Life in the hedge - Blossoms, bugs and bees

in #photography6 years ago


Greetings Steemians!

Spring is in full blossom, the air saturated with flowery scent and hard-working pollinators are humming and buzzing in every corner.

The flowerage of a Photinia hedge is attracting everything that creeps and flies. Countless nozzles dipping in the delicious nectar while pollen is transferred from blossom to blossom.

Behold, the king of the hedge is landing!

(My ambition to capture the green rose chafer once sharp in flight really got me carried away. As you can see, I made it in the end, but after innumerable failed attempts and a sunburn on my neck ;) )

Breast ahead into the ambrosial pollen bath.


The feast is arranged for the bee beetle, too.

The hive will be satisfied with this worker bee's yield.

I hope you enjoyed these buzzing springtime impressions. Thanks for watching and have a great day on Steemit!


All photos were recorded by myself with an EOS 7D / Tamron 18-270 mm on May 7, 2018. All rights reserved.


sunburned or not it's all worth it!
those are beautiful shots!

the hardest to take pics of are the tiniest moving creatures!
I just found out that the Tamron 18 -270 mm can actually do just that !

I normally use my smartphones for them
still getting used to my dslr
while it seems like a piece of cake for you capturing those milk scent sniffers! ^ ^

Sorry for the sunburn. Your effort was worthwhile. Aren't these just beautiful? These are the kind of pictures everyone wanna see here on steemit. Please maintain this standard, dear @shaka

Wow - these are popping on my new IPS monitor - thanks for the great shots :)

@shaka - Thanks also for your upvotes - I really appreciate the help. As I am a witness, when I receive substantial upvotes I check which witnesses the voter is voting for, in case they might have space to add me to the list. I can see that you are currently voting for @bitcoiner as a witness, but that account is dead and has not processed a block for the Steem blockchain in 3 months. I would greatly appreciate if you would consider replacing that vote with a vote for me.
In any case, Steem on! :)

Aren't God's creations just wonderful? The workers bees put in so much to ensure that the colony survives. Some can even let down their lives just to ward off invaders. Amazing! Thanks @shaka for these HD photos

Sehr schöne Bilder, uns sind neulich die Bienen ausgebüxt, da gabs auch super viel zu filmen aber so toll wie du, krieg ich das mit meinem Handy doch nie hin (und vermutlich auch nicht, mit einer Profi-Ausrüstung).

Hast Du einen Bienenstock? Machst Du Honig?

Ne aber meine Mama hat 3 Völker und hält sie so natürlich wie es geht, Honig kommt dabei aber nicht viel rum, so 10 Kilo im Jahr etwa. Hab grad neulich gefilmt, wie die geschwärmt sind :D Der Imker der uns beim Einfangen geholfen hat, war super, gut war der Mann zu besuch bei uns 😂

Nice colors and subject isolation @shaka. The yellow against the deep blue sky is pretty striking. You do pretty well with the trusty Tamron lens :)

Thank you!

Awesome photography, i love how you turned the whole album into a awesome story line

King of the hedge indeed

Nice one i enjoyed all of the buzz, thanks have a great day too

Thanks, happy to read that!

I want to see footage of you lurking in the bush chasing that green bugger.
Sometimes i feel like that its almost equally interesting what a photographer goes through to get those 1 in a 100 shots as much as the shots themselves.
People see the result, but might not understand the dedication and work behind every single one.

For next time. :D

Haha, thanks for the sun screen :D. I'll use it next time for sure.

And you're right, an additional Making of can often help in explaining the effort that is required to collect and develop a handful of presentable images. At least when tricky motifs are involved like here :)

Hey shaka :) Super "ImFlugErwischt"-Fotos. Und das mit dem Objektiv! Ich hatte das auch im Einsatz, aber nie für Insektenaufnahmen verwendet. Cool! Schönen Gruß!

Danke, hat ein ganzes Weilchen gedauert und ein bischen Glück gehört auch dazu. Das Objektiv ist sicher nicht predestiniert für solche Aufnahmen. Es ist einfach ein solider Allrounder für Leute wie mich, die nicht mit grosser Fototasche unterwegs sein wollen. Ich liebäugele auch schon seit einiger Zeit mit einem level-up ins Vollformat - dann wären ohnehin auch neue Objektive fällig.

Genau, als soliden Allrounder hatte ich es damals auch verwendet. Vor allem die Schnappschüsse von meinem Hund sind immer recht imposant gewesen. Ein paar Möven hatte ich auch mal im Flug erwischt. Der Stabi leistet eine "stabile" Arbeit. Preis-Leistung war unschlagbar. Apropos Hundefotos: Mit dem genannten Objektiv hatte ich mal einen Moment erwischt, der das Ende einer Maus kennzeichnete. Schau mal in diesen Post und klick mal auf das Foto :) - Beste Grüße

Ein Wahnsinnsbild!

Amazing macro shots..! 📷

The snap of the king landing with wide spread wings is pure genius..! This kind of shots are worthy of a little sunburn, man..! 😃
Stay blessed..!

~ Tennis Girl 🎾🎾

Thank you!

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