Heaven and Earth 9 [Original Photography]
Dear extreme athletes,
I once had the chance to film people skydiving for an inhouse documentary of Smirnoff ICE. It's such an enormous difference that you can see in the faces between the moment right before jumping off the plane and right after landing on earth.Adrenaline Junkies
With the help of the endogenous adrenaline production, people are able to face extreme and sometimes even life-threatening situations. After they've survived these moments of fear unscathed, most of the people are even getting addicted to this feeling and just want to jump right again.Heaven
Some nice river-art someone sprayed on a milestone.
Jumping into a shitstorm
The Austrian extreme athlete Felix Baumgartner recently had provoked a shitstorm, after he commented on a picture by the underwear company Palmers on facebook.
His comment refers to a statement by the anchor of the Austrian TV channel Puls 4, Corinna Milborn, in which she compared the aesthetics of the photography with those of a "white slave trader crime-scene".
"It's nice when people in my homecountry have something to complain about even during easter-time. Puls-4 head of information and anchorwoman Corinna Milborn leading the way, unsurprisingly having such a figure! I think the girls are world class and I jump right in even without parachute! Thanks Palmers and best wishes from LA. Felix"
I wonder, who has produced more adrenaline through this clash: Baumgartner, the Palmers sales department or the women, that are still being judged by their body shapes.
What do you think?
@shortcutP.S.: Here are the links to: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8 of the series.
I think: Felix is spot on.
Thanks for your opinion. Don't you think that offending ones appearance is inappropriate and rude when you want to be taken serious? Personally I don't find the picture very offending, but I try to accept different opinions aswell...
It was probably rude, but I'm sick of political correctness.
I don't care for a fat persons opinion on body images.
I just like the picture and do not care about any other opinion about it.
Thanks for your feedback!