Discovering Lighthouses | Photography | Share Yours Down Below

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Gooood weekend readers! Winter is coming my way. I'd like to share a fascination for lighthouses.

Do you like lighthouses? Isn't everything about them so cool?

I have a fascination for them. Every time I visit one I feel like I've been transported to another era and I can imagine big sail boats carrying goods all along the coast; the light turning all night long while the moon passes over the horizon, the sound of water gently hitting the shore.

Most of the lighthouses I've been are from the 19th century, when sailing was done without modern technology. I just can't imagine lighthouses' importance back then and how many wrecks happened prior to their construction. Today their main purpose remain the same; to mark coast lines and guide sailors. Unfortunately, modern technology will, one day, put an end to lighthouses.

Until that day doesn't come, I'll continuously visit and photograph them. I'm also planning a bicycle trip to photograph all the lighthouses on the coast of my state, there are 21. Grand majority of them on remote areas. It'll be one hell of an adventure.

But for now let's appreciate the Cabo Polonio lighthout and a review the ones I have already visited, the last two I've presented on this blog before. Hope you enjoy.

Cabo Polonio lighthouse (1881)

cabo polonio lighthouse
Click image to enlarge!

This charming lighthouse in Cabo Polonio - Uruguay, protects those sailing along the Atlantic coast. Built in 1881, features a cilindrical rock construction with 26 meters of height and produces white flashes every 12s to a distance of 17,8 nautical miles. From all the lighthouses I've visited so far, this one is the coolest one, I just love it's rustic rocky structure.

Cabo de Santa María lighthouse(1874)

la paloma lighthouse
Click image to enlarge!

In La Paloma - Uruguay, lays the Cabo de Santa María lighthouse, built in 1874. Even though its cilindrical structure is commom and simple, it doesn't take away its importance in protecting those who travel along the Atlantic. Having 30 meters of height and a luminous reach of 20 nautical miles it flashes a white light every 60 seconds.

Colonia del Sacramento lighthouse (1857)

colonia del sacramento lighthouse
Click image to enlarge!

This is the lighthouse in Colonia del Sacramento - Uruguay. The oldest of the three is dated back to 1857. Located to help navigation along the La Plata River coast, it is 26 meters high and features two red flashes every 9 seconds to a distance of 7,8 nautical miles. I have seen many lighthouses (7 in total), of all kinds of forms and heights, but this one just catches my eyes by its square shape changing into a classic circular cone. Also interesting is the fact that it was constructed on top of the old towers of the Convento de São Francisco, whose ruins can be seen on the picture.

Do you have any lighthouse photography taken by you? Share it down below, I'd love to know the history.

I hope you've enjoyed this post. If you liked it, consider giving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broken backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

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So some of them are still in use?

One would think that with GPS and all that jazz more and more of them become abandoned. Shame... I could imagine living as a lighthouse watcher 😀

(BTW, great pictures 😉)

Heyho @lakesnmountains, thanks for passing by my friend.

These 3 are still in use, as most of them on our coasts I believe, here it's too dangerous to sail without them. I've written something about our coast on the Prince of Wales story.

But I do think technology will soon shut them down, they are mostly mantained through donations, because they are soo cool.

That's amazing, I too dreamed about being a lighthouse watcher.

The important thing would be that my lighthouse must be spirally red-white striped 🙂

Hehe, I see what you did there. A subtile littel self-promotion. Wow! Good I didn't miss your Prince of Wales story! It's... (to be continued)

HAHAAHA, but it was not my intention, really! I just felt like you would be interested.

Wow,, so nice..

Thanks @maulanazikri, your comment means a lot to my motivation!

Thank you again my friend happy to get acquainted with my friend do not forget my upvote ya friend

Jamie said he will be your friend now because you like lighthouses. He quite liked the idea of being a lighthouse keeper.

He said an interesting fact: they are cantilevers! Which I didn't know.... and cantilever freak me out.

Living on the coast, we have heaps of lighthouses. Cape Otway is a good one because when you get up the top it's like being in a mad crazy wind machine.

Lots of shipwrecks on this coast!

Wooooho, thanks for the comment Kylie.

Jamie said he will be your friend now because you like lighthouses. He quite liked the idea of being a lighthouse keeper.

Ok, ok. I'll call that a truce between our teasing fight HHAHA.

What does he mean they are cantilevers? You guys should photograph the ones over there!

Btw I'll write on day abou the shipwrecks on the coast of my state, one of them almost caused a war between Britain and Brazil back in the day.

They cantilever off the Earth!!!!

Whaaat, whaaaaaaaaaathaa? That makes sense now! they are just standing there, wise man your Jamie.

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