Lily's Little Chicken: New House, Needs a Name!

in #photography7 years ago

We separated this chicken from a new batch when we got it just because it was smaller and getting picked on. It's stayed inside and honestly hasn't grown much since, other than getting fatter. So we've dubbed it our pet and bought it a new cage, the one featured in this post for 300 pesos. I'm not sure of sex and we also honestly don't have a name for it yet, so if anything strikes you, let me know.

Because of it's small stature, we put some sticks in to help it step up to that ring if it wants to or just to roost in general. All day it avoided going up but as I write this it's roosted up on a stick sleeping happily, having messed the bottom quite nicely.

We put it in it's new house, which we'll eventually paint black and yellow and it was very happy, strutting around and knocking some food on the clean floor to peck up with excited chirps. Lots more room to move around in general and protected from the elements, this chicken has it made. I hope it's a she and that I get some tiny little eggs. And it'd be cool if she'd sit on some quail eggs...I haven't flipped it over and checked it's vent, that's just not what you do to new friends.

So far I've been calling it Meep, after the noises it makes all day. It's a noisy little chicken, chirping when happy, sad and hungry. If you talk to it it chirps more and it's a fan of being pet by me. Tomorrow, it gets scraps from the kitchen.

Check out some of my other recent posts!

Garden Adventures: Lily's Lime Tree and Garden Sunset
Drawing Adventures: Fictional Tropical Flower Ink Drawing
Lily Da Vine's Vibram Abuse Test: Can TheyWithstand a Highly Functional Lifestyle


Nice little bird. You could name it Anar(chick) :-)

Looks a lot like the smallest chicken in our flock of bantams, that we had several years ago. She was a pretty friendly chicken. We called her Sparrow. Is this one your 'Sparrow'?

Possibly, I like that. It's a cute little one that's found a way into my heart so it stays in the house haha

Barbra Que

Hah, this one's not for dinner though! Friend not food!

Lol, i know. Ive been looking into chickens but ever since my spiritual shenanigans, i cant bring myself to slaughter. Sucks because im a meat eater and a hypocrite if I cant kill myself. How about Dolly or Pickles lol

I like pickles ahahahaha. We've had to slaughter, it's not fun but it's not as bad as I expected. Sadly we've lost more to other things than anything which sucks, so we're hoping for this one to stick around.

I saw your cannibal chk post and it freaked me out, lol. Yah Pickles, awsome =D

It freaked us out too. We've not had an issue since but we have a lot less than we used to.

Thats the thing, ive grown up hunting and fishing. Just now...ill do it, but havent got the nerve up. I just love life, i dont really like death.

I hear ya. I wish I could say it's easy but it's not. But it makes me respect this stuff more.

The first deer i killed, i watched her die. Perfect shot, right in the lungs. I ate her for breakfast the next morning. I never respected a meal more than that. She also nurished our bodies for 6 more months. I starred into her eyes while she die.

Yep, that's the way it should be honestly. Most people don't ever know what it's like, they don't understand what goes into it. It's not easy and it shouldn't be mistaken as such.

nice.thankx for sharing with us.

extraordinary photography. I like it. please upvote and follow me

Fabulous one!!!
thanks for sharing with us.

@lily-da-vine This is great news. Nicely carried out!.

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