Lily's Succulent Garden: An Updated Photo Story

in #photography7 years ago


There's something that's always fascinated me about succulent plants in particular. Maybe it's the fact that they look like something out of the movie Avatar, but they're incredibly visually appealing to me and for this reason I have them around despite the fact that they have no apparent use other than that.


I took these just after watering it a few days ago.





These are the cactuses I grew from seed out of a mix that wasn't actually a mix. I'm not sure at all which variety they are.


My recent 15 peso acquisition from Home Depot. Soon I'll devise some sort of bigger planter for them to fit them all, but I figure I'll get a few more kinds before that happens.



The one that looks like a flower actually pitched one of the little leaf things coming off of it to clone itself. Those leaves usually just die and shrivel over time but this one fell off unprovoked and started growing roots. I noticed this and planted it.



All content in this post is mine and original. The photos were taken with my Nikon D5500 camera.


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Adventures Around Acapulco: Night Time Photo Shoot Adventure to the Airport


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Muy buenas foto, tus plantas son muy curiosas, sus diferentes diseños las hacen ser unicas muy originales.

cutes suculentas and cactus upvote and followed, take care <3 check my post too

Your plants and cactus look quite healthy ad green. A good display in photos and an interesting blog. Thanks for sharing - Troy

Nice lily-da-vine. Thanks for sharing.

nice garden ^^

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