An unspoilt Indonesian paradise with an ethical issue at heart. A teaser of what is to come...

in #photography8 years ago


My recent flurry of work has left me with little time or energy to create new posts and correspond with my new Steemit family here. Today however, I have some time and I would like to use it by sharing with you a little taste of a most beautiful & important few days I spent last week in Maluku (the blue bit under the 'I' of Indonesia)

(map credit to

I feel truly blessed to have been selected as the 'film guy' for a very special kind of project which not only landed me in paradise for three days where I was free to run around with complete creative control, but also opened my eyes to the dire need for conservation on this planet. Especially in fast developing nations such as Indonesia which as an archipelago is made up of 18,307 islands with only 922 of those permanently inhabited. But these statistics are changing fast for obvious reasons. Everyone wants a little piece of this paradise.

Needless to say, I was on fire throughout my stay and barely slept at all! The locals called me the 'mad one' in their local tongue and laughed every time I rushed past them, covered in sweat, clutching at my beloved equipment, off to catch another shot....and another....and another!

I was charging around like a man obsessed, day and night, shooting HDR motion control time-lapse, DSLR footage, astro time-lapse, drone & underwater gopro shots.

How could I not, given the incredible backdrop and limited time? This was a very special place indeed.

I look forward to describing these islands in greater detail for you in my next post, with some very special photography, video work & a poignant story to go with it. A story which reminds me so very much of the oldest question of all, 'why are we here?'

Are we here to be 'successful' and achieve so called 'security' through acquisition of fiat currency locked away in some bank, whist taking from the earth what we want from it without any kind of connection to the long term implications of our actions? Or are we here to evolve as a species and wake up to the reality that there is something seriously wrong with the life we have created on 'Planet Earth' ...and now is the time to do something about it! Not tomorrow.

We CAN live in harmony with this planet. And we must if we are to survive as a species.

These islands together are known as an atoll: a ring-shaped coral reef, island, or series of islets. I witnessed the full group of over 109 pristine untouched islands there, so far unaffected by man's greed. And would very much like to keep them that way! The purpose of this trip was to survey the islands for potential development & conservation. And thankfully, the group I was assisting are the eco friendly and conscientious type, seeking to preserve 95% of these islands exactly as they are, building the resorts themselves out of local materials only. So no concrete anywhere!

The property development game in Indonesia is booming still, no matter what you might have heard. Here in Bali it's hard to find an area where there is no property development at all. You have to travel well off the beaten track to find the true tranquility of Balinese rice fields and sacred jungle rivers without the sound of a distant machines building the capitalist dream at the expense of nature.

Above you can see the hut in which I did manage to sleep a little. The softly flowing water of life beneath us was pure magic. We pooped through a small hole in the floor, directly into the sea... and then watched the fish gobble it up! These waters were alive with so many wonderful & bizarre looking fish. Some of which I was able to capture.

Indonesia is ripe for the picking and investment here has been simplified to encourage development. Please don't be mad at me for making films like the one below. We do not live in a Recourse Based Economy yet and just like you I must still find a way to put food on the table for family. And until I rise to whale status here on Steemit, I have little choice but to accept whatever work comes my way!

I made this film a few months ago for a property development company and it sums up the situation here in Indonesia rather well.

The internet is our sword in this battle and we must work hard to become masters of our chosen weapon for I have witnessed the power that we are up against. I am but a humble film-maker, photographer blogger, but we all have our part to play. And no part is too small.

I learned on this trip that money only divides us and for those familiar with the work of Jacques Fresco you will already know that a society without money is completely plausible utilising a Resource Based Economy to thrive as a species in harmony with our mother earth. Yet here we are, standing idly by as the next mass extinction is in full swing all around us. For those of you not familiar with this, I suggest you watch Racing Extinction. Or this simple trailer I cut together a few months ago:

So my friends, in the next few days I will be sharing with you here the bigger story behind these magnificent islands I was blessed to call my home, even if only for a short while. The follow-up to this article will include a ton of jaw dropping photography, time-lapse & drone shots...

...and a message of great importance.

It has been my pleasure over the years to convert my perspective on the world into time-lapse art. All of which can be viewed on my YouTube channel:

I have not yet had a moment to craft my time-lapse & drone shots from this particular trip into a finished piece of art, but it is only a question of time before I will be able to resist this temptation no longer. And frankly it would be selfish of me not to share with you beauty of this magnitude!

I leave you now with a time-lapse film from my early days on the road, shot in Zambia & South Africa. In this one I use famous quotes about nature to enhance the visuals. It was my first effort using motion control tracking systems, and whilst I am still very proud of this film, I have learned much since then :)

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has” (Margaret Mead)


Just stunning, mate! You really are a very not just talented ... but gifted maker of images, moving and still! I have never seen any photos by you in Black and White. Where might I find some? Voted and shall delay a resteem till tomorrow for greater effect.

