually hurt an artistically done Photograph, by stiffing that emotional response in people. But not everyone see's it that way, too many people think their pictures are photographs of that caliber and their picture of a rose is as good if not better than that other persons.

Yes - you 100% understood my post :-) I love following 'picture takers' that share stories, share their life. I love following 'photographers' that are just sharing their art. On Steem I'm more treating people like People than on other platforms where I was always subscribing to 'the best of the best' because that was what the platform was about (for photographers you have 500px for example - amazing content, but quite elitist if you're not on that level).

I like Steem better - even though sometimes I do miss the feeling that great photographers get recognized or have a UI that really shows off their content, I love the fact that we're engaging based on the people factor.

Cheers :-)

I am just glad that more and more people are coming to the understanding that there is room for everyone Steem Blockchain.

Yes I do - as a curator I value 'quality content', of course, but I do respect the fact that shit posts and users that are maybe less educated/good at writing still want to be part of the crypto world, and belong here too :D If not we'd be a very very elitist Blockchain ;-)

hey, @soyrosa.

Photography is definitely a tricky thing. I like how you differentiate between images everyone can do and those that take a special eye to see. There are definitely some people who can do that still.

Unfortunately, with as ubiquitous that cameras are on phones, it becomes less about the quality of the photo or the angle it's taken from as it does about the moment. Blurry, overexposed, dark, it all seems to show up and act as a marker for some experience.

When I would take some kind of sports photo for my newspaper, I had the advantage of being on the sidelines and usually within a couple dozen yards, of the play. No one else other than another sports photographer had the angles I had, or the equipment to capture movement in small high school stadium lighting. Even so, I can't say they came out all that great as often as I would have liked, but usually there would be two or three out of dozens that would help tell the tale.

I think I miss that aspect of photography the most—being able to present the story in a way no one else could, or to do it in the best possible way. So, I think I know what you're talking about here, and I have to agree. Photography should be about more than just the obvious. :)

Hey @glenalbrethsen!

Indeed, not all pictures can be classified the same :-) So you did some sports photography! I think that's one I'm not really good at, I just don't have that kind of equipment. I'm a 'professional' photographer in the sense I can make some money with it and have had exhibitions, but despite that I love simple tools and not bulky machines around my neck. I also don't mind blurry pics if you can edit them in a way they still tell the story. I have a whole series on Steem that's called 'Taking pictures through dirty train windows' - my way of winking to all the snobby photographers that want ultra-sharp pics with expensive gear - I don't really care and will probably publish a photobook with these 'imperfect' shots in the future :-)

I think I miss that aspect of photography the most—being able to present the story in a way no one else could, or to do it in the best possible way.

Yes! It's the best thing in the world. Would love to see some of your shots if you care to share or did so in the past :-)

I haven't posted any of the sports photos. I'd have to go searching for them, too. I think they're on an external hide drive that has been acting up and not letting me in. I need to see what I can do about that.

However, if I do end up finding and posting them, I'll let you know. I'm not guaranteeing anything great or spectacular, though. :) Just me being able to be in the right place at the right time.

:D Maybe it's fun for you to see them again - maybe not. Don't feel pressured, but I'm always curious to see what others love doing :-)

Es verda la fotografía es encontrar un punto de vista, que sitúan todos los elementos, que sea atractiva para
el espectador y no siempre se encuentra como uno lo quiere.

Ohhhh, that's glorious. It goes well with the eye from yesterday, and both are certainly 'wall' ready.

I'm not a photographer, and don't pretend to be one. I mostly take pictures to tell a story or remember a place or a moment. The few really good photos I have taken were mostly accidents. Not that I don't occasionally take photos of things that others don't readily see, but in truth, I see things a little differently than most.

Anyway, I really want to see your photos that don't require words. Your photos with words are amazing, those must be astounding.

Thank you my friend. For the photograph and the words.

Thanks @bigtom13! I always love your photo reports since they show me a part of the world I might not see otherwise - that's the value of a picture, no matter the 'quality' - and that's why I love pictures no matter how we define 'art'.

Yes, I might show some of those wordless shots in the future... But I need a frontend where I'd feel proud to show them off :-)

Ha ha, if yesterday it was your eye, today it's your mouth!
(At the lower part of the picture, around the middle)

As for the writing it is a very well structured point of view!

Actually you helped me a lot with my postcards project which, at this point, it feels meaningless and I couldn't figure out why. Although I don't consider my pictures art, I am trying to pick 10 shots that illustrate my area and are different (and better?) from the ones sold on the stores but I am completely disappointed when I see what I have chosen. And I think that this is the key question:

does this person make pictures that I wouldn't be able to make because I simply don't see what that person sees?

I have always thought that curating is difficult, but with my own pictures is a nightmare! And in this case there would be no supporting words, the pictures have to stand on their own and I am felling quite unconfident that they actually will...

If you want I can help! It’s hard to pick the right shots :-)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thank you for your offer, I might take advantage of it!

A picture tells many stories...just one need to have the eye to read them ....... Welcome onboard in the Steem Photography ..👍

Posted using Partiko Android

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Love the photo... I first thought what @phortum said... and I'm having an Oh crap moment, hahaa. But I totally agree with you. There are different purposes for taking a photo... in saying that, not everyone has the same perspective or ability. I take a lot of snaps while we're out and about traveling.

12 months ago while we went away on a camping trip I challenged myself to just take photos with a marco lens only, for the whole day. It was fun and sometimes challenging but it made me look at my surroundings in a different way. I had so much fun with it, I actually did it for a number of days : ) It was a fellow steemit friend who gave me the idea.

It's easy to do the same all the time but it's nice to push yourself out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself to see what you get. Sometimes you just need a push to do it which is why I enjoy being on here : )

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