
YEss hats a plan for nice weather i have done hikes in the rain, its a cool experience if its warm but not so much when its cool, so makes perfect sense to me to wait for better weather

I don't like do hike or walk in the rain. When it's warm, I don't mind, when it starts raining while I'm hiking, like you say, but I would not go, when it's raining already, unless I had to ;)

WellOf course in my army days on exercises i had no choice, but when I have a choice I would prefer clear days unless its real hot when I nice shower can be very refreshing

I fully agree with the refreshing shower when it's hot, and you are right, in the army I didn't have a choice either, but I was only for 8 months in the army - for this time we have to perform our statutory military service.

I did a little more than you 12 years almost in the army

12 years is a long time. When I joined the army, I thought I would like it and stay in the army, but I didn't like it - I am no military person.

I enjoyed the time with them did 3 years in Singapore and 8 Weeks in Hong KOng so that got my travel bug started ,I left it for a more settled life, and then joined the UN for one year to see some more of the world and been here for almost 3 years LOL

You have seen the world and learned a lot of other nations and their people, that's good. You can think back of a colorful life, when you are old and gray one day in the far future, sitting on your rocking chair on the porch, watching the sun setting on the horizon, your Sony A7 mark 14 in your hand ... I think I should better go to bed now ;)

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