More Beautiful California Nature


Here's a set of pictures from my latest trip to Muir Woods National Monument in the San Francisco Bay Area. It is one of my favorite places in the world to go for a day hike. Walking around in the cool shade of those giant redwoods, smelling the sweetness of the only surviving primordial redwood forest in the world is a refreshing invigorating experience.


We stopped right outside the park to eat sandwiches and fuel up before our hike.


Just inside the park there's this awesome carpet of verdant undergrowth.


A prime example of how enormous these trees can get.


Another nice canopy shot; the pictures really can't capture the full majesty of what it's like to be in there, but at least you can get some idea.


Humans for scale.


Some children carelessly wandering into the open mouth of the rare carnivorous redwood! Look out kids!

That's it for now! If you get a chance to visit Muir woods yourself, I highly recommend it!


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