Heaven and Earth 13 [Original Content]

in #photography7 years ago

Dear disbelievers,

in this part of the series we discuss the carrot-and-stick approach.

"Winning Hearts and Minds"

is the codeword of an US-military strategy, that has been developed during the war in Vietnam. If the army was unable to conquer an area violently, they used this technique to negotiate with the people - to win their hearts and minds.


An artwork by the "Critical Art Ensemble", shown at documenta 13 in Kassel.


A piece of street-art in my hometown Bonn.

Religion has some similar approach:

Regardless of the church, most of the world religions scare the people about some kind of hell, that non-believers have to face and also promise some kind of heaven or paradise for people that obey the religious leaders.

Capitalism and Consumerism

after many people started to quit church these days, people a forced into a new ersatz religion. In this religion smartphones and designer brands are the new implements of winning our hearts and minds.

You better keep denying!


P.S.: Here are the links to: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11 and Part 12 of the series.

Hell and Heaven are real but Hell is not suppose to "scare" good people into being religious but rather it is to comfort them. It is the hope that we wont have to suffer the evil people of this world for eternity, but in Gods mercy, he will cast them into outer darkness and free us from their wickedness.
Matthew 7:5
"Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye."

Although you should fear God and his judgement.. Also, I wouldnt associate Christ with other religions. Because the difference is Christ is real the others are fake. Plain and simple.

In my experience religion is one of the main tools to separate people and to stir up hatred. Without good, there won't be evil. Without light, there won't be any darkness. Also religious people tent to pick just the verses that support their believes.

1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
Matthew 7:1-2

#Love and #Unity

Christ is not so much a "religion" as it is the truth. The truth holds power and knowledge. Some will use this for evil, and they are damned more then all others...You are a fool to think you hold more wisdom then the prophets of mankind.. You dont take in the words of the prophets but I ask you, do you idolize celebrities? Perhaps athletes? Who do you look up to beside our creator? Your wisdom is false as all wisdom of men are false but the foreknowledge gifted from God is only that which remains true. I pray that you find Christ as your savor and instead of attempting to pull people from him, I hope you will push people toward him. God Bless.

Thanks, if you are interested in my definition of truth, you may want to check my essay "There is no truth but there is none". I pretty much go with the definition of god being love (1. John 4:8) and I take it literally. My aim is not to pull people away from love or even from their believes, but rather trying to create consciousness about the necessity of searching for your own truth rather than being a parroter.

You have my respect, and you can find your own truth. For we are all one body, each with our own office...But we are separate parts in the body of Christ..It is not that we each dont posses our "own" truth, but we do in one greater truth...That being Christ.

If that's your way, I'm totally ok with it. Just keep this in mind:
"Everyone will know by this that you are my disciples – if you have love for one another." John 13:35

I do love you friend :D Keep your faith strong in Christ and know - it is good to shine love on all, but to accept everyones beliefs is like watching a child walk into a busy street... They dont know they are going in the wrong direction, and you might have to yell at them... At first they might hear your voice and be scared but in the end they will be thankful you saved them. If you accept their path however they will parish from your own ignorance .. I hope that makes sense to you. Keep up the good work and steem on.

Yes :-) The Lord moves in mysterious ways... Much #Love!

John 8:16 "And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me."

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