Many thanks for your comments my friend. I don't shoot much in B/W but may be able to dig up a few shots for you if you like and private message them to you? Good idea on delaying the re-post. I would still like to catch up with you regarding your questions and observations... Perhaps later today?

Pls don't go to any lengths - just thought you might have an online reference

I'm a noob here. how does delaying a resteem have a greater effect?

To be honest, we are all new! My supposition is that if I resend now, while it is fresh will have less impact than sending at a different time of day and a significant time away from the original! I am guessing though! Thank you for the question - very reasonable.

I'm not sure this has a greater effect, as its all about visibility, if you resteem and have different followers, then more people see it. If you wait too long and it gets past the 24hr+ earning time, then the resteem will likely have NO effect, as very few people vote and earn more on posts after that point. If you resteem while its getting voted on, it has a better chance of 'trending' or 'hot' which can boost even more.

That seems pretty clear @ebryans so perhaps get to that reseem right away :) Thanks for your comments @unipsycho

Mr @unipsycho Many thanks for your explanation - very much more succinct than I often get. I was actually thinking about maxing it for the writer - Sam - rather than myself! The resteem has taken place and is in warp speed!

Wow, truly incredible colors, awesome landscapes for sure to photograph. keep posting, nice stuff!

Many thanks for your comment. I will do my best to keep the posts regular. Life is just never quite that simple. I have another baby coming in Jan! :)

Well congratulations on that. Life is always keeping us busy, in different forms, so do enjoy it!

Guys! click me. see some part of the South Sumatra city. Im planing on framing the South Sumatra Province :D

Nice. The South Sumatra Province should be beautiful :) Clicking you now...

Spectacular! Gloriously colorful! Makes me desperately want to go there and surf... ;)

Thanks for posting. I hear your heart for conservation, and bless you for it. Following you now on the incredible strength of this one post, and looking forward to hearing more! :) ;)

Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. It is my pleasure to share with you that which is close to my heart. And the journey will be long :)

Great post @samstonehill! I like your photo style and your timelapses. I'm in love with this effect. I don't know how to name it. But what is it? 8) Some kind of filter?

I use a system called HDR - High Dynamic Range. I shoot three different exposures of the same shot and then combine them to create a richer final image. Happy to offer assistance should you choose to give it a try :)

Thanks! Actually I know about HDR. And I made a post with HDR pics yesterday. I will be glad if you will look it here.
But there is now such effects on my HDR pictures. So I asked you, what is the magic? 8)

I had a look at your shots and that's not a bad start at all! Very nice. However, there is not enough contrast in your shot to warrant HDR. It works best at sunrise and sunset while there are many colours and the sunshine creates a big contrast between light and dark. You will notice that all my best shots in this gallery are the ones that use the rising or setting sun to get the best effects:

Are you using Photomatix pro? The best software out there is SNS-HDR PRO but I struggled to get it for free and it doesn't work on a mac! Unless you are able to run windows. These two programs are the only two I know of that 'batch process' which is essential for time-lapse. I am wondering now if I should do a post on how to shoot the best HDR shot! Thanks for the idea :)

Thank you for your attention @samstonehill! Glad for your idea. I'll be glad to read this post about HDR.
I'm using LightRoom, Google Nik, PTGui.
But what I see. On Photomatix screenshot I can see an option "Compression". May be this option gives you such an effect? In addition to the capabilities of the HDR.
Once I tried to make HDR with PT GUI. It also has a "Compression" option. My pictures are not so shiny as yours, but I think they have a similar effect.

Try it out with sunshine in your pics. This will create the richer colours and contrast. And let me know how you get on...

Thanks! I'll do it in near future

That's so beautiful! And great video, it makes me want to be rich, well done! You obviously have a lot of respect for your subject and your unique position, I'm glad you are there and here on Steemit! Thanks!

Thank you for your kind words here, which took me a while to spot! I very much appreciate you taking the time to write them :) I am just doing what feels right to me and have built my life in such a way that I have plenty of time for this purpose. Though baby number 2 arrives in a month, so that could change things a bit! All the best to you :)

I really appreciate this post, mostly because of the message, but also because of all the great photos.
Resteemed and upvoted.

Thank you my friend. Appreciated :)

Go SammO.

Thanks bro :)

Stunning images. Do you design as well as film? The typography on some of those images is beautiful

I am a one man band film-maker/photographer artist. So yes, I designed it all. Happy to offer any tips should you desire :)

Impressive. When I need some new design work done I'll be in contact. The 1st & last images are my favorites. :)

Ready and waiting to help you out my friend :)

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